Since unveiling their latest smart mattress, Eight Sleep has begun to change the way that people view their bed, as they see it less like a thing to sleep on and more like a tool to optimize their daily performance. Getting better quality sleep provides a myriad of health benefits, and the Pod makes it incredibly simple to improve your sleep fitness one night at a time.
Here are a few reasons why everyone from professional athletes to everyday people are raving about the Pod.
From NFL Stars to Tech Investors: Better Sleep Is Better for Everyone
Eight Sleep’s mission is to fuel human potential through optimal sleep, and their products are geared toward enabling that mission for everyone. From professional athletes to busy entrepreneurs and everyday office professionals, when you consistently get a better night’s sleep, you start to notice immediate positive changes in your daily life.
As tech investor Delian Asparouhov told Eight Sleep: "With the Pod, I upgraded from sleeping on pieces of foam to sleeping on a computer.” The Pod by Eight Sleep is changing the way that people view sleep through its metric-tracking abilities. So, just as you would track the food you eat or your reps in the gym, you can start tracking how well you’re sleeping every night and take steps to improve your sleep fitness.
For the Big Day Ahead of You
A night spent tossing and turning can only lead to less-than-optimal performance the next day. When you sleep on a smart cooling mattress specifically designed to help you fall asleep faster and rest soundly throughout the night, you'll wake up recharged and ready for the day.
The Pod features a cooling system that cools to the perfect temperature to help keep you asleep all night long. And with its thermo alarm feature, it’ll wake you up when you’re in your lightest sleep cycle, so hitting snooze becomes a thing of the past.
Even if you aren’t conquering the Aconcagua Summit like Nadia Tade, every day brings new opportunities. And, if your sleep fitness is on point, you'll be more than ready to tackle the challenges of the day.
Sleep Fit in 30 days
Although many of us have the goal of becoming sleep fit, the Pod will help you actually achieve that goal. Through its sleep coaching system, you’ll start to view every night as a workout that is improving your sleep fitness one step at a time. Even elite athletes like NFL wide receiver Jarvis Landry notes Eight Sleep’s smart mattress is unlike any other mattress as he says the smart bed from Eight Sleep has helped guide him to sleep better. If the Pod can help a star NFL player get better sleep, how could it help you?
Learn more about the Pod and how it can make you more sleep fit at