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Focus On Kids Pediatrics

Focus on Kids Peds is a Pediatric Medical Office serving Littleton, CO and southwest Denver. We see children from newborn thru age 21 years. We offer numerous pediatric services including newborn care, well baby visits, physical exams, sick visits, minor emergency care including lacerations and some fractures, ADD and ADHD visits. We also offer a free Prenatal visit for new mom's and dad's to meet the physician and see the office.

Heart Disease in Children - Focus On Kids Pediatrics. Signs & Symptoms of Liver Disease in Kids - Focus On Kids. Ways to Improve Children's Mental Health - Focus on Kids Peds. Keeping your children healthy and happy requires a focus on more than just their physical health.

Ways to Improve Children's Mental Health - Focus on Kids Peds

Your child’s mental health and wellbeing are heavily influenced by the environment in the home and the habits within your family. So how do you improve your children’s mental health? A few of the best strategies are covered below. Ditch the Screens! 71% of U.S. parents are concerned that their kids are spending too much time behind the screen, and they may be right. Instead of logging on, encourage offline alternatives such as getting outdoors, picking up a book, talking to a friend, or cooking dinner with mom, which are all much better (and healthier) uses of their time.

Having a chance to be bored also gives rise to creativity and fosters better connections between siblings and between children and their parents. Teach & Model Self-Care Healthy habits like participating in moderate exercise, eating nourishing foods, getting enough sleep, and knowing when to log off start with you. Exercise Ideas for Teens - Focus on Kids Pediatrics. A Quick Guide to Your Kids & Bullying - Focus on Kids Pediatrics.

Balanced Diet for Children - Focus on Kids Pediatrics. High & Low Blood Pressure in Kids - Focus on Kids Pediatrics. Blood pressure is the measurement of the force produced as the heart pumps blood.

High & Low Blood Pressure in Kids - Focus on Kids Pediatrics

While blood pressure varies throughout the day depending on activity levels, posture, diet, body temperature, and other factors, sustained high or low blood pressure is a cause for medical concern. Problems with high or low blood pressure can often be genetic, especially when identified in teens or young children. Causes of High Blood Pressure Hypertension (high blood pressure) in kids and teens typically occurs without an underlying medical condition. Lifestyle factors such as obesity, stress, diet, and certain medications are the main cause of high blood pressure, especially in older children and teens.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure In the majority of cases, children and teens with high blood pressure are asymptomatic. Other symptoms such as seizures, vomiting, chest pain, and shortness of breath could be indicative of a hypertensive crisis. Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Healthy Snacks Ideas for Kids - Focus on Kids Pediatrics. One of the best ways to get your kids to eat healthy snacks is to stock a special area for them in the fridge and in the kitchen pantry where they can quickly grab and enjoy their own snacks.

Healthy Snacks Ideas for Kids - Focus on Kids Pediatrics

And, as the old adage goes: If you don’t buy it – they can’t eat it. When you want to commit to a healthier lifestyle for your family, the best thing you can do is not to allow junk food in your home in the first place. So what should you stock your home with instead? Read below for some healthy, kid-approved snack ideas. Fruit You can’t go wrong with a delicious serving of fruit! Nuts A handful of nuts or trail mix packs a powerful punch of nutrients and healthy fats necessary for growing bodies! Cheese Sticks. Congenital Disabilities in Kids - Focus on Kids Pediatrics.

Congenital defects are physical conditions that are present at birth.

Congenital Disabilities in Kids - Focus on Kids Pediatrics

According to the CDC, congenital disabilities affect 1 in 33 babies born in the United States each year. Common congenital disabilities include limb defects, heart defects, and spinal defects. Hereditary Diseases in Kids - Focus on Kids Pediatrics. Hereditary diseases in kids are becoming increasingly common.

Hereditary Diseases in Kids - Focus on Kids Pediatrics

These can be mild or severe. Sometimes they are caught before birth due to genetic screenings or ultrasounds, but in other cases, a disorder is identified at birth or during childhood. You may work with a genetic counselor throughout your pregnancy if you have a prevalence of certain disorders in your family history. There are many genetic disorders and defects that can be inherited. Here are some of the most common genetic disorders to look out for.

Down Syndrome Down syndrome occurs when babies receive an extra copy of chromosome 21. Affected children will also experience developmental delays due to low muscle tone and will typically have digestive issues and heart defects. Every child with Down Syndrome is different, with some children not experiencing any major health problems and others requiring complex medical care. Trisomy 18 Fragile X Syndrome Sickle Cell Disease Glaucoma. 5 Common Spreadable Diseases in Kids - Focus On Kids Peds. Cat Scratch Disease in Kids - Focus on Kids Pediatrics. How To Treat Emotional Behavior in Children - Focus on Kids Pediatrics. What is Antisocial personality disorder? Focus on Kids Pediatrics. 5 Best Ways to Increase Immunity in Children - Focus on Kids Peds. 5 Things Parents Can Do to Prevent Suicide - Focus on Kids Peds. Ways to Improve Your Child’s Digestive Health - Focus on Kids.

Food is the primary source of energy for humans, and a balanced diet helps humans get all the nutrients that they require.

Ways to Improve Your Child’s Digestive Health - Focus on Kids

But it is the digestive system that ensures that these minerals get to the right place. Research has highlighted that good digestive health can positively impact all areas of a child’s health. It helps to sustain the immune system, aid growth, provide energy to muscles, and promote good mental health. In today’s post, we will take a look at the importance of your child’s digestive health and things you can do at home to support it. What is the Digestive System? The digestive system starts working the moment food enters the mouth. The digestive system is highly complex and involves numerous organs working together. MouthSalivary glandsEsophagusLiverStomachGall BladderLarge IntestineSmall IntestineRectumAnus A fully functioning digestive system can help the emotional and physical development of a child.

Make a Positive Impact from Day One. The Importance of a Balanced Diet for Kids - Focus on Kids Peds. Symptoms and Treatment of Tonsillitis in Kids - Focus on Kids Peds. Quick Guide About Kidney Disease in Children - Focus on Kids Peds. CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) UPDATE 3-17-2020 - Focus On Kids. Our office is continuing to closely monitor the rapidly changing COVID-19 pandemic.

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) UPDATE 3-17-2020 - Focus On Kids

Recently Colorado has moved from a containment phase, where health department would research the contacts of all positive tests, to a mitigation approach to the virus, where it is assumed the novel coronavirus is widely circulating in the community. Unfortunately, there is evidence of significant coronavirus spread in Colorado. People who have mild cold symptoms in the community may be infected with COVID-19 and be unaware that they are infectious, allowing the virus to spread. With these new developments, we have made some changes in our office procedures.

We are following the CDC and Colorado Public Health Department recommendations to help prevent spread of COVID-19 and keep our patients, families and employees safe and healthy. We are now scheduling well, healthy kids (check-ups, follow-up visits and counseling visits) in the mornings. Thank You. Causes of High & Low Blood Glucose Levels in Kids - Focus on Kids Peds. Kids have a lot of energy.

Causes of High & Low Blood Glucose Levels in Kids - Focus on Kids Peds

That’s no big secret to parents. And glucose, or sugar, is the body’s primary source of energy. Kids need glucose for their bodies and brains to function correctly. But too much, or not enough, can lead to health problems. So, it’s essential to know the causes of high and low blood glucose. A Parent’s Guide to Childhood Depression - Focus on Kids Peds. Growing up can be a very challenging process, as the body goes through many physical and chemical changes.

A Parent’s Guide to Childhood Depression - Focus on Kids Peds

Throughout this process, your child is likely to display changes in behavior from time-to-time. Mood swings and temper tantrums are regular parts of growing up, and even though they are not fun, they usually pass. A behavioral change isn’t always a cause for concern, but if a change impacts a child’s social and educational development, then it would be worth talking to your doctor. Some issues can be caused by ear and eye problems, but when the child seems to have the blues or starts avoiding situations, it could be a sign of childhood depression. Arthritis Causes & Symptoms in Kids - Focus On Kids Pediatrics. Arthritis is a condition that most people associate with older people.

Arthritis Causes & Symptoms in Kids - Focus On Kids Pediatrics

However, it can also affect kids of all ages. There are many different kinds of arthritis, but juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common in kids. The CDC has reported that around 1 in 1,000 kids will be diagnosed with JIA. A Quick Guide to Bipolar Disorder in Children - Focus on Kids Peds. It is perfectly normal for children to act out and go through mood swings from time to time. Even though this may drive you crazy, it is all part of their learning process as they start to interact with the world and develop their personality. However, there are times when this behavior can occur for more extended periods and may become very disruptive. In these cases, the behavior may be caused by a behavioral disorder, such as bipolar.

Although bipolar disorder is more likely to occur in teenagers and adults, it can affect people of all ages. Generally, it is easier to notice the signs and symptoms in older patients. Everything You Need to Know About Appendix in Teenagers - FOKP. The appendix is a tiny pouch that is attached to the large intestine. Scientists are still not exactly sure what its function is, but they do know that if it gets infected, it can cause many painful problems.

You have probably heard of appendicitis, which is when the appendix gets inflamed. This condition can get very painful and requires prompt medical treatment. The last thing you want is for the appendix to burst, as this can lead to complications. That is why we have put together this short guide on everything you need to know about the appendix in teenagers. Common Signs & Symptoms of Anemia in Children - FOKP. From the moment a baby is born, they go through changes on a daily basis. The first few years of a newborn’s life, and when they reach adolescence, are two periods where the body undergoes significant changes. It is quite common during these periods for kids to develop symptoms of anemia. Anemia can affect people of all ages and happens when the body doesn’t produce enough red blood cells. A Quick Guide on Sports Injuries in Teenagers - Focus On Kids Peds.

With almost 30 million kids and adolescents playing sports in the USA, it should come as no surprise that kids can get injured. Contact sports and extreme sports are the primary culprits, but there are other factors at play. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, around 3.5 million kids have suffered some form of sports injury at some point. While injuries and accidents can happen when playing sports, many injuries are preventable. In this post, we will take a closer look at some common sports injuries in teenagers and how they can be prevented. Sports Injuries Different kinds of sports bring various risks, but generally, injuries can be categorized into two different types—acute injuries or overuse injuries. Acute injuries are usually the result of trauma or a high impact, which can result in injuries such as sprains, fractures, and concussions.

Overuse injuries can happen when a player performs regular, repetitive movements. Hepatitis C (HCV) Symptoms & Causes - Focus On Kids Peds. Hepatitis C (HCV) is a disease that affects the liver. HCV can lead to liver damage, which can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. While it is rare for kids to get infected with this disease, parents need to be aware of the risk factors. Adults tend to be more at risk of getting HCV, especially if they use recreational drugs. In this post, we will take a closer look at the Hepatitis C symptoms and causes. Diarrhea Symptoms & Causes in Kids - Focus On Kids Pediatrics.

Kids of all ages will suffer from some form of stomach problem at some point. In the majority of cases, the symptoms usually die down within a few days. Newborns tend to have sensitive digestive systems, so new foods and exposure to specific allergens might cause issues. Therefore, it is very common for babies and toddlers to have bouts of diarrhea. Today, we will talk about diarrhea symptoms and causes in kids. What Causes Diarrhea? A Parent’s Guide to Infant Vomiting - Focus On Kids Pediatrics. How to Cure Pneumonia Naturally at Home - Focus On Kids Peds. Pneumonia is a lung infection which can be caused by bacteria or a virus. Younger kids are more at risk as their immune systems have not fully developed. In most cases, pneumonia will usually happen after a kid has had a cold. Even though your child may be uncomfortable, treatment is usually straightforward and can be done at home. How To Control Allergic Asthma in Kids This Fall - Focus On Kids Peds.

Kids’ Snoring Problems - Focus On Kids Pediatrics. Snoring is one of those irritating things that people laugh about but generally tolerate. If you have a kid who snores, you will probably laugh about it and not pay a second thought to it. And, in many cases, you are right to do so. Sometimes, however, snoring can indicate an underlying problem that can harm your child’s development. Difference between ADHD and SPD - Focus On Kids Pediatrics. 5 Fun Things to Do With a Newborn Baby - Focus On Kids. Having a newborn baby around the house is a fantastic time for the whole family. You may be tired, but you will love the pleasure they get from the simplest things. Doing fun activities is an amazing way to bond with your little one. As your baby starts to become more aware of their surroundings, they will begin interacting with you and your family members.

These 5 fun things to do with a newborn are great for keeping them amused. Lots of Play Play is such an essential part of a child’s life and the way that your baby starts to learn. Singing, talking, tickling, and simple games are great ways to engage your child and keep them amused. 9 Newborn Baby Kit Essentials - Focus On Kids Peds. Kid’s Healthy Living Guide: What to Eat for Healthy Teeth - Focus On Kids. Four Tips to Promote Healthy Eating Habits in Kids - Focus On Kids. Fever Factsheet: Tips for Treating Your Child’s Fever - Focus On Kids. A Quick Guide to Brain Growth in Kids - Focus On Kids.

Four Different Kinds of Eye Diseases in Children - Focus On Kids. A Quick Guide to Eating Disorders in Children - Focus On Kids. Your Littleton Pediatrician at Focus On Kids Pediatrics.