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Doctor Money App

Doctor Money App ( ) helps individuals to manage their personal finances to reduce and manage personal debt.

Five Simple Tips To Help You Avoid Impulse Buying. Impulse buying refers to the habit of purchasing items without giving a second thought to the amount of money being spent.

Five Simple Tips To Help You Avoid Impulse Buying

It may seem fascinating at the moment but may make you regret it later. So, here are the five simple tips that can help you avoid impulse buying and focus on impulse saving. Plan a budget The very basic thing, to begin with, is a plan. It will help you manage your expenses throughout the month and keep track of the essential and non-essential items. About Us - Doctor Money. Doctor Money App helps individuals to manage their personal finances to reduce and manage personal debt.

About Us - Doctor Money

The app has been designed to train its user to THINK before he spends, and in doing so, assist the user in controlling spending and eliminating impulse buying. The app teaches the user to : 1. Adhere to a savings plan in a smart, engaging, and interesting manner. 2. Educate & help the user create budgets for various items and adhering to them Many individuals find themselves with a large credit card and other forms of debts either as a result of bad money management or as a result of an unfortunate situation whereby individuals are forced to take on unexpected debt e.g. illness or unemployment. The major culprit usually seems to be “impulse buying”, where people use credit/loan/savings money to buy unnecessary items in an irrational manner e.g. luxury goods, expensive meals, excessive amounts of food etc.

Save Money By Improving Spending Habits. The desire to save money comes out of concern for the future uncertainties.

Save Money By Improving Spending Habits

These situations arise when you least expect them to, causing a hindrance in meeting day-to-day needs. Hence, impulse saving becomes of utmost importance for people who naturally spend their money on unrealistic demands. The differentiation between needs and demands are quite evident. Food, shelter and basic clothing form a part of our daily needs. On the contrary, electronics, appliances, extravagant wardrobe, lavish cars, etc., form a part of luxuries. How to Save Money By Impulse Saving. Impulse saving is a whim of putting money into the account to avoid potential spending money on expensive purchases.

How to Save Money By Impulse Saving

The urge to spend money on lavish products or services which may so be regretful in the coming days is where impulse buying becomes troublesome. Here are some helpful tips to Impulse Saving Reward system Rewards always work on people, regardless of the age. Whether it is a kid being rewarded for saving or an adult for the same, the reaction remains similar. Lock your money By opening accounts with the bank and depositing in year-long plans, there is a fair chance for you to be able to secure your future by not spending today. Train your mind Once you practice the “art of saying,” your mind with automatically nudge the moment you feel like being an impulse buyer again. Save Money By Impulse Saving. Impulse saving is a whim of putting money into the account to avoid potential spending money on expensive purchases.

Save Money By Impulse Saving

The urge to spend money on lavish products or services which may so be regretful in the coming days is where impulse buying becomes troublesome. Here are some helpful tips to Impulse Saving Reward system Rewards always work on people, regardless of the age. Whether it is a kid being rewarded for saving or an adult for the same, the reaction remains similar. Lock your money By opening accounts with the bank and depositing in year-long plans, there is a fair chance for you to be able to secure your future by not spending today. Method And System For Impulse Savings. We all are aware of saving money for the future or emergencies.

Method And System For Impulse Savings

However, how many of us know about impulse saving? It is the counter-solution of impulse buying that makes you spend without any consideration. Thus, the idea of saving money through this method is being discussed these days. Let us see the method and systems for impulse savings. Plan Monthly Budget. Five Simple Tips To Help You Avoid Impulse Buying. Method And System For Impulse Savings. Method And System For Impulse Savings.

Five Simple Tips To Help You Avoid Impulse Buying – DoctorMoneyApp. How To Build An Emergency Savings Fund? An emergency fund, in the most simple words, is an essential fund that will help you in times of an emergency.

How To Build An Emergency Savings Fund?

It is a planned fund that you can rely on if you, unfortunately, lose your job or crash into a medical emergency. Hence it is important to tackle such situations with calmness and it will be possible only if you have done enough planning and savings in advance. Saving for an emergency fund will require you to make certain characteristic changes in your daily routine like cutting down your impulse spending habits, managing monthly expenses in a better manner, and diverting your impulse saving amount into the emergency savings account.

Good research is key to starting with an emergency savings fund. While doing that, you will have to look at some of the non-compromisable factors like a reliable bank or organisation, rate of interest, maturity period, withdrawal options, minimum deposit amount, and certain other factors. 6 TACTICS RETAILERS CAN USE TO ENCOURAGE IMPULSE BUYING. Communicate with the right words Sales and marketing is a lot about using the right words for communicating.


Only when you create a sense of urgency or the need to buy in the minds of customers, you will be able to lure them towards buying it. Using phrases like “Grab the best ones today!” 4 Tactics Retailers Can Use To Encourage Impulse Buying. Encouraging consumers to do impulse buying has proven to be a great sales-booster.

4 Tactics Retailers Can Use To Encourage Impulse Buying

This is applied to both online and offline retail stores or supermarkets. 3 Tips To Build Emergency Fund – Telegraph. Set multiple small saving goals Now that you have noted the monthly expenses and are familiar with the importance of setting up a different account, you now need to understand the next less-known fact.

3 Tips To Build Emergency Fund – Telegraph

Instead of saving once in three months, you can save a reasonable amount every month. Doing this will allow you to keep a check on the amount you are saving and the regularity that you are following. Practicing different small saving goals helps you save wisely and in more quantity. Why You Need An Emergency Saving Funds? #1. Set up a separate account Your emergency savings fund should be separate from all other kinds of savings or current account.

Begin by thoroughly researching the different organizations and savings plans, interest rates, availability, and other factors. Note down the things that you require on priority and accordingly choose the organization that provides a combination of those requirements. Separate impulse saving account for the emergency fund will help you keep it undisturbed and let it grow in the coming years. . #2. This is the wisest advice you could get from someone already into savings. . #3. 4 Tips To Make An Emergency Fund. In this article, we mentioned the 4 tips to make/build an emergency funds for impulse buying. So, Without wasting any time let’s Start- Set multiple small saving goals Now that you have noted the monthly expenses and are familiar with the importance of setting up a different account, you now need to understand the next less-known fact.

A Guide To Building An Emergency Fund. Imagine landing up in a situation when you lost your job and had minimal or no savings in hand? Well, this nightmare might have materialised for a lot of people across the world due to the global pandemic that affected different verticals of everyone’s lives, the financial aspect being one of them. 5 Steps To Saving Money In An Emergency Fund – The Tech Quiz. Focus on high-interest debt and pay it off This is crucial if you own a credit card and use it regularly or have used it in the past and want to organise it mindfully now. You must stress enough on paying the debt of your credit as they usually charge a significant amount of interest.

You can start by noting down your debts from the highest to the lowest. Once done, you should try setting up an automatic payment method for all these debts. Doctor Money App Help You Do Impulse Saving - Public Mags. Technology Be disciplines but not harsh on yourself Let us admit the fact impulse saving will require you to be disciplined and have quite a lot of self-control. However, you need not be very harsh on yourself or the things you spend on. Again comes the practice of making a rational judgement. You can spend some money on buying the clothes that you were eyeing since last month and now found in the sale.

How Can You Save Money By Impulse Saving? - Standalone Articles. Venita Copper's answer to What are the effective way to get rid of impulsive consuming? Doctor Money - Heal Your Money Habits.