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How to take advantage of your Physiotherapy Treatment

01 march 2020

How to take advantage of your Physiotherapy Treatment

Going to the consultation of your physiotherapist in Delhi implies an investment of time and money that should be profitable as much as possible.

If you want to take advantage and get the best out of your treatment session with your physiotherapist do not forget and put into practice the following tips:

1. Go to your physical therapist as early as possible. An injury or pain in the beginning is much easier to recover. It is common to go to the physiotherapist in Dwarka when we are already desperate and other remedies or treatments have not worked for us. The injuries, while waiting, are chronicled. That is not your case.

2. The first consultation is very important. Your physical therapist needs to know your pain, when it occurred and the circumstances, the medication or the remedies you use, and, if you have consulted with other specialists, how your treatments have gone. Answer all your questions honestly.

3. Your physiotherapist will try to find a physiotherapeutic diagnosis that explains the reason for your pain. That diagnosis will help you to schedule your treatment. At this time, it is important that you solve with your physiotherapist in Janakpuri all your doubts and, by consensus, set with him or her some objectives and other important issues such as the frequency and duration of the sessions and their economic cost.

4. Trust your physiotherapist. If you have decided to put yourself in his hands, do not require him to treat you with this or that technique, to put bandages on you, to prick you, to massage you with such cream...... because you have seen it on the internet or because your friend was fine like that Each person is special and different, and if Physiotherapy is distinguished by something, it is by trying to perform the most personalized treatments possible.

5. Do not hurry to your Physiotherapy session. The timing of your treatment is important, perhaps it is the best thing you can do for yourself throughout the day. Dedicate the attention and peace you deserve. Agree with your physiotherapist the schedule that best suits you and look for professionals who respect your schedule and your time, which do not make you wait unnecessarily. A formal relationship between physiotherapist and client is a good atmosphere for the treatment to give the best results.

6. Follow the instructions of your physiotherapist. You must get involved in your treatment. Follow your indications of rest, exercise, diet, put or not heat at home, perform relaxation, change some habits, follow your postural hygiene advice.... Your physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka will advise you the best for you and that your recovery is the most Fast and satisfactory possible.

7. Give yourself the opportunity for the treatment to take effect. There are no miracles, but work well done and honesty, both by the professional and the client. Sometimes one session is enough, and others are needed more. Stay tuned for things that feel good and those that harm you and inform your physiotherapist of all this.

8. Maintain a fluid communication with your physiotherapist, he is a Health Professional and is interested in everything that affects you. Do not be afraid to tell your worries. Many problems are psychosomatic. You will not be the first to let off steam with your physiotherapist, and, if you need help, your physiotherapist can advise you and refer you to other professionals who continue to help you.

Dr Sarwar Physiotherapy Center, a center of specialties in Physiotherapy in Dwarka in which experience, quality, technique and technology come together to cure and recover, without medication, a multitude of ailments, both acute and chronic.

All our treatments are based on the meticulous exploration of the patient, elaboration of physiotherapy diagnosis and application of the different treatment techniques according to a clinical reasoning absolutely individualized to your person, to your problem, to your injury.