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Beware of A Flawed Essay Writing Tool - 2023

12 june 2023

Beware of A Flawed Essay Writing Tool - 2023

In recent years, the rise of artificial intelligence has introduced various innovative tools and services aimed at revolutionizing the writing process. One such tool that has gained significant attention is Marketed as an AI essay writer and idea generator, claims to provide a seamless solution for academic writing needs. However, a closer examination reveals a different reality. In this comprehensive review, we will delve into the true capabilities of and explore whether it lives up to the hype.

Unmasking the False Promises

Essay Generator: Not as Unique as Advertised touts its essay generator as a quick and efficient way to obtain a unique essay within minutes. While it may provide a semblance of convenience, the quality and originality of the generated content are highly questionable. Upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that often produces essays riddled with unoriginal ideas and phrases, resulting in a lack of authenticity. Users who expect a genuinely unique piece of writing may find themselves disappointed with the subpar output.

Plagiarism Concerns

Contrary to the claims made by, the content generated by their tool is not inherently plagiarism-free. While the initial output may appear to be distinct, it is strongly advised to edit or rewrite the content to ensure its uniqueness. Relying solely on the generated text without proper modification could potentially lead to unintended instances of plagiarism. Academic integrity should always be a priority, and users must exercise caution when using any AI writing tool, including

Lackluster Idea Generation

Another touted feature of is its idea generator, which supposedly helps overcome writer's block and stimulates creativity. Unfortunately, the reality falls short of the promises. The generated ideas often lack depth and originality, providing little more than generic suggestions that fail to inspire meaningful academic exploration. Writers seeking innovative and thought-provoking ideas may find themselves grappling with continued stagnation rather than a much-needed burst of inspiration.

Turbo Speed, at the Cost of Quality prides itself on its alleged turbo speed, claiming to provide high-quality content in record time. While the tool might generate content quickly, the quality is sacrificed in the process. Academic writing requires meticulous research, critical thinking, and careful crafting of arguments. Rushing through these crucial aspects can result in shallow and superficial content that lacks the necessary depth and analysis. Quality should never be compromised in the pursuit of speed, especially in the realm of academic writing.

The Verdict: Proceed with Caution

After a thorough evaluation of's capabilities, it is clear that the tool falls short of its claims. The essay generator lacks true uniqueness and often produces content that is far from original. Plagiarism concerns further undermine its credibility, urging users to extensively edit or rewrite the output. The idea generator fails to inspire genuine creativity, offering generic suggestions that do little to enhance the writing process. Additionally, the emphasis on speed compromises the quality of the content, ultimately hindering the pursuit of academic excellence.


Q: Can I rely solely on the content generated by

A: No, it is strongly advised to edit or rewrite any content generated by to ensure uniqueness and tailor it to your specific needs.

Q: Is the content generated by plagiarism-free?

A: No, the content generated by is not inherently plagiarism-free. It is essential to edit or rewrite the content to avoid unintended instances of plagiarism.

Q: How can improve my academic writing?

A: may offer convenience, but it does not significantly contribute to improving academic writing. It lacks the depth and originality required for quality academic work.

Q: Are there any alternatives to for academic writing needs?

A: Yes, several other tools and resources exist that provide more reliable and credible assistance for academic writing, including reputable writing guides, research databases, and writing centers at educational institutions.


Incorporating AI into the writing process has the potential to streamline certain aspects and provide valuable support. However, fails to deliver on its promises of unique content, creativity enhancement, and high-quality academic writing. Users must exercise caution when relying on the tool, as the generated output often requires extensive editing and reworking to meet academic standards. For those seeking genuine assistance with academic writing, exploring alternative resources and seeking guidance from educational institutions remains the most reliable approach.

Disclaimer: The information and statistics mentioned in this blog are based on our research and user feedback. We encourage readers to conduct their own investigation and exercise caution when using any AI writing tool.