Jeux de stratégie
Les Jeux de Chaps
Legacies. Legacies : Explication et analyse du jeu. Virtù. Virtù : Explication et analyse du jeu. Anno 1800 : Explication analyse du jeu et adaptations de règles. Anno 1800. Napoléon 1807 : Explication et découverte d’un Wargame par Chaps. Brazil Imperial : Explication et analyse du jeu. Brazil: Imperial. IKI 2021 : Explication, analyse et comparaison avec l’ancienne version.
IKI. Bloodborne : Explication et analyse du jeu. Bloodborne: The Board Game. [Proto] Federation : Explication et analyse du jeu. Coffee Traders. Coffee Traders : Explication et analyse du jeu. The Great Race. [Proto] the great race 2 : Explication et analyse du jeu. The Great Race et ses modules : Explication et analyse du jeu.
Black Rose Wars. Black Rose War : Explication et analyse du jeu. Sine Tempore. Sine Tempore : Explication et analyse du jeu. Merchants Cove. La Baie des marchands, les extensions : explication et analyse. La Baie des Marchands : Explication complète et analyse du jeu. Merv: The Heart of the Silk Road. Merv : explication et analyse du jeu. Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down. STORY The future: Slowly but steadily, the Moon has been approaching the Earth.
It has touched the surface and ripped a deep rift across continents, mountain ranges and oceans. It has come to a halt in the now dried-out Pacific Ocean. Chaos and devastation wrecked the Earth and its inhabitants. That chaos grew greater when the Moon revealed itself to be a "kami" (a Japanese God of old) - the white dragon TSUKUYUMI. Exiled into the night sky eons ago, TSUKUYUMI has been roused by Japanese warriors, who tried to rid themselves of their godly creators. In the post-apocalyptic world, humankind is on the verge of extinction, whereas animal species mutated under the influence of TSUKUYUMI and grew bigger and stronger than ever. TSUKUYUMI is a no-luck boardgame, that demands specific strategic skills of its players. Values and abilities of the factions still don’t guarantee victory. After the gameboard is set up, every player chooses a faction respectively. Tsukuyumi fan - logo. Tsukuyumi Full Moon Down : explication et analyse du jeu.
Daimyo: Rebirth of the Empire. Long after the end of the Time of Man, the few remnants of humanity have newly retaken the world, treading on the ruins of ancient civilizations.
Within the Archipelago of the 6, the Clans live according to an absurd reinterpretation of Bushido. You are a Daimyo, a leader of a Clan, and you want to become the new Emperor of this archipelago. To do this, you must gain Popularity! Send your Governors to influence the local populaces, but they must remain wary of assassination by deadly Shadows while your Scavengers unearth glorious Relics from long ago.
Daimyo : Explication et analyse du jeu. Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire. The great Sapa Inca Pachacuti turned to his offspring and ordered them to worship Inti, the Sun God, and to expand the Inca Empire as far as the llamas roam.
With Chinchaysuyu, Antisuyu, Qullasuyu, and Kuntisuyu — the four regions of the new empire — now ripe for conquest, the time has come for Pachacuti's true successor to arise. Gather your people from the villages below and use their unique abilities to strategically place them where they can perform the greatest tasks for you. Climb the steps of the Sun Temple, reaping the rewards of your piety. Build structures that both nourish your people and provide you with benefits no other has at their disposal. Muster an army and conquer villages in the four realms of Tawantinsuyu.
Tawantinsuyu : Explication et analyse du jeu. Monumental. In Monumental, each player will control a civilization that will evolve through his city: a grid of 3x3 cards (coming out from the player's starting civilization deck) that can each be activated to gather various resources such as Science, Military, Production, Culture, and Gold that will allow them to trigger many actions.
But there’s a trick: one cannot activate all their cards at once, which means that tough choices will have to be made each turn in order to select the cards that are the most needed. The resources gathered from the activated city cards will allow the players to acquire cards from a common pool, allowing them to get improved buildings, technologies, wonders, etc. and therefore to leverage their civilization deck to new heights through more and more efficient card combos.
Monumental : Explication et analyse du jeu. Free Market: NYC. FREE MARKET: NYC is a competitive and strategic board game based on the principles of a free market economy, presented from a humorous and ironic perspective of life.
In this game, you will find yourself managing a group of people who work together in different assignments, aiming to grow their fortune according to your vision. Throughout the game, you will purchase merchandise at the auction, deliver goods to shops and factories, establish partnerships in shops and factories, or possibly take over other players' business and capital. You will also attend events, influence politics, win awards, and garner all kinds of influence to help your businesses, partnerships, and assets flourish as you move forward in the game.
The trick is simple: buy when the market is low and sell when it's high to make the most profit before your opponents do. The most successful businessman wins the game. —description from the publisher. Free Market NYC : Explication et analyse du jeu. Empyreal: Spells & Steam. The industrial age has come at last to the World of Indines!
Use your ingenuity and the skill of your team of technomancers to cross the continent of Indines while connecting towns and building a vibrant trade network. Research new spells as you carve a path through the many treacherous terrains of the continent, using your company's unique advantages to outbuild the competition and secure supply lines for rare resources. In Empyreal: Spells & Steam, technomancers use mana to build rails, and the amount of mana crystals required to cast a spell varies by terrain and by the potency of the spell. Mana crystals must recharge after being used, so your choice of when and where to use each spell will be critical to determining the efficiency of your construction engine. The towns you choose to connect to your network will provide critical resources, and the value of these resources changes over time. —description from the publisher.
Empyreal spells and steam : Explication et analyse du jeu. Bios: Origins (Second Edition)
Bios:Origins is the 3rd part of the Bios Trilogy.
The action starts much earlier than most Civilization games: 200,000 years ago or even earlier. One to four players represent the human subspecies extant at that time: Sapiens, Neanderthal, Denisovans, & Hobbits. Take them on an adventure to enlarge your brain, acquire language, discover new worlds, domesticate strange beasts (such as riding war kangaroos or mammoths), discover the wonders and terrors of religion, dive for pearls, challenge the gods, enslave rival hominins, and perhaps enter the Enlightenment. Although wars of conquest and religion are possible, most of the fighting will be internal. You have only limited control of over your ruling class, and if your priests are in control and do a poor job, they will get killed and usurped by merchants or warlords.
Win by specializing as cultural, political, or industrial civilization.
Bios Origins : Fonctionnement et analyse du jeu. Circadians: First Light. We were light years from our home, galaxies away, when we first discovered this ancient celestial body — a planet filled with intriguing, intelligent lifeforms, not too unlike our own.
Some built kingdoms below the surface of the green seas, while others controlled the desert-filled plains and cliffs. Among them we found scientists, inventors, farmers, traders and fighters. While our presence has been unsettling for some, we have had very few incidents with the locals. Still, we Circadians, Earth's famed explorers, must do what we can to ensure peace. We must respect this world and its hosts.
Circadians First Light : Explication et analyse du jeu. Glory: A Game of Knights. In Glory: A Game of Knights, you are a young knight, whose sole goal is to become famous.
You will earn your fame through tournaments, noble titles or minstrels singing about your deeds. Each turn, you spend your precious time doing actions like training, gathering allies, praying or selling your sword. You will also fight for ransom or visit your beloved lady. Prepare yourself for being a champion able to challenge other players as well as the most famous nobles across the Europe of 15th century. Glory is a game designed by two medieval reenactors, who want to tell you a story of a knight's life in the language of a board game. Two main modes for different experience and player types - with or without pvp combat worker-placement-like preparation phase, quest phase based on gathered quest cards, tournaments as a main source of victory points, duels as a fast mini-game titles to gather as a secondary source of victory points - public and private - changing with every game.
[Proto-KS] Glory a game of knights : Explication et analyse du jeu.
Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy. A game of Eclipse places you in control of a vast interstellar civilization, competing for success with its rivals.
You explore new star systems, research technologies, and build spaceships with which to wage war. There are many potential paths to victory, so you need to plan your strategy according to the strengths and weaknesses of your species, while paying attention to the other civilizations' endeavors.
Eclipse Second dawn for the galaxy : explication et analyse du jeu. Obsession: Upstairs, Downstairs. Obsession 2020 & Upstairs Downstairs : Explication et analyse complète. Obsession. You are the head of a respected but troubled family estate in mid-19th century Victorian England. After several lean decades, family fortunes are looking up! Your goal is to improve your estate so as to be in better standing with the truly influential families in Derbyshire. Obsession is a game of 16 to 20 turns in which players build a deck of Victorian gentry (British social upper class), renovate their estate by acquiring building tiles from a centralized builders' market, and manipulate an extensive service staff of butlers, housekeepers, underbutlers, maids, valets, and footmen utilizing a novel worker placement mechanic.
Successfully hosting prestigious social activities such as Fox Hunts, Music Recitals, Billiards, Political Debates, and Grand Balls increases a player's wealth, reputation, and connections among the elite. Each turn, players choose a building tile representing a room or outdoor space in and around their 19th century British country house.
Obsession : explication et analyse du jeu.
Barrage. In the dystopic 1930s, the industrial revolution pushed the exploitation of fossil-based resources to the limit, and now the only thing powerful enough to quench the thirst for power of the massive machines and of the unstoppable engineering progress is the unlimited hydroelectric energy provided by the rivers. Barrage is a resource management strategic game in which players compete to build their majestic dams, raise them to increase their storing capacity, and deliver all the potential power through pressure tunnels connected to the energy turbines of their powerhouses.
Each player represents one of the four international companies who are gathering machinery, innovative patents and brilliant engineers to claim the best locations to collect and exploit the water of a contested Alpine region crossed by rivers. Barrage includes two innovative and challenging mechanisms.
Barrage : Explication et analyse du jeu.
Praga Caput Regni. Praga Caput Regni : Explication et analyse du jeu. Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun. Tekhenu : Explication et analyse du jeu. City of the Big Shoulders. After the great Chicago Fire of 1871, the brave men and women of Chicago sought to rebuild their once-great city, and rebuild it they did. Over the next 60 years Chicago experienced an economic golden age, making such great progress that it hosted The World's Columbian Exposition in 1893, followed not long after by a celebration of its Century of Progress at The World's Fair in 1933. Many of the household brands we've come to know and love today had their start in Chicago during this time period; Oscar Mayer, Kraft, Quaker Oats, Nabisco, Swift & Co, Armour & Co, Schwinn Bicycles, Charles Schwab, and many others made a home here in this tall, bold slugger.
In City of the Big Shoulders players take on the roles of entrepreneurs and investors seeking to rebuild Chicago into a city fit for the world stage. Although City of the Big Shoulders features a large amount of strategic depth and rewarding gameplay, it does so in a shorter timeline than is typical of most heavy economic games.
City of the Big Shoulders : Explication et analyse du jeu.
Kanban: Driver's Edition. "Kanban" — or 看板, the Japanese word for billboard — is a term for the visual cues that might be used in a lean, efficient assembly line in order to expedite and smooth workflow. These signals get the workers what they need, where they need it, when they need it to create a just-in-time (JIT) production system. The setting for the game Kanban: Automotive Revolution is an assembly line.
The players are ambitious managers who are trying to impress the board of directors in order to achieve as high a position as possible in the company and secure their careers. With promotions come advantages at the factory, such as more space to store precious materials and greater prestige to accelerate your ascent. Through solid management, you must strive to shine next to your peers.
Kanban : analyse et explication complète du jeu. L'antre du roi de la montagne : explication analyse du jeu. In the Hall of the Mountain King. Play as trolls rebuilding your abandoned kingdom under the mountain in In the Hall of the Mountain King.
Cerebria: The Inside World. Cerebria is a dynamic, team-based, objective-driven area control game, where players play as Spirits, powerful entities representing Bliss or Gloom.
Cerebria : Explication et analyse du jeu. Mysthea. Mysthea : Explication et analyse du jeu. Coimbra. In the 15th and 16th century, Portugal is thriving under its leading role during the Age of Discovery.
Explication et analyse du jeu Coimbra. Pulsar 2849. Escape Plan. After a successful bank heist, you and your fellow thieves are laying low and enjoying the good life.
Escape Plan : explication du jeu. Feudum. Microbadges: - Feudum fan Rules Summary. Feudum : Explication et analyse du jeu. Feudum : FAQ et extensions. CO₂: Second Chance. CO2 seconde chance : explication et analyse du jeu. Explication et analyse du jeu Pulsar 2849. Trismegistus: The Ultimate Formula. You are an adept of the mysterious art of alchemy, seeking a way to become the successor of the greatest alchemist ever living — Hermes Trismegistus.
In order to do so you will be transmuting mere metals into pure gold, performing experiments, and inventing artifacts to finally achieve everlasting greatness. Trismegistus: The Ultimate Formula is played over three rounds during which you will draft exactly three dice. By expertly utilizing the potency of your drafted die, you will be able to transmute precious materials, collect alchemical essences, purchase and activate artifacts, and perform experiments that will progress you along four mastery tracks.
Trismegistus : Explication et analyse du jeu. Crystal Palace. In Crystal Palace, players take on the role of a nation at the time of the first World Fair in London (1851), trying to create a buzz with spectacular inventions and the support of famous and powerful people.
Crystal Palace : Explication et analyse du Jeu. Altiplano. Analyse stratégique et explication du jeu Altiplano. Heaven & Ale. Le Bien et le Malt : Explication et analyse stratégique. Santa Maria. Santa Maria is a streamlined, medium complexity Eurogame in which each player establishes and develops a colony.
The game features elements of dice drafting and strategic engine building. The game is low on luck and has no direct destructive player conflict; all components are language independent. In the game, you expand your colony by placing polyominoes with buildings on your colony board. Dice (representing migrant workers) are used to activate buildings; each die activates a complete row or column of buildings in your colony. The buildings are activated in order (left to right / top to bottom), then the die is placed on the last activated building to block this space.
Analyse stratégique et explication du jeu Santa Maria. Newton. Newton : Explication et analyse du jeu. ZhanGuo. Zhanguo : explication et analyse. Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done. Crusaders "Thy will be done" : Explication et analyse du jeu. Wendake. Explication et analyse du jeu Wendake. Gùgōng. Gugong : Explication et analyse du jeu. Blackout: Hong Kong.