Symbolism of Hindu Deities Explained. By Subhamoy Das Updated November 29, 2016. The Vedic deities symbolize the forces of nature as well as inside human beings. While discussing the symbolic significance of Vedic deities in his The Secret of the Vedas, Rishi Aurobindo says that the gods, goddesses, and demons mentioned in the Vedas represent various cosmic powers, on one hand, and man's virtues and vices on the other. Why Worship Idol? Idol worship and rituals are at the heart of Hinduism have great religious and philosophical significance. All Hindu deities are themselves symbols of the abstract Absolute and point to a particular aspect of the Brahman. The Hindu Trinity is represented by three Godheads: Brahma - the creator, Vishnu - the protector and Shiva - the destroyer. Why Worship Different Deities? Unlike the followers of any other religion, Hindus enjoy the freedom of worshipping their personally chosen icon to offer their prayers to the indefinable Brahman.
Symbolism of Gods & Goddesses Vehicles of the Gods.
Brexit. No war of conquest, nothing to reconquer. Really? Bavaria. State in Germany Bavaria (; German and Bavarian: Bayern [ˈbaɪɐn]), officially the Free State of Bavaria (German and Bavarian: Freistaat Bayern [ˈfʁaɪʃtaːt ˈbaɪɐn]), is a landlocked federal state of Germany, occupying its southeastern corner. With an area of 70,550.19 square kilometres (27,200 sq mi), Bavaria is the largest German state by land area comprising roughly a fifth of the total land area of Germany. With 13 million inhabitants, it is Germany's second-most-populous state after North Rhine-Westphalia. Bavaria's main cities are Munich (its capital and largest city and also the third largest city in Germany[4]), Nuremberg and Augsburg.
The history of Bavaria includes its earliest settlement by Iron Age Celtic tribes, followed by the conquests of the Roman Empire in the 1st century BC, when the territory was incorporated into the provinces of Raetia and Noricum. It became a stem duchy in the 6th century AD following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. History[edit] Flags[edit] Cultural dimensions of learning: Addressing the challenges of multicultural instruction | Parrish. Patrick Parrish The COMET Program, USA Jennifer A. Linder-VanBerschot University of New Mexico, USA Abstract The growing multicultural nature of education and training environments makes it critical that instructors and instructional designers, especially those working in online learning environments, develop skills to deliver culturally sensitive and culturally adaptive instruction.
Keywords: Distance education; online learning; pedagogy; multicultural education Why Multicultural Education and Training is a Growing Concern Numerous factors are converging that make teaching and learning in cross-cultural and multicultural contexts more commonplace. But contrary to the growing flatness that Friedman (2007) reports, cultural diversity remains apparent among learners, perhaps owing to deeply rooted cultural values and modes of thinking that are difficult to separate from learning processes (Nisbett, 2003).
Cultural sensitivity is not just one-way, however. Sources of Thinking and Behavior. Cultural Dimensions. CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION. Managing Global Virtual Teams Overview | INSEAD. Making Distance and Diversity your Competitive Advantages How do managers organise globally dispersed teams? How do they build trust when their team members work together but not face to face? Which techniques bridge cultural, linguistic and geographical distances, not to mention time zones? When do cultural differences produce creativity rather than crossed wires? Above all, how can distance and diversity be turned into competitive advantage?
These are the key questions that Managing Global Virtual Teams tackles. How you benefit Participant Profile Participants are usually managers who lead teams of at least five people dispersed across two or more countries. The programme assumes experience of management and team building in general, focusing instead on the precise challenges of working across national boundaries and geographical distances. Businessinsider. The Culture Map: The Future of Management. Thinkers50 Interview with Erin Meyer. Erin Meyer on new strategies for global managers. Navigating the Cultural Minefield. When Aaron arrived in Moscow to take charge of the manufacturing plant his Israeli-owned company had just purchased, he expected to settle in quickly. Although he’d grown up in Tel Aviv, his parents were Russian-born, so he knew the culture and spoke the language well. He’d been highly successful managing Israeli teams and had led a large organization in Canada.
Yet six months into his new job, he was still struggling to supervise his team in Moscow. What, specifically, was he doing wrong? Answering such questions isn’t easy, as I’ve learned from 16 years studying the effects of cultural differences on business success. Although there’s been a great deal of research and writing on the subject, much of it fails to present a sufficiently nuanced picture that can be of real use to managers working internationally or with foreign colleagues. Time and again, I find that even experienced and cosmopolitan managers have faulty expectations about how people from other cultures operate. Leading. Global strategy. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.
IJIR is dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding of theory, research and practice in the field of intercultural relations, including, but not limited to, topics such as immigrant acculturation and integration; intergroup relations, and intercultural communication that have implications for social impact. The journal publishes quantitative and qualitative empirical research and reviews of research literature. Both full length papers and brief reports are published with high priority given to manuscripts that join theory and research with applications in the areas of education, health, social welfare and organizational and community development. IJIR provides an interdisciplinary forum for scholars in fields of psychology, communication, education, management, sociology and related disciplines.
Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Hide full aims and scope. Journal of Intercultural Communication. Intercultural Communication - Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) Global Citizen's competences. ... to develop Intercultural Competence. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION. Intercultural Competence. North East Asia. History of Syria. The history of the region now known as Syria, and the nations (or pre-national civilizations) previously occupying its territory: Prehistory[edit] The oldest remains found in Syria date from the Palaeolithic era (c.800,000 BC). On 23 August 1993 a joint Japan-Syria excavation team discovered fossilized Paleolithic human remains at the Dederiyeh Cave some 400 km north of Damascus. The bones found in this massive cave were those of a Neanderthal child, estimated to have been about two years old, who lived in the Middle Palaeolithic era (ca. 200,000 to 40,000 years ago).
Although many Neanderthal bones had been discovered already, this was practically the first time that an almost complete child's skeleton had been found in its original burial state.[1] Archaeologists have demonstrated that civilization in Syria was one of the most ancient on earth. Ancient Syria[edit] Clay tablet from Ebla's archive Ebla was probably conquered by Sargon of Akkad around 2330 BC. Medieval era[edit] Birmanie - Myanmar - Burma. Intercultural. SYRIA. Asia. Southeast Asia. Peninsula Malaysia's History. Malaysia. Understanding_ic_competence. Examples and Resources on Intercultural Communication.
Issues in Cross-Cultural Communication. CULLISON: There must be witty expressions, though, that don’t make it across the cultural gap. MURAMATSU: Well, take the American saying "It won’t play in Peoria. " I’ve heard it used, I know what it means. The other day in Osaka an American businessman, arguing against some Japanese proposals, said "It won’t hold in Washington, and certainly not in Peoria. " He said "hold" rather than "play," but I knew exactly what he meant. I didn’t interpret it as Peoria, Illinois, though. That would simply confuse a Japanese audience. CULLISON: So what did you do? MURAMATSU: I just disregarded Peoria and paraphrased it as "It won’t be accepted by the people in Washington, government people, Congressmen, and certainly not by the average citizen. " But these are the things that spice our conversation, make it interesting, so they shouldn’t be discouraged.
CULLISON: Are there any other danger points that you can think of? MURAMATSU: Religion, yes. MURAMATSU: Yes. . - from. Six Barriers to Intercultural Communication. Intercultural Communication in Workplace | Business Management Course. 9780472033577-ch1. InterculturalCommweb.pdf. Journal of Intercultural Communication. Richard Lewis Communications - Negotiating across Cultures. “In all negotiations of difficulty, a man may not look to sow and reap at once; but must prepare business, and so ripen it by degrees” – Francis Bacon (1561-1626) ‘Of Negotiating’ Negotiation is probably as old as mankind itself and was born out of Homo Sapiens’ early struggles for survival and dominance.
During the last century or so, negotiation has become a science, dominated by the Americans. But anyone who has mediated at, for instance, a Japanese-US joint venture knows that the moment intercultural factors enter the equation, the landscape can change utterly. It has always been advisable to understand the cultural factors in international negotiations. The first principles and values of the different parties can diverge widely, colouring the entire process. But in the current climate appreciating cultural bias is essential. In times of financial crisis, people are under psychological stress and there is a tendency to assert our cultural values more powerfully when under pressure.
Cross-Cultural Adaptation. COM 372—Theory and Research in Intercultural Communication Updated 11 June 2013 A General Introduction Adaptation: Going Abroad · Many authors have theorized and researched the notion of cross-cultural adaptation, which entails moving from one culture to another culture, usually (but not always) learning the rules, norms, customs, and language of the new culture. We should differentiate between different types of cross-cultural travel. o Short-term travelers, such as those on vacations or business trips. O Sojourners, those who travel to a culture for an extended time, but still one with planned limits—that is, a plan to return, such as international students or those on an extended business assignment of (for example), one to three years o Immigrants, those who move to another culture with plans of making that culture their new home · Of course, even immigrants can vary on several dimensions, which become important later, such as: Today’s notes cover two main themes: Ø Competence. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Protocol Professionals, Inc. | Chinese Etiquette & Protocol. Confucius, China's greatest sage established a system of ethics, morals, hierarchy and behavior, setting the rules for people dealing with other people, and establishing each person's proper place in society. The five major relationships set forth by Confucius: Key concepts in understanding Chinese culture: Guanxi - Throughout much of Chinese history, the fundamental glue that has held society together is the concept of guanxi, relationships between people. Mianzi - Face - Losing face, saving face and giving face is very important and should be taken into consideration at all times. Li - Originally li meant to sacrifice, but today it is translated as the art of being polite and courteous. Proper etiquette preserves harmony and face. Keqi - Ke means guest and qi means behavior. Getting to Know Each Other Greetings and Introductions.
The Ultimate Guide to Worldwide Etiquette. Cultural Insights - Geert Hofstede. Dining etiquette around the world | Epic Cool Things. Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia or Southeastern Asia is a subregion of Asia, consisting of the countries that are geographically south of China, east of India, west of New Guinea and north of Australia.[1] The region lies on the intersection of geological plates, with heavy seismic and volcanic activity.
Southeast Asia consists of two geographic regions: The major religions are Islam, Buddhism and Taoism, followed by Christianity. However, a wide variety of religions are found throughout the region, including Hinduism and many animist-influenced practices.[3] Divisions[edit] A constructed map shows the diversity of every culture in Southeast Asia.
Political[edit] Countries[edit] Territories[edit] Location of Southeast Asia[8] Administrative subdivisions of countries[edit] Geographical[edit] Southeast Asia is geographically divided into two subregions, namely Mainland Southeast Asia (or Indochina) and Maritime Southeast Asia (or the similarly defined Malay Archipelago) (Indonesian: Nusantara). History[edit] Korean Business Etiquette. Expanding Your Cultural Intelligence Quiz | RealMagazine – Winter/Spring 2014. Your CQ can be as important as your IQ Few subjects are as massive and complex as culture. Here’s how the American Heritage English Dictionary leads off its definition of the term: “the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought.”
The “all other products” qualifier would strain the resources of most anyone’s cultural quotient, or CQ, which global-competence researchers, Linn Van Dyne, Soon Ang and Christine Koh, interpret as an individual’s “capability to function effectively in situations characterized by cultural diversity.” Diversity, of course, at least according to the U.S. Department of the Interior, roundly refers to “many demographic variables, including, but not limited to, race, religion, color, gender, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, education, geographic origin, and skill characteristics.” Or just let life happen? Finally, the damn quiz… Page 1 out of 1. CCAI: Cross-Cultural Adaptability Inventory.
International Addresses and Salutations.