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What is Cloud Computing? - FEILUNG! Cloud computing is all around us, and you’re probably using it without even knowing. You may not be aware that you are using it, but it is highly likely that you are in many more ways than you think. The easiest way to think about cloud computing is to consider it as an application that does not sit on your computer, but on the internet instead. You do not need to know the exact location of the software or associated data and instead can access all of the information as you would with locally stored data on your computer. The fact that the information is remote offers many advantages because this makes it available to a variety of devices, including desktops, smartphones and tablets, and they can all be kept in sync all of the time. Even the largest companies are jumping on the cloud bandwagon these days, which is exemplified by the release of Google Drive.

Depending on the type of cloud service you want to use, there are a variety of low-cost options now available to you.