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Food Supplements & Other Problems That Can Affect The Kidneys

27 august 2020

Food Supplements & Other Problems That Can Affect The Kidneys

The human kidneys are dark red colored organs, measuring approximately 10 cm each and which perform vital functions, being known as the “filters” of the organism. Among the main functions, they participate in the internal chemical balance, elimination of toxins from the blood, control of blood pressure and regulate the amount of body fluids.

For the kidneys to function in the best possible way, it is extremely important to maintain a balanced diet and drink plenty of water daily. Several other conditions can cause kidney problems. If left untreated, they can lead to permanent damage and even kidney failure, warns nephrologist in Delhi.

How to notice kidney changes?

Some signs can be noticed when the kidneys are altered. Most of these signs are noticed in urination. It may be accompanied by pain, burning, the presence of blood, cloudy or whitish colors, as well as changes in its frequency, explains top nephrologist in Delhi.

However, there are also other signs that may indicate reductions in kidney functions: tiredness, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, accompanied by urinary changes. Below are some of the main problems affecting the kidneys:

Infections: Some infections in the urinary tract can also extend and affect the kidneys, such as cystitis or bladder infection. Some of the main signs are fever, pain in the back and lower abdomen, frequent urination followed by pain and burning during urination. When the urinary infection reaches the kidney tissue, it is called pyelonephritis and can cause other kidney problems.

Nephritis: it is characterized by a reaction of the immune system that ends up attacking the kidneys, initiating an inflammatory process of the renal glomeruli. It is a disease that, if elevated to a chronic level, can cause kidney damage.

Kidney stones: they are hardened formations of crystals in the urinary tract or kidneys. At first, they may go unnoticed, but they cause acute pain attacks that may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The main causes for the formation of these crystals are the excess of sodium (salt), calcium, phosphate and the lack of citrate. Controlling the consumption of these substances, especially salt and regular water consumption, are the best ways to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Food supplements and their effects on the kidneys

Food supplements have the main function of complementing a diet, either for nutritional replacement, or for specific purposes (such as gaining muscle mass), providing the necessary nutrients for the healthy functioning of the body, such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins or minerals. However, food supplements if consumed inappropriately, instead of nourishing, can harm the entire body, especially the kidneys and livers. They can trigger a series of mild and serious health problems, since their excess can cause an overload of these organs and / or the accumulation of substances, leading to residual formations, such as calculations. Below are the main kidney complications caused by excess dietary supplements, explained by best kidney specialist in Delhi:

  • Kidney stones: usually caused by the overuse of water-soluble supplements, such as minerals, especially calcium, phosphate and vitamin D.
  • Intoxications: many people take vitamin supplements excessively believing that the excess will be completely eliminated by the body. It is true that, unlike proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins are eliminated, but the excess of one vitamin can cause the need to consume another and this imbalance leads to renal intoxication. Intoxications inhibit the functioning of the kidneys and can cause kidney failure.
  • Renal failure: Caused mainly by excessive intake of protein supplements, which forces the kidneys to work harder, leading to partial and even total failure in the long run.

How to prevent kidney overload?

To prevent the kidneys from working overload, you should first have a diet with balanced nutrients, without excess and you should drink water in an adequate amount. Water consumption is even more important if the person uses food supplements and practices physical activity. The use of supplements is far beyond reading the label. In order to have a healthy consumption, the choice and dosage of the supplement must be adjusted to the physical condition of each person and, therefore, it must always be accompanied by a nutritionist and a kidney specialist in Delhi.

How to identify a renal complication?

Usually kidney complications are noticed in the act of urination and appearance of urine. If the urine is extremely acidic, reddish in color, with unusual odors, with foam or if the urination itself is accompanied by pain, it is possible that there is some complication in the functioning of the kidneys. For this, it is recommended to seek the best nephrologist in Delhi to investigate the changes.