The Occuponics is a musical collaboration inspired by the energy, experience and values of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement. Founded by musicians Paul Stein on accordion, melodica, Events and hackathons. This post extends the “Connecting Occupy” project developed at the second hackathon.
Using the Occupy Wall Street Project List, we explore partnerships between New York City General Assembly working groups, other Occupy groups, and community organizations. Each group/organization is represented as a node in. Squatmarburg. Rolling Jubilee. #S17 – Occupy Wall Street - Invites you, the 99%, to NYC for three days of education, celebration, and resistance. Oakland, the Last Refuge of Radical America. Occupy UK: Folk the Banks.
Occupy Guitarmy. To our dear Occupy community, (from FB) The People’s Puppets of Occupy Wall St. celebrate our 2nd anniversary of Occupy Wall St. and the incredible work this movement has done (and are going to do in the future!)
We will start our morning in Zuccotti Park - Liberty Square - at 8am with many other groups to hug, share coffee and breakfast over stories and smiles. On the morning of S17, we will have a song teach-in for anyone that would like to participate in our musical, color-filled visual procession. Many songs you know, some you don’t!
Have a song to teach? BESETZT EIN MUSEUM IN EURER NÄHE! Noah Fischer im Gespräch mit Joanna Warsza und Florian Malzacher.
Was ich bei der re:publica (nicht) mache. Protestbewegung Occupy Harvard - Entzauberung des amerikanischen Traums - Wirtschaft. Anzeige Klausurvorbereitungen können warten, die Revolution nicht: Mit dem Frühling und den Protesten in den internationalen Finanzzentren erwacht auch an der besten Universität der Welt der Widerstand gegen den Finanzkapitalismus.
Obwohl sich der Kern der Bewegung auf ein paar Dutzend Mitglieder reduziert, hat keine andere Universitätsbesetzung in den USA so viel Aufsehen erregt wie Occupy Harvard. Der Protest der Studenten ist bedeutsam - schließlich ist die Hochschule die Kaderschmiede der amerikanischen Hochfinanz. Kann es einen idyllischeren Ort zum Studieren geben? Am Ufer des Charles River liegen Studenten im Gras. Wer will, das nichts bleibt, wie es ist, hat keine Zeit für Annehmlichkeiten des Frühlings. Occupy Rolls Out Its Most Subversive Tech: A Mobile Arcade Game for the 99% The creators of the OAK-U-TRON 201X, a mobile Occupy-themed arcade game (l-r): Alex Kerfoot, Mars Jokela and Anna Anthropy.
Photo: Shaun Roberts OAKLAND, California — It’s not often that something new for cultural alarmists to fret over just rolls up, all flashing and beeping. But here it comes: the homebrew Occupy arcade game on wheels. If conservatives are worried about videogames encouraging violence, imagine how they’ll react to an itinerant amusement designed to topple the 1%.
Politik, kultur & kommunikation. Operation Garten Eden – Fotos und Video. Update 6.2. 14:55: Hier der Flyer, der dort verteilt wurde: Garten Eden Rotated Quelle: Utopie Tv 2 Klicks für mehr Datenschutz: Erst wenn Sie hier klicken, wird der Button aktiv und Sie können Ihre Empfehlung an Facebook senden. Schon beim Aktivieren werden Daten an Dritte übertragen - siehe i . nicht mit Facebook verbunden 2 Klicks für mehr Datenschutz: Erst wenn Sie hier klicken, wird der Button aktiv und Sie können Ihre Empfehlung an Twitter senden. Schon beim Aktivieren werden Daten an Dritte übertragen - siehe i . nicht mit Twitter verbunden. The evolving community of Occupy D.C. Culture Connoisseur Badge Culture Connoisseurs consistently offer thought-provoking, timely comments on the arts, lifestyle and entertainment.
More about badges | Request a badge. A Map Of Occupy Needs Across The Country. More than 5,000 tweets using the #needsoftheoccupiers hashtag were collected from October to December of last year, then geo-located and sorted into top unique needs per occupation site.
Tweeted needs included books for New York, garden supplies for San Francisco, Kool-Aid and Crystal Light in Orlando, and in Seattle, after police used pepper spray on protestors, Maalox, which can help neutralize and relieve pepper spray symptoms. Brazil: Movement Claims the Right for Public Space During Carnival. On 14 January a protest against the privatization of public spaces took place in anticipation of the Carnival of Salvador, one of the biggest street parties in the world, which will start on 18 February.
The demonstration was a clear message to the Mayor of the City of Salvador, in the federal state of Bahia, João Henrique, and the company Premium to withdraw one of the provisional private balcony developments used during Carnival. Known as ‘camarote’ in the country, these structures seize a large area of public space in the main avenue of Ondina region, where the protest took place. According to Blog da Ilha (Blof of the Island) [pt], even though the area belongs to the Federal government, the City Hall has given permission to the private company Premium to use it for building one ‘camarote’ infrastructure, the ‘Camarote Salvador'.
Occupy Nigeria: From Cyberspace to Face-to-Face. This post is part of our special coverage #Occupy Worldwide.
Occupy Nigeria is a national protest which began in Nigeria on Monday, January 2, 2012. The civil outrage is organized by trade unions who are incensed by the removal of fuel subsidy by the government. The protest has been fueled by the democratization of information as personified by young Nigerians through their use of social media. For days, the nation had been shut down: no one worked, earned or learned. Occupy the Dream. Occupy Wall Street: The Lego Set.
Occupy Congress. Politik, kultur & kommunikation. #OCCUPYXMAS · adbusters. OccuCopter. Step 1.
Design & build a fleet of OccuCopters Step 2. ???? Step 3. Freedom! Overview[edit] There is a clear and urgent need for citizen-controlled aerial observation devices. An increasingly wide variety of commercial UAV's (unmanned aerial vehicle) already exist, many of which are capable of streaming video.
Noisebridge's OccuCopter / OccuBlimp project is a global collaboration, open to all who wish to contribute. U.S.-Funded Internet Liberation Project Finds Perfect Test Site: Occupy D.C. Occupy D.C. protesters preparing to livestream a solidarity march. Photo: Brendan Hoffman/Wired.com When Sascha Meinrath saw the Occupy encampment in D.C., he saw something few others would — a testbed for technology. Meinrath has been chasing a dream for more than a decade, ever since he was a liberal arts grad student in Urbana, Illinois: community wireless networks.
From that small beginning, Meinrath now runs a State Department-funded initiative to create an Internet in a Suitcase — the Voice of America of the digital age. TIME’s 2011 Person of the Year is The Protester. Occupy Space! Bank says no? Ditch the bank – borrow from the crowd - tech - 12 December 2011. The first and final paragraphs of this article have been changed because information they contained was inaccurate. Editorial: "Can citizen banking neuter the fat cats? " Traditional banks have failed us. Will online peer-to-peer lending rescue our personal finances? IMAGINE YOURSELF in the following scenario. You've painstakingly saved up the money for a down payment on your first home. But then the recessions hit and the rules change. Fake Occupy Wall Street TV Set Occupied by Real OWS Protesters - National. Occupy Network. Occupy Kansas « Der Feuilletonist. (Von Andrian Kreye) Ausgerechnet in Kansas hielt Barack Obama am Dienstag eine seiner progressivsten Reden.
Der Bundesstaat Kansas gilt als das Herzland Amerikas, ein mythischer Ort, den das Märchenbuch „Der Zauberer von Oz“ zum wahren Amerika verklärte. Seit 1846 stimmte Kansas in fast allen Wahlen für die Republikaner. Im Turnsaal der Osawatomie High School sprach Obama nun vom Versagen der Regulatoren, das zur „atemberaubenden Gier einiger weniger und zur Verantwortungslosigkeit des gesamten Systems“ geführt habe. Er forderte Chancengleichheit für alle und die strenge Einhaltung der Regeln von allen. ‘Inhuman Microphone’ App Circumvents Occupy Wall Street’s Megaphone Ban. One of the most recognizable hallmarks of the Occupy Wall Street movement has been its “human microphone,” a technique through which protesters make speeches louder without the use of megaphones, which are banned from the protests. (Amplifying sound outdoors requires a permit in New York.) The concept behind the human microphone is simple: The crowd repeats in unison what the speaker has said, chanting each sentence in succession so that people farther away can hear it.
Depending on your point of view, it’s either inspiring or tiresome. The Inhuman Microphone does essentially the same thing — except it uses iPhones instead of human voices. [partner id="evolverfm"]According to its creators, the use of hundreds or thousands of iPhone speakers rather than a single megaphone should be enough to get around New York’s ban on amplification, because no one would argue that a smartphone’s speaker would be covered by the ban. OccupyOS - wikibrew. From wikibrew Please support further development of occupyOS. Occupy Audio: The Soundscape of the Protests - Nathan Jurgenson - Technology. The story of technology and the Occupy movement is more than just high-tech new technologies.
This post breaks from the smartphone-and-social-media-centric lens to think about sound as a political technology for the Occupy protests. Sight is the sense that usually gets first billing when discussing technology and protest. Salman Rushdie and Facebook’s pseudonym policy. This article arises from Future Tense, a collaboration among Arizona State University, the New America Foundation, and Slate. Future Tense explores the ways emerging technologies affect society, policy, and culture. To read more, visit the Future Tense blog and the Future Tense home page. You can also follow us on Twitter. What would George Orwell make of Facebook? Occupy Anthropology - Anthropologist David Graeber on OWS's anarchist roots. - Anthropologist David Graeber on OWS's anarchist roots. OccupyFDP - Home. The Public Sphere of Occupy Wall Street. I keep returning to the public sphere as Habermas originally described it as I think about progressive political movements of today: Occupy Wall Street and its global dimensions, Anonymous and its more theatrical and political wing LulzSec, and progressive and independent cable television news network Current.
Internet activism, television news punditry, and street-based social movements each work together implicitly or explicitly to constitute a larger public sphere. As scholars we need to resist the temptation of excluding one form of resistance as being inconsequential to social justice or to analysis and instead see all three as working together in a media ecology. My Visit to Occupy Wall Street's Bat Cave. PEPPER SPRAYING COP. "God. Occupy PressThink: Tim Pool. Nov.20. Occupy HOPE. This image represents my support for the Occupy movement, a grassroots movement spawned to stand up against corruption, imbalance of power, and failure of our democracy to represent and help average Americans.
Occupy Flash - The movement to rid the world of the Flash Player plugin. Interview with creator of Occupy Wall Street "bat-signal" projections during Brooklyn Bridge march. REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi Earlier this evening, tens of thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters marched throughout New York City, many making their way on to the Brooklyn Bridge, carrying LED candles and chanting. As Occupiers took the bridge in a seemingly endless sea of people, words in light appeared projected on the iconic Verizon Building nearby: Das Kuratieren von Audio- und Videoinhalten in. Occupy Wall Street: “We Are What Democracy Looks Like!” Logos. Given how extraordinarily successful it has been both in its own terms and in its capacity to grab the attention of the media, Occupy Wall Street has been conveniently misunderstood by its supporters and detractors alike.
Recently, Mayor Bloomberg patronized it haughtily, saying “It’s fun and it’s cathartic — it’s, I don’t know, it’s entertaining to go and to blame people, but it doesn’t get better by complaining about; it doesn’t get better by disrupting commerce (and) vilifying people.” (NYTimes, November 2). Meanwhile, Bill Keller of the New York Times wrote from India (where people like capitalism just fine, he explained) in a tone of mocking disdain: “I’m willing to celebrate when the Occupiers… accomplish something more than organizing their own campsite cleanup, demonstrating their tolerance for tear gas, and distracting the conversation a little from the Tea Party.”
(NYT op ed, October 31, 2011). That is not to say there is not a unifying theme. #OccupyMap. Occupy Wall Street Faces Evictions - Alan Taylor - In Focus. Proteste am 17. November 2011 « Bundesweiter Bildungsstreik. Occupy Comics Kickstarter Campaign Raises Funds for Protesters. Solar Power to the People! #occupyrooftops on Community Solar Day. “If you can’t occupy Wall Street, you can at least.
By Jonathan Lethem. Tune in Thursday For Occupy The News: A Movement And The Media · storify. Occupy Judaism. OccupyHalloween. They've Got Mail! Delivering the Occupy The Boardroom letters. The Visual Culture of the Occupation: Month One and Counting. Occupy History. Second Gazette Online and in Print. Paddy Johnson - Occupy Museums! Speaking out in front of the Cannons. Voices. New fiction inspired by Occupy Wall Street. Protest.
Occupy the URL. In a Single Month, the Occupation Became a Force. OccupyDesign. Occupy Wall Street: Poster smackdown - Occupy Wall Street. Batman Says ‘Raise My Taxes’ as Occupy Movement Comes to Comics. Occupy George. A Guide to the Occupy Wall Street API, Or Why the Nerdiest Way to Think About OWS Is So Useful - Alexis Madrigal - Technology.