Dr. Shilpi Bhadani
Hair Transplant in Gurgaon. Hair Restoration with Hair Transplant – Best Cosmetic Clinic in Delhi. Many individuals suffer from drastic hair loss and baldness these days. While there are many temporary hair restoration solutions available in the market, the most permanent solution is hair transplantation. Hair transplantation procedure is performed by removing grafts of hair from the donor area (with more hair density) to a recipient area (with sparse or no hair growth). Generally, the grafts are removed from the back of the head as it is more resistant to hormonal changes. For Hair Transplant in Gurgaon, consult Dr. Shilpi Bhadani at SB Aesthetics. She is one of the most popular Plastic Surgeons in Gurgaon. There are two main types of Hair Transplantation 1. 2.
The best option depends on the individual needs and surgeon’s observation. FUE procedure The Follicular Unit Extraction(FUE) involves removing hair follicles and then grafting them onto a section of the head that has less hair growth. The area from where hair follicles are to be harvested is shaved off and cleaned properly. 1. Treatment of Perpetual Tired Look by Fillers Around the Eyes. Gynecomastia- Male Breast Enlargement Surgery in Gurgaon. Things To Consider before Scheduling Liposuction Surgery. Best Cosmetic Clinic in Gurgaon and Delhi. The quicker and easier version of Liposuction : Ultrasonic Liposuction or VASER. Give Yourself A Second Chance With Mommy Makeover.
Lip Enhancement Surgery in Gurgaon. Hair Loss Treatment Clinic in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR | Dr. Shilpi Bhdani. Looking for best cosmetic surgeon in Delhi. Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Gurgaon Archives - Dr Shilpi Bhadani. Best Anti Ageing Treatment Clinic in Gurgaon | Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. Best Doctor for Hair Transplant in Gurgaon, Hair Transplant Clinic in Gurgaon. Best Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Specialist in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR. Best Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Specialist in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR. Anti Wrinkle Injections Treatment in Gurgaon | Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. Maintaining a youthful look is a constant struggle one faces as one age.
The appearance of dynamic wrinkles is what gives an aged look to the face. A variety of cosmetic products have flooded the market which claims that they can reverse the signs of aging. Aging is essentially a process of two phenomena, gravity which makes it sag and volume loss which makes the face appears sunken. The formation of folds and wrinkles is inevitable as we age, but with the advancement in cosmetology, an array of non-surgical, anti-aging treatments are available in health care. The most common and popular of these treatments are injectables such as toxins (anti-wrinkle injections) and giving wanted results in return. Toxin treatment is a quick, relatively painless, non-surgical procedure to smoothen and soften dynamic wrinkles caused by muscles to form facial expressions. It is a quick outpatient procedure. Mild Redness, swelling or bruising may occur.
Dr. Injectable Dermal Fillers Treatment Cost in Gurgaon | Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. Best Liposuction Surgeon, Liposuction Surgery Cost in Gurgaon | Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. The procedure of Liposuction involves removal of Fat by a tube and a vacuum instrument. Tiny incisions are made in the hidden areas of the body to gain access to the areas which require fat removal. The most common method used to remove fat is the tumescent method of liposuction. In this method, a solution is infused into the body which contains numbing agents and also medicines that decrease the blood loss. Overall this increases the safety of the procedure tremendously and also decreases the pain. The Procedure duration depends on the number of areas being treated in one session. Most often general anesthesia is used, although for very limited areas local anesthesia may resort.
A special body suit called a compression garment is put on soon after the procedure. Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, soreness or burning sensations are the possible side effects patients may expect after the procedure. Dr. *The results may vary person to person. Best Gynecomastia Surgeon for Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Gurgaon | Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. It is a benign condition where males develop ‘female-like’ breasts of varying sizes. It is a condition associated with much psychological stress and the majority of males looking for surgery and wish to get a solution for this condition to restore their self-confidence.
Sometimes they are so stressed by this condition that it limits their day to day activities like going out with friends, not being able to wear the clothes they desire, restricting outdoor activities etc. This surgery is becoming increasingly popular because of the surgery being available as a minimally invasive technique which leads to decrease in the downtime and get a more contoured and firm look of the chest. Many males who suffer from ‘man boobs’ or gynecomastia actually have battled with the condition for quite a long time before visiting the plastic surgeon. There are many causes that have been outlined for gynecomastia. The duration of the procedure may range from one and a half to three hours for higher grades.