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The United Kingdom

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The United Kingdom, Great Britain and England? Edpuzzle Video - The UK - Great Britain - England? The British Isles, the UK & Great Britain by Clara Mingrino on Genially. THE British Isles,the UNITED KINGDOM&gREAT BRITAIN The British Isles are made up of: Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland,England and Wales.The United Kingdom (owned by the British crown) includes: Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales.Great Britain is simply the land mass that incorporates Scotland, England and Wales.

The British Isles, the UK & Great Britain by Clara Mingrino on Genially

The British Isles is a term that has historically been used by the British to describe all of Britain, Ireland, and the neighbouring islands. This includes three dependencies of the British Crown, Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man. The UK, or “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”, is the Sovereign statecomposed of the constituent countries of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom. The Uk brainstorming. United kingdom map. United Kingdom. The British Isles. Read and listen : Page 200, Multicultural Britain. Multicultural Britain When you walk down a street in Britain, especially in a big city, you will see people from all over the world.

Read and listen : Page 200, Multicultural Britain

You can hear the music and languages, buy the food and experience the culture of lots of different countries! Britain’s got a multicultural society today because of its history. From the 1500s to the 1900s, British explorers travelled round the world and colonised the countries they discovered. Britain had a powerful empire for three hundred years. London - Google Maps. The United Kingdom - Lessons - TES Teach. QrcodetheUK. MY LONDON MAP by Marcella Vico. Britain's favourite drink. Cricket. English a global language. Stonehenge. La mayor obra de ingeniería del Mundo Stonehenge A marvel of ancient architecture.


Windsor Castle. The Giant's Causeway. The University of Cambridge.