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Australia and Aborigines

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Australia And New Zealand - Lessons - TES Teach. QrcodeAustralia NewZealand. Map of Australia. Australia political map. Flag of Australia. Read and listen : Page 126, Aussies and Kiwis, The Making of Australia and New Zealand. Culture: Unit 6 - Sydney. Read and listen : Page 128, Aborigines and Maoris. Read and listen : Page 198, The Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef 1 The Great Barrier Reef is one of the wonders of the natural world.

Read and listen : Page 198, The Great Barrier Reef

In 1981, it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site because it has an immense variety of sea life. 2 The Great Barrier Reef is in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland in north-eastern Australia. It’s the world’s largest coral reef and astronauts can see it from space! The Sydney Opera House. Culture: Australia. Culture - Australia. Australia my explanation in the video. Australia Country Profile - National Geographic Kids. Top 10 Australian Tourist Destinations. Reading Comprehension Questions: Australia. Australia, the land down under! - share.nearpod. Evaluation Rubric: Australia: the land down under. Australia and New Zealand Test. Australia and New Zealand test qrcode.