Epiphany Community Services
Are you looking for the best Community coalition services? Then look no further. ECS is an experienced evaluation and training firm that serves clients nationwide with a focus on clients in under-served areas. To know more, visit our site Epiphanycommunityservices.com.
Affordable Coalition Evaluation. Advantages Of The Online Information Assortment Administrations For The Business. Excellent Coalition Evaluation. Epiphanycommunityservices.com. Evaluation Services. At Epiphany, we provide comprehensive, data-driven evaluation services targeted toward providing organizations with the clarity they need to put their best foot forward.
Strong organizations don't occur overnight – they continually improve - and that improvement doesn't occur without the right data and support. The Benefits of Our Evaluation Services Our evaluation services take a deep dive into how your organization works, what its key performance metrics are, and whether it's achieving its goals effectively. Epiphany Community Services. ECS works with each client to refine or create a functional outcome path, or logic model.
Once this has been established, we work with our clients to create alignment of their work (outputs) to their logic model. ECS reviews this data using REACH software on an ongoing basis and provides feedback. There is no requirement for the amount of work a coalition does that is directly aligned to specific, defined outcomes. However, ECS likes to see no more than 40% of the work done by our clients address a non-defined outcome, i.e. General Alcohol, Tobacco or Other Drug use.