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Great View of Nothern Lights from Space - Aurora Borealis (1080p HD)
Win a Trip To See Another Earth!
Jupiter: the Largest. "Melancholia" vs. "Another Earth": Which "Invading Planet" Movie Will You See?
The trailer for Lars Von Trier's dark family drama "Melancholia" hit the web today, catching fire immediately for its freaky apocalyptic imagery and intense performances by Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg.
Anne Thompson compared the heavy symbolic content to Terrence Malick's "Tree of Life" trailer, which I broke down shot-by-shot a little while back. "Melancholia" isn't quite as visually dense, but it's certainly loaded with big ideas, although it have some company. "Another Earth," the low budget sci-fi effort directed by Mike Cahill and picked up by Fox Searchlight at Sundance this year, also involves the sudden arrival of a new planet adjacent to our own.
"Another Earth" hits theaters July 20; "Melancholia" doesn't have a release date yet, although Magnolia Pictures will distribute it in the U.S. Will Von Trier face competition from newcomer Cahill?
Invisibility & Teleportation Possible! Michio Kaku Explains. Origin of Mass - Search for the Higgs. What is a Higgs Boson?
Neutrinos still faster than light in latest version of experiment. Scientists from Cern have repeated their finding of neutrinos travelling faster than the speed of light.
Photograph: Cern/Science Photo Library The scientists who appeared to have found in September that certain subatomic particles can travel faster than light have ruled out one potential source of error in their measurements after completing a second, fine-tuned version of their experiment. Their results, posted on the ArXiv preprint server on Friday morning and submitted for peer review in the Journal of High Energy Physics, confirmed earlier measurements that neutrinos, sent through the ground from Cern near Geneva to the Gran Sasso lab in Italy 450 miles (720km) away seemed to travel faster than light.
Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy videos. E=mc² is wrong? - Sixty Symbols. Neutrinos - Sixty Symbols.
BREAKING NEWS - E=mc2 Is Wrong! - Physics To Be Re-Written After CERN Breaks Speed Of Light. 'God Particle' Detected?: Higgs Boson Experiment Bearing Fruit. SOLAR ACTIVITY UPDATE: X1.7-Class Flare/CME/Proton Event (Jan 27th, 2012).
Can You Time-Travel?
Warped Space-Time Around Black Holes Visualized. For the first time, physicists have visualized what goes on during the collision of two black holes, providing insight into what one researcher calls the "stormy behavior" of space and time during such a merger.
The findings could help researchers interpret gravitational signals from space to reconstruct the cosmic events that created them, said study researcher Kip Thorne, a theoretical physicist at the California Institute of Technology. The study also opens up a new way to understand black holes, gravity and cosmology.
Black Hole Secrets Revealed. Stephen Hawking's Universe: Europa's Living Ocean.
Can a Planet Have Two Suns?
Lecture 23_ Doppler Effect - Binary Stars - Neutron Stars and Black Holes.mp4. Stephen Hawking's Universe: Black Hole Time. Stephen Hawking - Black Hole Time Travel. Coast to coast am - Developing Time Travel (Coast To Coast AM) C2CAM. Hesperia Planum, Mars. Kepler's Planetary Systems in Motion [720p]
2012: Beginning of the End or Why the World Won't End?
Beyond 2012: Why the World Didn't End If you're reading this story, it means the world didn't end on Dec. 21, 2012.
Despite reports of an ancient Maya prophecy, a mysterious planet on a collision course with Earth, or a reverse in Earth's rotation, we're still here.
Nasa probe finds the mile-high dunes of Saturn's moon Titan are eerily similar to Earth's. Different areas of icy moon have differentAnalysis of images by Nasa's orbiting Cassini probeShapes are similar to deserts on EarthCould offer insight into moon's mysterious weather patterns By Rob Waugh Updated: 09:50 GMT, 24 January 2012.
Plasma Rocket. Expanding earth my ass. Volcano / Earthquake Watch Jan 22-26, 2012. Plasma Rocket Could Travel to Mars in 39 Days. ( -- Last Wednesday, the Ad Astra Rocket Company tested what is currently the most powerful plasma rocket in the world.
As the Webster, Texas, company announced, the VASIMR VX-200 engine ran at 201 kilowatts in a vacuum chamber, passing the 200-kilowatt mark for the first time. The test also marks the first time that a small-scale prototype of the company's VASIMR (Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket) rocket engine has been demonstrated at full power. "It's the most powerful plasma rocket in the world right now," says Franklin Chang-Diaz, former NASA astronaut and CEO of Ad Astra. The company has signed an agreement with NASA to test a 200-kilowatt VASIMR engine on the International Space Station (ISS) in 2013. The engine could provide periodic boosts to the ISS, which gradually drops in altitude due to atmospheric drag. But Ad Astra has bigger plans for VASIMR, such as high-speed missions to Mars.
More information: via: New Scientist. Planet Chart and Facts Page. As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued.
We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. Partners - For your unwavering support and evangelism. Parents - For supporting the use of technology not only as an instrument of learning, but as a means of creating knowledge. We encourage everyone to continue to “Think, Create and Collaborate,” unleashing the power of technology to teach, share, and inspire. Best wishes, The Oracle Education Foundation. Lunar Year Chart for Chinese Astrology. The X-RAY "Heartbeat" of the Binary Star System IGR J17091-3624 in our Milky Way - May Contain the Smallest Black Hole Ever Known! ~ The CELESTIAL Convergence.
Scientists may have found the smallest black hole yet by listening to its X-ray "heartbeat.
" The black hole, if it truly exists, would weigh less than three times the mass of the sun, putting it near the theoretical minimum mass required for a black hole to be stable. The researchers can't directly observe the black hole, but they measured a rise and fall in X-ray light coming from a binary star system in our Milky Way galaxy that they think signals the presence of a black hole. Until now, this X-ray pattern, which is similar to a heartbeat registered on an electrocardiogram, has been seen in only one other black hole system.
Sun shoots a fastball at Earth, but minimal impact expected on satellites, power grid. But, he added, “We’re not looking at an extreme event here.”
The front edge of the burst should arrive Sunday morning, said Joseph Kunches, a spokesman for the Space Weather Prediction Center, part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, Colo. “At first glance, it was, ‘Oh my God, it’s at the center of the [sun’s] disk, it ought to go right to the Earth,’ ” Kunches said.