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A journey through emotions

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Inside out - A journey through Emotions. A Journey through Emotions. "Inside Out"Talking about Emotions They are feelings we have inside.It is not easy to understand how we feel everyday butit is important to express our emotions and learn to recognize them!

A Journey through Emotions

What are emotions? Happy Sad Angry Afraid Disgusted How do you feel today? Let's know the characters better... Meet Riley's Emotions How does she feel? How many adjectives do you remember? Let's revise adjectives created from verbs... Speaking and writing activities... What makes you feel excited? What is exciting for you?

What makes you feel frightened? What is frightening for you? What makes you feel worried? What is worrying for you? What makes you feel bored? What is boring for you? What makes you feel disappointed? What is disappointing for you? Inside Out Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Disney Pixar Movie HD. Framework - the characters. Emotions_Miss Angela by Angela Panzarella on Genially. Start Comparison Vocabulary Arts&Crafts How do you feel Video Process Storytelling Timeline Data Team Thanks Map vocabularyforfeelings + info The grouchy ladybug Storytelling...

Emotions_Miss Angela by Angela Panzarella on Genially

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit nam venenatis, laoreet ac curabitur mollis eu lobortis morbi rhoncus libero commodo, mi himenaeos platea et massa primis maecenas egestas. Let's make some crafts Click on the faces to see more... How do you feel today? Today I feel... video Be KIND A video about kindness In my heart A book about feelings If you're happy... Sing a song! Rock on! More than a feeling (Boston) more than a feeling! I'm in love I am angryI'm furious I am happyI'm joyfulI'm enthusiastic I'm disgustedI'm boredI don't like I'm sadI'm unhappy I'm afraidI'm scared Anger (I feel agry) Control your anger Relax, calm down. Memory - feelings. Meet Riley's Emotions.

Inside Out: Guessing the feelings. Adjectives - Quiz. Adjectives from Verbs. Personality Adjectives Sorting - EAL Y4 - Organizza per gruppo. EAS EMOZIONARCI_ICParcodiVeio.pdf. Emozionarci! by Emiliana Rufo on Prezi. A Debate on Emotions - Attività pubblicata sul sito Decode - Best practices. Digital technological tools are a reality in Catalan classrooms that make it necessary to integrate them with the rest of “traditional”; competences or subjects and not only in the achievement of digital competence.

A Debate on Emotions - Attività pubblicata sul sito Decode - Best practices

Despite being a project developed by the Department of Physical Education, the objective is to work digital skills in conjunction with other competencies such as physical education, natural sciences, social, health promotion, religion, mathematics, and English. The main contents that are intended to work are associated with the subject of physical education such as doing healthy physical activities, or sports and leisure time, communication and body language. But other content of other subjects, but above all the Technological one, with basic contents in the field of information and communication technology, was also worked on. SDA_Team-9_EN_A Debate on Emotions.pdf. ArgomentiamoLeEmozioni_Campisi_Rinaudo_Rufo_DECODE_R2_DesignLearningSituation_DCIntegration ITA.pdf. Rubrica valutativa. EvaluationRubricAJourneyThroughEmotions. A journey through Emotions. A journey through emotions - 2C Parco di Veio.