Fanfic: What If the world turned its head sideways Ch 1, Harry Potter. Disclaimer: Though I hope to have characters of my own to write about someday, this is NOT that day.
So if you don't want to read of my writing about other people's characters, there's a back button somewhere on the screen. Use it. This is AU in that Harry meets the twins in London, rather than his first Weasley meeting being Ron on the train. Since I've only plotted out through the first book's worth of story line, I'm not sure HOW AU it will get yet. What if? Harry followed Hagrid through the portal revealed by the wall of bricks in amazement. It stood several stories high, and the walls seemed to tell stories with the creatures carved into them. "In here, 'arry," the bearded man said, as he stood, practically blocking the doorway, "We'll get you some money to buy yer supplies with. "Your business here, sir? " "Mr. "Does Mr. Hagrid blinked then muttered under his breath as he reached into his coat. This time, Hagrid had Harry stay in the cart. "Yes," Harry looked up cautiously at them.
Chosen Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic. -1 Chosen Chapter one " Harry Potter.
I looked forward to meeting you. " " Most people do. " Harry responded tartly. " The place is not important. " If this is a dream, then what is to stop me from believing that this was…well… just a dream when I wake? " The messenger man smiled. Harry almost scoffed. " It was more along the lines of a delivery, Harry.
" Harry nearly rolled his eyes. " There must be balance. " The most helpful thing you could do, then is to stop giving me cryptic messages and start explaining them. " The Thief of Hogwarts Chapter 1. The Thief of Hogwarts By Bluminous A/N: I had this idea brewing in my mind for a month, and I finally decided to put it to writing... ...and it's not a crossover.
Additional Notes: Fanfic: Harry Potter and the Spiritual Heirs Ch 1, Harry Potter. Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter Full Summary- After the events that occurred at the Department of Mysteries, Harry is sinking into a depression.
His father figure, Sirius Black, is dead and there isn't a moment when Harry doesn't blame himself. Just when Harry has reached rock bottom, he is summoned by the goblins to attend Sirius' will hearing. But, what Harry leaves with, besides a considerable amount of gold and land, is a growing mistrust of his best friend, Ron Weasley, and his role model, Albus Dumbledore. With a new found resolve, Harry trains to overcome the two powerful wizards who are responsible for his life as an orphan. Harry Potter sat on his bed in his pitifully small bedroom in house number 4 on Privet Drive. Downstairs Harry could hear his only relatives sitting down for dinner, but by the muffled sound of it they were enjoying the absence of Harry's company. Fanfic: Harry Potter and the Primes of Merlin Ch 1, Harry Potter. Hi, guys!
I'm back with my very first attempt at a proper Harry Potter fanfic! Now, you will notice in this fic that a lot is taken directly from the books. This is because I want to make this as canon as possible, and trying to write exactly what the mighty Rowling has written without directly copying it would be extremely hard. So, what I have done is copy the books, and adapt it to fit my style. Please don't hate me for it. They called him the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter... For young Harry's destiny was decided ever so long ago, back in the time of the greatest sorcerer known to man, Merlin Ambrosius, known in his Welsh tongue as Myrddin Emrys. Merlin was a great man, like Harry overflowing with courage and power, but also great wisdom. The First Prime, the great sorceress Elvina, received her power in the year 943, and grew up a famed Seer, known widely as the Prime Oracle. The Second Prime, Selesse, received her power in the year 1782. 14-year old Harry Potter sighed.
Allure Immune Harry, a harry potter fanfic. Allure Immune Harry Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Harry frowned in concentration at the blonde witch in front of him as he tried to figure out why everyone around her seemed moments away from drooling. He couldn't really come up with an answer. She was pretty, he'd give her that. She also appeared to be quite aware of how to make use of what she had, so he could understand that she would be labeled as 'obviously attractive', but she wasn't drool-worthy, was she? Which made it even stranger when some of the girls around her began to adopt the same glazed looks that the boys had.
Ron was completely out of it, ignoring the food in front of him in a way that made Harry feel distinctly worried for an imminent apocalypse. Harry tried to think of an answer to all this bizarreness that surrounded him, but couldn't really figure one out. That thought made him pause. Was it possible to be part-veela? Chosen Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic. Fanfic: Harry Potter and the Primes of Merlin Ch 1, Harry Potter. Allure Immune Harry, a harry potter fanfic. Harry potter Fanfiction.