Arrivano gli abiti in fibra d’ortica sono morbidi, leggeri e piacevoli al tatto. Development Of Photovoltaic Textiles Based On Novel Fibres. DEPHOTEX is a European collaborative research project aiming at the development of flexible photovoltaic textiles to power wearable consumer goods, grid connected systems, as well as off-grid applications. The project of 4.2 million is co-funded by the European Commission (FP7-NMP) for 3 years. DEPHOTEX started last 1 November 2008 and is coordinated by CETEMMSA, a Spanish technological centre specialised in smart devices and smart materials.
Mushrooms? Butterflies? Milk? Making Fabrics Just Got Interesting... Image via Ecouterre Remember those t-shirts in the 1980s that changed colors?
Microcapsules of thermo-chromic pigment were bonded to the fabric and adjusted hue when exposed to heat. The marketing hook: friends could leave their handprints on you. Textile-led Design for the Active Ageing Population - Google Books. Problem loading page. Primavera-estate 2016. 12-Fischer.pdf. Space suit technology can protect workers from heatstroke. "The existing protective clothing used while performing physically demanding work in hot conditions can, in many cases, hinder workers' ability to remain cool," explains Stefano Carosio from the Italian company D'Appolonia, Project Manager for the Safe&Cool Project.
"Through this project, named Safe&Cool, we are developing a special protective material with a built-in cooling system based on the technology developed for the space suits used by astronauts on the International Space Station to prevent them from overheating when exposed to direct sunlight during space walks. " In Europe alone, the inability to shed excess heat and moisture through clothing results each year in over 1500 heatstrokes. These can be fatal unless medical help is at hand. Giada Dammacco - Textile Visionaries. Si chiama Muskin ed è la nuova pelle 100% vegetale. Si chiama Muskin ed è la nuova pelle 100% vegetale.
MILAN 2015 - PAVILLON FRANCE / LILLE EUROPE. Orange, lemon, pineapple, banana, coconut, nettle, coffee, rice, soy, corn, beet, flax, lotus, seaweed, mushrooms, wine, beer and shellfish...
Textifood, the most recent of the Futurotextiles exhibitions, will present fibres made from plant or animal sources, whose non-edible by-products are used to create textiles. Textifood is a response to the theme set for Expo 2015 in Milan “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”. The exhibition was designed by lille3000 for the France/Lille Europe Pavilion, at the Palazzo delle Stelline, Institut Français Milano, from the 1st of May to the 14th of July 2015. In the frame of Renaissance, lille3000 and the Natural History Museum showcase the range of synergies possible between food production and textiles. These fibres come from all continents. GRANDESIGN. Grandesign offers a wonderful opportunity to showcase companies and professionals alike with the biennale “Grandesign International Award”, which has now reached its tenth edition.
In 2004, it became the “Grandesign – DesignEtico International Award” to emphasis the ethically-driven commitment of the selected and award-winning companies. The Grandesign Board comprises experts that continually monitor the market so they can select and nominate companies for the award. Grandesign also gives the “Design Management Award” for corporate policies and the “Top Design of the Year”, which celebrates the best products during the years in which the “International Award” is not awarded.
Nominations Aziende 2008. View of a Shape Memory Shirt , seen against a white background, from... Foto di attualità. In Toscana si producono tessuti derivati dall'ortica ! Space Fashion. Technical textiles, intelligent garments, smart fabrics, wearable electronics will play an important role in the future. Clothing incorporating such technologies will not only make a fashion statement, they will also define an unprecedented level of practicality leading to greater well-being and security.
"Absolute Zero" is a jacket developed to protect against harsh environmental conditions. Clockwork. Three main tools will be used: an activity monitoring device, a feedback and support application framework and an innovative environmental circadian empowering system module, which includes the design of a lighting device, a wireless sensor network and actuators to regulate the environment.
The feedback and support application framework is not only the platform that communicates with the user, but it is also responsible for managing the information gathered by the sensors and controlling the different devices to adjust the environmental conditions to the person’s needs. Two main use cases will be addressed, that involve two groups of shift workers in the project: professionals from healthcare (UNIFE) and infrastructure (PT). CEO DI (GZE) GRADOOZERO ESPACE S.R.L. - IN VISURA: GRADO ZERO ESPACE S.R.L. iQ – Wearable Technologies : les textiles du futur. Si vous pensiez que vos habits resteraient de simples tissus mis en forme, vous vous trompez.
La mode a attendu les possibilités de faire évoluer ses outils au tournant et après les créateurs, ce sont directement des marques de prêt à porter qui se lancent dans le futur du textile. Le T-Shirt So Cute de CuteCircuit ! Basalt Fibre (BF): Properties, characteristics and issues to be solved. Development Of Photovoltaic Textiles Based On Novel Fibres. Smart Nets : SmartNet Method Consultant. Whiteboard Explanation Theoretical background.
Gzespace. Empoli e l'innovazione: 5 i progetti segnalati dal Consiglio regionale, 2° posto per la Misericordia. Gzespace.com on Pantone Canvas Gallery. Mushrooms? Butterflies? Milk? Making Fabrics Just Got Interesting... Grado Zero Espace is a. Grado Zero Espace is a leading research, consulting and prototyping organization specialized in technology transfer of materials and technologies from extreme sectors such as, for example, aerospace or medical-surgical, in normal daily use.
It also cares about adopting more efficient and innovative industrial assembly processes to improve the choosed materials' performances. iQ – Wearable Technologies : les textiles du futur. Smart Nets : SmartNet Method Consultant. Italy_exhibition.pdf. Aerogels%20Newsletter%20September%202008.pdf. GRADO ZERO INNOVATION. Innovative Luminous Gloves : H9 Portable Lighting Tool. The H9 Portable Lighting Tool illuminates the activity at hand, increasing the visibility of one's immediate surroundings.
If you think about it, it's remarkably clever that a lamp could be worn on the body, especially on a part that carries out the majority of tasks. The act of reaching for something in the darkness becomes a more successful exercise when your source of light can approach the item that you seek. Alternatively, Luisa Baldassari's invention can be donned outside of the home and used as a practical piece of equipment on the job. Police officers and airport staff might wear them to make their gestures more noticeable.
Also ideal for strapping on during evening jogs and bike rides, the solar-chargeable H9 Portable Lighting Tool is made of a flexible glass fiber fabric that does not limit your mobility. WILL THE FUTURE OF FABRICS BLOW OUR MINDS? - Interlaced. Smart fabrics & wearable tech going hand-in-hand for more fashionable user-friendly innovations Numbers of experts all around the world truely believe in the future of smart materials. Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman, Adjunct Associate Professor at Pratt Institute, author & researcher on smart textiles & wearable technology and previously working as Design Director at Fila USA, Champion and Nike Starter Division, says designers can have a different approach to the design application than technology companies do, which can lead to much more user friendly innovations.
“Successful wearable tech companies will start with the design first, then build the tech around it” she says. Think about Apple, the greatest example of successful appliance of Luxury Marketing to tech products. Hydrogel: New Discovery In Stem Cell Therapy; Effectively Cure Brain And Nerve Injuries. Image credit: Grado Zero Espace In a study published in the journal Stem Cell Reports states that a research team at University of Toronto has developed hydrogel, a jelly-like substance, which can be used as a perfect channel aiding stem cell survive in the body and repair damaged tissues. Various medical studies that are centered on the stem cell therapy have been whipped up over the years, particularly in the field of tissue regeneration. Space Fashion. [ Montelupo Fiorentino ] Grado Zero Espace va all’Expo. Presente al Padiglione Francese. Rifles: ORICALCO, 2001 "This men’s shirt by Corpo Nove is woven…
Time - Henry Robinson Luce - Google Books. Grado Zero Espace progettazione e realizzazione di materiali e tecnologie innovative. Post: Grado Zero Partners @ ISPO TEXTRENDS 2015. Grado Zero Espace, tessuto ReLight, tessuto luminoso, Giada Dammacco, Filippo Pagliai, Malico Piccini, ricerca sui tessuti, nuovi materiali tessili, camicia a memoria di forma, Montelupo Fiorentino, Hinoki LS, Absolute Frontiers II, K-cap, Quota Zero Jack.
A Parigi arrivano gli abiti del futuro - Galleria. Tech Trends 2015.
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