California. Instructional coaching. Tech Tools. Twitter. Alisha R Smith. Edutopia News. Effective teaching/teachers. Twenty-Five Useful Thinking Tools. A Kentucky Teacher’s List of 22 Things We Need to Do to “Fix” Public Education. Folks, I’m no education policy expert or “super teacher”, but as the child of two teachers and a public middle school teacher myself, I’ve got some thoughts to share on what should be done to help America’s public schools.
Today, my own school district — Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS), the 30th largest district in the nation — had to cancel school for the fifth time in the last two weeks due to a teacher “sick out” primarily organized through activist teacher groups on social media. Teachers in Kentucky are rightfully frustrated about a number of public education-damaging bills currently being considered by Kentucky state legislators, as well as a general culture of distrust and contempt that has developed between teachers and lawmakers under the current governor, Republican Matt Bevin. Before I get to it I do want to say: as it is now, K-12 public education in the U.S. is certainly not completely “broken”. 1.) 2.)
Twitter. Twitter. The Worst Is Yet to Come - Rick Hess Straight Up. Robert Pondiscio is a veteran educator, Fordham Institute big wheel, and author of the terrific How the Other Half Learns.
Readers will recall him from the finely crafted guest letters he's penned for RHSU (see here and here) or his popular guest stint last fall. In 2002, after two decades in journalism, Robert left a senior position at Business Week to teach in the Bronx. Today, he writes about school improvement with a practical bent.