Personalized Professional Learning Inspiration
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Too Big to Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren't the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room: David Weinberger - Reinventing Organizations: Frederic Laloux - Zappos Goes Flat, Gets Rid of Managers - The Evolution of Work - Forbes. RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us. Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work?
Training Secrets From Inside The Googleplex. Anyone who’s tried to keep up with the online ad business, especially lately, knows it’s a turbulent tumble of ever-changing products—search, display, video, mobile—with vastly different sets of advantages and potential payoffs.
How do we deal with unwilling corporate learners?
Recently Brent Schlenker returned to blogging after a year back in the corporate training world, and he talked about some of his experiences.
At the end of his post he made an interesting – if not depressing – statement. “The truth is, there are no learning problems in corporate settings.
How to Use Twitter to Grow Your PLN. For many people, Twitter conjures up the worst of the internet: disjointed, meaningless phrases, unrecognizable abbreviations, and endless drivel about where someone's getting their double mocha today.
So, Why Tweet?!?! For the inquisitive educator, there are some jewels herein that can lead to stimulating discussions, new resources, and an ongoing supportive network. You just have to know where to look. To that end, here is a list of educationally focused chats that we recommend (listed by day): Chat for educators teaching 4th grade #4thchat Mondays 8pm ET/5pm PT/7pm CT Chat for educators teaching social studies #sschat Mondays 7pm ET/4pm PT/6pm CT Chat for music educators #musedchat Mondays 8pm ET/5pm PT Chat for ELL educators #ellchat Mondays 9pm ET/6pm PT Kindergarten Chat #kinderchat Mondays 9pm ET/6pm PT General education chat #edchat Tuesdays 12 noon ET/ 9am PT 7pm ET/4pm PT. 20 Tips for Creating a Professional Learning Network - Getting Smart. “20 Tips for Creating a Professional Learning Network” by Miriam Clifford first appeared on the InfomED blog.
Networking is a prime form of 21st century learning.
Can Twitter Replace Traditional Professional Development?
The Teaching Channel. The Missing Link in School Reform. In trying to improve American public schools, educators, policymakers, and philanthropists are overselling the role of the highly skilled individual teacher and undervaluing the benefits that come from teacher collaborations that strengthen skills, competence, and a school's overall social capital.
(Illustration by Brian Stauffer) In Waiting for Superman, the 2010 documentary that describes the failure of American public education, several children and their families, along with educators like Geoffrey Canada and philanthropists like Bill Gates, drive home the argument that the key to school reform lies in improving the competence and skills of individual teachers. Making the case for a crisis in K-12 education is not difficult. Open any newspaper and you are likely to find an article reporting on the sorry state of US public education. Student competence in basic subjects like math and reading is alarmingly low and trails that of other nations.
10 Characteristics of Great School Cultures - Getting Smart. Profiling great schools and conversations with effective school leaders leads to one overarching conclusion–culture is key.
A powerful culture makes teachers better and kids smarter. Yet “Culture is one of those things that all organizations say is important, but it is easily ignored or forgotten in the daily grind of running a business, non-profit, or school district,” said a recent HBR article. Our summer homework helped us identify the following 10 key ingredients of a high performance culture:
A Step-By-Step Guide to Personalize Learning. Introduction to Edcamp: A New Conference Model Built on Collaboration. Editor's Note: Blogger Mary Beth Hertz was one of the organizers of Edcamp Philly, a free education "unconference" that took place in Philadelphia last May.
The event attracted the attention of educators from around the world--not only for the excellent content and collaborative spirit, but also for the unconference model itself -- one that costs next to nothing to produce by facilitating ad-hoc community participation. Since then, groups of educators around the world have begun to organize local edcamps in their areas. In this four-part series, Ms.
Connected Learning Infographic. Teacher Collaboration Gives Schools Better Results. Five years ago, Sparks Middle School hit bottom.
Its test scores were some of the worst in the district. A chain-link fence was locked after hours to prevent gangs from tagging the open-air hallways. Between classes, members of rival tagging crews would fight. Word came down to the La Puente, Calif., school from the Los Angeles County Office of Education: We may shut you down if you don't come up with a plan. Sparks embarked on a makeover. And Sparks provided something else: more than six hours each week for teachers to learn from each other.
Sparks teachers are required to meet by grade and subject for one period of disciplined collaboration every day.
A Glimpse into the Future of Learning Infographic.pdf. Building The Basics of Personalized Professional Learning (Part I)
Forget Faculty Meetings in Principal Leadership.