While online pharmacy all know that sunscreen is essential, it is important that you are using it properly to maximise the effects, and ensure you are suitably protected. Here we take a look at a few pointers that will ensure you are staying safe in the sun with sunscreen:
Use sunscreen together with shade, or by covering up in clothing. This will ensure that you don't get too much UV exposure in the day. Staying in the shade is also especially important during the hottest times, between noon and 3pm.
Be sure you are putting enough sunscreen on. Two and a half tablespoons of sunscreen is recommended if you are covering your entire body.
Sweating, swimming or washing can all wash off sunscreen, so be sure to reapply to ensure that you are consistently protected throughout the day.
Keeping sunscreen in a hot place can sometimes ruin the protective chemicals, so think about storing it in a cool place.
Sunscreens tend to last up to three years, but just double check before using to ensure that you will be protected. The lable will show a symbol with a number on, which indicates you to how many months the sunscreen lasts for before expiring.