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Group-owned land - English. Mesh Studio - TAMA Products. First: To upload mesh, you must have payment information on file with Linden Labs and take the mesh IP test (each for our grid, Agni, and the beta grid, Aditi, where it doesn't cost to upload).
To see mesh, you must use a mesh-enabled viewer such as V3 or one of the many TPV (third party viewers) such as the latest Phoenix, Firestorm, Exodus and others. For more information on the ADITI grid, check: Great intro to 3D and differences between mesh and sculpts: To see examples of things made with Mesh Studio, look here: What is Mesh Studio? Mesh Studio is an inworld tool that gives you the ability to work with prims (all cuts and torture that can be recognized by LSL scripts*) to create something and then, with the included scripts, generate the linkset as mesh that can be uploaded to Second Life. *This means there are some cuts and tortures not recognized and these are a limitation of SL, not Mesh Studio. Ok, so what is mesh? Easy enough to answer. Enter the age of MESH.
Create a Free Groupboard. By filling in this form you will be able to put a free Groupboard onto your web page, including collaborative online whiteboard and chat.
The only limitations on this version are the number of users logged on and pictures/messages saved are limited. The full version, which has fewer limitations and does not have any advertising banners, costs from $9.99 per month. For more information, go to the licensing page. You may also want to check out our Groupboard Designer and Groupworld products which have more features such as pan/zoom, multiple pages, session recording, screen sharing, audio/video conferencing, document upload, etc. After your Groupboard is set up, you can change the settings of your Groupboard by logging into your admin page and choosing "Board Info" in the admin menu (the top-right icon).
Start Drawing - Select your session. MetaLab: Communal Whiteboard. The Communal Whiteboard is an interactive display tool for discussion or illustrated lectures within Second Life.
The main ideas behind its design - are to have a slideshow presenter, that anyone can add or remove pictures from, plus a range of overlay tools that can be used to annotate or point to areas of interest within an image. These overlay tools can also be used to create simple mindmaps or visual polling events. How to Use...The controls for the whiteboard - use touch, voice control, and users' arrow keys.It is best that you stand at a distance away from the board - so you can see it in full ( or use the scroll button on your mouse to set your vision further back. ) Adding Images to the Board 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Overlay Tools Once a tool is chosen, it will appear in the bottom left of the board.Click on the tool, and a dialog window will open asking you if you want the tool to take your controls.
Clicking the tool again - will allow you to move it again, or change its options. Drawingboard in Second Life and OpenSim. Secondlife Flash on a Prim - Whiteboard. Second Life Work/FAQs. General questions What is Second Life and why is it relevant for enterprises and governments?
Second Life, the leading 3D virtual world, was launched in 2003 as a technology platform that enables millions of consumers, represented inworld as avatars, to imagine and build immersive environments that are easy and inexpensive to create. Second Life is not only one of the oldest virtual world platforms, but it is also the largest with millions of active users residing in more than 150 countries globally. Second Life has always been used by a wide variety of individuals, businesses, educators, governments and nonprofit organizations as an environment for entertainment, education, social interaction, research, shopping, and more. Over the last few years, many large multi-national enterprises and government institutions have realized that Second Life is also a powerful collaboration tool for work such as: meetings, training sessions, and simulations and prototypes.