UBUNTU VILLAGE VOLUNTEER PROGRAMME - South Africa. Please read the following before you apply.
The Stone Circle Ubuntu Village is a riverside space in Waterval Boven, South Africa, intended to provide a base of access to the work of Michael Tellinger and the Ubuntu Liberation Movement. It is a marriage of the path that brought us to this point, and a platform from which we intend to launch from into the future. Please bear with me while I conjure a brief introduction that has brought us to this point. In 2008 Michael Tellinger packed up his 'Joburg lifestyle and moved to the sleepy little town of Waterval Boven in Mpumalanga, South Africa, on a quest to make sense of a tantalising mystery into the origins of humankind. Strewn across the hillsides in the area are thousands upon thousands of circular stone ruins, visible as far as the eye can see, all joined by stone channels and interconnecting terraces.
Subsequent research has led us to believe that this region could very well be the original cradle of humankind. Thank you! Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Ananas Anam. Cradle to Cradle. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things is een boek uit 2002 over duurzaam ontwerpen van William McDonough en Michael Braungart.
Duurzame ontwikkeling is in 1987 in het Brundtland-rapport gedefinieerd als de ontwikkeling waarbij de huidige generatie in haar noden voorziet, zonder de mogelijkheden daartoe voor de volgende generatie te beperken. Het streven van Cradle to Cradle (C2C) gaat verder; het voorzien in onze eigen noden en de toekomstige generaties van meer mogelijkheden voorzien. Het boek is in het Nederlands vertaald onder de titel Cradle to Cradle – Afval = voedsel.[1] Cradle to Cradle (C2C)[bewerken] The Ambassador and Red Dragon Family: A Synopsis with Commentary. The Ambassador and Red Dragon Family: A Synopsis with Commentary. EXCLUSIVE! RED DRAGON AMBASSADOR: The Final Message. Permaculture Ethics & Principles. Permaculture Ethics & Principles. Permaculture design course. Permaculture Design. Permaculture Design. Permaculture Agroforestry.
Permaculture Agroforestry. Design_Thinking_for_Social_Innovation.pdf. ‘Wiring the Amazon’ Continue reading the main story Video Op-Docs By MICHAEL KLEIMAN This Op-Doc video chronicles the four-year struggle to get a remote Peruvian village connected with the outside world.
I began filming the project in 2009, while making a feature-length documentary film about the global spread of information technology. I was following the work of One Laptop per Child (O.L.P.C.), a United States-based nonprofit that has designed inexpensive laptops for primary education. To get there, I took an Air Force cargo flight that departed Lima only every 15 days. I spent three months over the course of a year in Palestina. Halfway through my stay, the first telephone was installed, offering another opportunity to document a major milestone in Palestina’s technological development. While this transition offers many reasons for hope as we consider our shared digital future, various hurdles the village experienced remind us how complicated it can be to bring connectivity to such isolated locations. Disparity. Ken Robinson. Vidéos. RSA. PROYECTO. Puertos espaciales y granjas en el cielo: ¿así será Gran Bretaña en el 2100?
(CNN) - Al ver por toda la ciudad y sobre los rascacielos frente a ti hay vacas.
Sí, leíste bien. Los animales de granja pastan con satisfacción en lechos de granjas urbanas elevadas, las cuales llenan el horizonte de Londres. En otro lugar, lejos de la tierra firme en Inglaterra, contra el telón de fondo de los deslumbrantes acantilados de Dover, una intrincada estructura de contenedores forma parte de una ciudad flotante. Así es como viviremos de aquí a cien años... si se le puede creer a un panel de expertos del Reino Unido. Ciudades del futuro Contenedores apilables para viviendas temporales, ciudades submarinas y casas hechas con impresoras 3D "listas para llevar" también ayudarán a aliviar la carga de sobrepoblación y la escasez de espacio habitable dentro de las ciudades. Y aunque sus predicciones pueden parecer un poco extravagantes, el esplendor de la ingeniería frecuentemente surge al pensar en cosas originales, tal y como lo explicó uno de los panelistas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11th Hour Project. The Solutions Project - 100% Renewable Energy.
The Other 98%