Dr. Theresa Dale
Dr. Theresa Dale is an accomplished natural medicine practitioner, researcher, and author.. Currently, Dr. Dale serves as Founder, President, and CEO at The Wellness Center for Research and Education, Inc., and the California College of Natural Medicine (501c3).
Dr. Theresa Dale Examines the Myths and Amazing Potential of Homeopathic Treatment. Misconceptions about homeopathy lead to the lack of addressing health issues effectively. says Dr.
Dale. VENTURA, CA / ACCESSWIRE / September 1, 2021 / Patients should have full access to any remedies that could help them lead healthier lives. Dr. Theresa Dale Discusses Her New Natural Health TV and Radio Show. For years, Dr.
Dale’s Wellness Center – led by Certified Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Theresa Dale – has focused on providing people access to high-quality natural health products and important natural health information. Dr. Theresa Dale Talks Immune System Health and Ways to Empower Your Body’s Natural Defenses Introduction Natural Health Practitioner Dr.
Theresa Dale examines holistic methods for keeping your immune system strong and ready to fight off disease. In the wake of a global health crisis, many are now seeking ways to maximize immune system health and bulk up their natural defenses. Recently, Natural Health Practitioner, Coach, and Best-Selling Author Dr. Dr. Theresa Dale Looks at the Best Natural Medicine Techniques for. Emotional health can often be addressed and even improved through natural medicine solutions, says Dr.
Dale. After a year of unprecedented challenges, healthcare providers everywhere are more concerned than ever about the emotional health of their patients. Patients across the country and the globe are reporting higher levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness. According to Dr. Theresa Dale, there are a number of natural and holistic ways to address, improve and even maximize your emotional well-being.