Running The Raspberry Pi On Batteries | Dave Akerman. This is a wider topic than High Altitude Ballooning – there are many applications where operation is needed away from a mains supply – so I thought it would be good to describe my approach to the problem. But first … Following these instructions WILL void your warranty. Failing to follow them properly will make you wish you still had that warranty! DO NOT hack your Pi like this unless you accept the risk! Which Model Pi This is a really easy one. What about under-clocking? Don’t bother. Any Power-Saving Tips? You can save 20mA or so by switching off the PAL/HDMI outputs. /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -off I just need 5V from the batteries, right? You could do that, but it’s probably not the best option. This is where the 5V input on the Pi goes to: The 3.3V regulator (which then feeds regulators for the remaining voltage levelsThe USB portThe HDMI connectorA battery sense pin on the BCM2835 That’s it.
Even if you are using USB peripherals, they may actually run happily from 3.3V. Correct. OK, How? Running the Raspberry Pi headless with Debian Linux - Linux tutorial from PenguinTutor. The Raspberry Pi Linux computer is just as good as a headless computer as it is connected to a TV. Whilst it's trivial to connect to a HDMI TV or even an analogue TV there are a number of questions from people trying to configure the Raspberry Pi in a headless mode without a monitor attached. I have already provided a tutorial to configuring the Raspberry Pi as a headless web server, but in that the initial configuration was done with the Pi connected to a TV / monitor. In this tutorial I am going to configure the Raspberry Pi without needing any kind of monitor attached.
The first thing to be aware is that it is far easier to perform the configuration with a monitor or TV attached, and in the case of a problem it's far easier to fix by being able to see the console messages. It's trivial to connect a TV to the Raspberry Pi and a monitor can be attached with a fairly inexpensive adapter cable. This is based on the Debian Wheezy distribution. Find the DHCP lease IP address GUI access. Edimax EW-7811UN 150Mbps Wireless Nano USB Adapter: Amazon.co.uk: Computers. PiFace – PiFace Digital. Guide :: [Linux] How to get Logitech steering wheels working properly on Ubuntu (G25/G27/DF/DFP/DFGT/MF/MR)
Google Image Result for. Help please - Security Camera project feedback. I'm interested in building a security camera "robot" as my first project. At this time I'm reviewing the possibilities, primarily using arduino or raspberry pi. I've also review COTS products, but I'd rather play a bit more. Below is my project specs and Raspberry Pi outline. I'd like to get your feedback please on the specs below and help me (a total noob at this) make sure I am getting compatible parts as well as spending money wisely. And the #1 answer I need - Is this a realistic project for Raspberry Pi that will not provide a weak solution? Big picture:I feel strongly that cameras are the path to the smart home. Personal infoz: * Can't solder, don't want to start with that. Tech infoz: * No power source near main door.* Power source ~15ft away, with small shelf for the kit.
General concept: Guard bot, capable of seeing activity occur around it and responding to it. Goals: * Identify the residence door opening and/or someone entering.* Email me screenshots/video/voice data. Raspberry Pi Camera Board ID: 1367 - $29.95. Logitech HD Webcam C270, 720p Widescreen Video Calling and Recording: Computers & Accessories. Can a Pi automate button presses on a separate device? Hi, Tarcas wrote:You'll want to use a Transistor (do your homework if you're not familiar with them) with the Base controlled by the Pi's GPIO pin (through a resistor) and the Emitter and Collector connected to the same connections that the button on the controller would bridge. Carefully... This could be fatal.There are at least two dangerous cases:- when RasPi and Device have different potential (= when GND of RasPi differs from GND of the Device)- when Device's button doesn't short to GND and your transistor do, or vice-versa (short-circuit hazard).
You need to find out how the Device's buttons are wired, analyze this and then you'll know if a circuit with transistor is proper one... A relay is more general element which can be used, but it is noisy and circuit requires some more elements, consumes more power, etc. Best wishes, Ivan Zilic. Create circuits compatible with Raspberry Pi and Windows-based computers: Thymio II Educational Robot. That is a prebuilt bluetooth serial module, so cost price would probably be much lower if built independently. However, the certifications would be an issue (which I think is why the RPi did well to avoid built in wifi and bluetooth - despite broadcom being market leaders in them). Depending on if you directly wire into the IR line (I guess it is IrDa - although didn't spot the IR transmitter line in the hardware), the data rate could be increased if not going through the IR sensor.
Although it could be made as clip on module instead. For basic control, the data rate might not be a huge issue. If one set of the serial pin connections were available (appears to be 4 uarts on the PIC), then it would just be a serial bluetooth module that is required (within the firmware I imagine it would be possible to send the data to the same handler for the IrDa). Standard Bluetooth modules, sourced and sold separately, would probably avoid the certifications. My new book: goo.gl/dmVtsc Like the MagPi? Using WI-FI for 'Robots' - home vs. away. I have been using WI-FI to control my 'robot' aka Raspberry PI-Model-A-driven RC car, I followed the instructions to make the RPi connect to my home WI-FI network using my wireless router/hotspot. I then connect my laptop/PC and deploy code and start scripts etc, but when I am away from home or out of range of the router, this poses a problem. It also poses a problem if I am at home but want to drive the car more than a few meters away from the house for testing.
Is the best option for WI-FI away from the range of the 'home' router to make the RPi into a hotspot, or to make the 'ground-station' into the hot spot? Or something else? The question then is how do I switch between 'home' and 'away' on both the 'ground-station' and 'robot'? I know a Model B could use two WI-FI dongles at the same time, but I suspect that the battery drain will be very high in comparison to the Model A with a single dongle. Ideas/advice appreciated - I'm sure that I'm not the only one this thread would help. Controlling a Raspberry Pi RC Car With a Keyboard.
Controlling a Raspberry Pi RC Car With a Keyboard : Soldering.