This Planet is worth fixing, so let's Heal This Rock.
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Cut up and recycle green tape today. Stop complaining about city lIfe and leave. - Heal This Rock. Cluttered living in sydney. Humans need to be inclusive in all areas - Heal This Rock. Document disclaimer. Explaining the healthisrock website - Earth needs your help. Open planet FOR SALE. Environmental Tips and Tricks for Humans - Healing the Planet. Healing the Planet. Understanding the meaning of being WOKE - Heal This Rock. I am WOKE. Fuel costs. Help Australia learn about Bio Fuels and Clean Energy. Tamworth mega city - Heal This Rock. Environmental healing - Heal This Rock. Environmental transformation. KEEP THE LIGHTS ON AT NIGHT - Heal This Rock. Why do we still have a world full of open air landfills? Reddit. We could do a lot better with our recycling. Reddit. Humans are Messy Creatures. Humans that are WOKE. Like a kid with an Ant Farm. Being Human. Should we take out Planet Insurance? We've got a Plan B for just about everything.
Reddit. Home - Heal This Rock. Loads Of Rubbish - Heal This Rock. Dirt And Water - Heal This Rock. No Trees Please - Heal This Rock. No Animals Here - Heal This Rock. The Ocean War - Heal This Rock. Please Nuke Me - Heal This Rock. Busy Bees are the bees knees - Heal This Rock. The Money To Be Green - Heal This Rock. Liquefied Synthetic Gas from your Rubbish - Heal This Rock. We used to like Liquefied Petroleum Gas Liquefied Petroleum Gas is created when crude oil is refined or is extracted when natural gas is produced; either way, LPG is sourced from fossil fuels. The components of fossil fuels are decaying plants and animals. These fuels may be burned to provide energy and can be found in the crust of the Earth. Fossil fuels include, for example, coal, oil, and natural gas.
LPG has a high caloric or heating value, meaning that it produces a lot of heat quickly when used as an energy source. So, LPG is excellent; it’s just that the manner we get it isn’t so great. Is there an alternative to LPG that does not rely on fossil fuels? If you read my page ‘Loads of Rubbish’ you’d know that I’m very excited about Sierra Energy’s FastOx Gasification Process as a way of stopping rubbish going to landfill as well as a way of making it the rubbish in the ground a very valuable resource, we can process it to make Syngas. The Internal Combustion Engine.