Pork is basically the meat of domestic pig. Raw pig is the most common type; however cured (preserved) pig is also popular. Smoked pig, ham, bacon, and sausages are some of the most popular commodities on the market right now. Lean pork is high in protein and includes a wide range of vitamins and minerals, making it an excellent addition to a well-balanced diet. Some of the vitamins and minerals which are found in pork include phosphorus, selenium, and thiamine. Pork has more thiamine, a B vitamin that is required for a range of biological functions, than other red meats. Vitamins B6 and B12 are required for blood cell formation and brain function.
Feed millers, producers, abattoirs, processors, and merchants are responsible for producing most of the pork products in Kenya, which is divided into specialized business areas. In Kenya, there are roughly 7000 pig farmers. Small-scale producers account for 70% of the total, with the other 30% made up of one large-scale integrated commercial producer, big and medium-scale free-range producers, and farmers with scavenging stock in slums. Kenya produced 25,785 thousand tones of pig meat in 2020. Pig production in Kenya climbed from 3,120 thousand tons in 1971 to 25,785 thousand tons in 2020, expanding at a 6.17 percent yearly rate.