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Clues to know if you are suffering from nephritic colic

08 may 2019

Clues to know if you are suffering from nephritic colic

Acute pain in the lower back is one of the clear symptoms of nephritic colic.

The clinical symptoms of nephritic colic are: very acute pain on the right or left side, or both, of the lower back, which does not calm down in any posture – the patient wallows in bed due to that painful sensation-; sometimes there is hematuria (urinating with blood) because the stones injure the wall of the urinary tract; and if the calculus is located very low, it can cause pain in the genital area (in the testicles in the male and in the labia majora in women), “explains Dr. Vinant Bhargava, Nephrologist in Delhi.

In fact, when the calculus or renal stone is very close to the bladder or at its entrance it is possible to confuse it with a urine infection. If in 72 hours there is no improvement with the antibiotic for cystitis and with analgesics on those days, the patient should go to the doctor for kidney in Delhi again because he may need an ultrasound and a culture of urine.

Of course, according to the best nephrologist in Delhi, the person who has had a nephritic colic does not forget it, precisely because of the type of pain it causes.

Other times, the stones in the kidneys, if they are small and do not obstruct the passage of urine, can be asymptomatic and discover them when an ultrasound of the area is done for another reason.

People with greater tendency to suffer it

The prevalence of nephritic colic is similar in men and women. Typically, they usually occur between 30 and 60 years of age, although older people lose what is called the thirst reflex.

“There are people who have a greater tendency to suffer from nephritic colic. Among them are those who drink little water, those who have a hereditary disease called cystinuria, patients with gout or hyperuricemia, those who have calcium or hyperoxaluria stones, and people who take large amounts of dairy (for example, five yogurts at day), “lists kidney specialist in Delhi.

However, the top nephrologist in Delhi recognizes that just as there are people who have a greater tendency to suffer from kidney colic, there are also people who will only suffer one throughout their lives.

To those patients who present many nephritic colic, it is necessary to do a metabolic study to look for the reason that causes kidney stones and, consequently, colic.

First action guidelines

As the pain is very strong when suffering a nephritic colic, normally the patient goes to the Emergency Room without taking anything to relieve them because they do not even have time. “At first, you can take an analgesic or an anti-inflammatory for that pain,” advises the best kidney specialist in Delhi.

” In a high percentage of occasions, the patient expels the stone. You always have to give a margin of time, since in 80 percent of the cases the calculus smaller than 4 millimeters in size are expelled alone, “says the nephrologist in Gurgaon, advising to drink a lot of water and move.

However, for larger stones, and as long as they measure more than 2 centimeters, the affected person must undergo lithotripsy, a medical procedure in which shock waves are used to decompose the stone.

Is it necessary to follow a special diet?

Regarding food, do you have to follow a special diet if you just suffered a nephritic colic? And what nutritional changes should you implement to prevent a second episode? “What you have to do is get used to drinking a lot of water, at least two liters a day. It is also necessary to undergo blood tests from time to time to see how you have uric acid, “recommends kidney specialist in Gurgaon

In case you want to lower uric acid by feeding because the nephritic colic has been caused by gout or by hyperuricemia, the patient will have to remove the broths of fatty meats and meat extract, the viscera (liver, heart, tongue, brains, gizzards and kidneys), goose and duck meats, seafood and fish eggs, fatty sausages (such as sausage, mortadella, etc.), fatty cheeses and lard, tallow and bacon. The top kidney specialist in Delhi is the one who will give these nutritional advices.

Likewise, “exercise helps all aspects of life. In addition, it is known that people who practice physical exercise and hydrates well, due to fluids lost through sweating, have less nephritic colic, “concludes nephrologist in Delhi.