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Valentine's Day

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St Valentine’s Day – My English lessons. Here is an Activity about this Festival famous all around the World Complete activity Let’s listen to and read this brief test Some Vocabulary Games about Valentine’s Day Further Games Writing Activity Pubblicato da emilianarufo I teach English as a Foreign Language in a Secondary School in Rome. Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day online worksheet. Valentine's Day. Candy, flowers, heart-shaped notes—what’s not to like about Valentine’s Day? This sweet celebration, which happens every year on February 14, is all about spreading the love. The holiday we know today got its name from a man named Valentine. While a few different stories are told about what he did to inspire the holiday, many people believe he’s celebrated for his role as a Roman priest who helped couples secretly get married. As the story goes, Emperor Claudius II of Rome—who reigned from the year 268 A.D. to 270 A.D.

—banned marriage because he thought unmarried men made better soldiers. The celebration surrounding this day actually has roots in an ancient pagan festival that started centuries before Valentine was even alive. During the festivities, it’s said that boys drew the names of girls from a container. Valentine’s Day traditions have evolved a lot over the years. No matter how you celebrate Valentine's Day, one thing's for sure: This is one totally aww-some holiday. Valentine's Day Activities 2022. Welcome toValentine'sActivities There are a lot of legends about this festival and plenty of symbols.It is a day to celebrate love and appreciation... to your lover, friends, family, relatives!

It is a day to show people how much you care. Valentine's Traditions Let's listen to this text... SaintValentine'swords Guess the word Game Vocabulary Game Valentine's Day It's time for a... Question 01 When is Valentine's Day? February 12th February 14th February 30th March 8th Question 02 What do we celebrate? Valentine'sbirthday Thanksgiving Love Your teacher's birthday Question 03 Valentine's day is named after the name of a... King Emperor Saint City Question 04 What do lovers send each other on this day? Food Books Cards Washing machines Question 05 What shape is a symbol of Valentine's day? Circle Spiral Heart Square Question 06 What gifts are common on Valentine's day? Cookers Birthday cakes Chocolates and sweets Nothing Question 07 Which flowers are the symbols of Valentine's day?

Daisies Tulips Roses Chrysanthemums Question 08 Rome London. eTwinning Project: Valentine's Activities. St Valentine's festivity. Saint Valentine's Memory Game. St Valentine's Game. A very old festivity. Writing a Valentine's Card. St. Valentine's Day - vocab. St. Valentine's Day - vocabulary. St. Valentine's Day Vocabulary - Anagram. Valentine's Day Wordsearch worksheet. St Valentine's Day worksheet. St Valentine's Day - multiple choice worksheet.