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Asbestos removal in Hammersmith and Fulh

Asbestos removal in Hammersmith and Fulham Asbestos | London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham. This guide will help you to understand more about asbestos. It explains what it is, where it could be found in your home, why it might be a problem and how to deal with it. What is asbestos? Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous material. It was extensively used as a building material because it was cheap, with fireproofing properties, and it could be shaped and incorporated into many different products. Why might asbestos be a problem? Asbestos cannot harm anybody unless they breathe in asbestos fibres. If this happens, the fibres can be breathed deep into the lung where they may stay for a long time. As a leaseholder of a council property, you have a responsibility to get permission from us before starting any improvement or refurbishment work to your home.

If in doubt - ask! Contact your local housing office What should I do? If you’ve been told or suspect there is asbestos in your home – don’t worry. Where might I find asbestos? London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. Asbestos | London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham.