Puja Ghosh
I am Puja Ghosh a creative and versatile writer with an enthusiasm to create unique and interesting content for a wide variety of projects including blogs, web content, essays, and memoir content. My goal is to introduce my viewers with the latest changes that take place every day around the world and also to keep them updated. Check out my blogs to fill yourself with the updated information from around the corners of this planet.
Supine Hand to Toe Pose - 101YogaStudio. Source Sanskrit Name: Padangusthasana (पादंगुष्ठासन) English Name: Supine Hand to Toe Pose or Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose Type of Yoga: Hatha Yoga Level of Yoga: Basic Duration: As per your capability or 30 to 60 seconds Target Area: Calves, Hamstrings Strengthens: Thighs Padangusthasana yoga is a major asana.
Source What Does It Mean By Padangusthasana? Padangusthasana is the Sanskrit language which is made up of three words, In which the first word is “Pada (पादं)”, which means “foot” The second word is “Angustha (अँगूठा)”, which means “Thumb” And the third word is “Asana (आसन)”, which means “Yoga Pose” Padangusthasana is a forward bend yoga pose. In this article, we have discussed the methods of performing Padangusthasana and the benefits of it. Preparatory Poses of Padangusthasana: Source How to Do Padangusthasana? Source Beginner’s Tips: To practice the Padangusthasana pose, you can also do a little mode on your knees Do only those whose hamstring is very small Follow-Up Poses of Padangusthasana: 5 Easy And Effective Bed Exercises For Legs - 101YogaStudio. Don’t have time to get to the gym?
No problem. You can strengthen your legs without even getting out of bed. You can still transform your body with exercises you can do right on your mattress. Choose a few of them, or complete every move, and perform as many reps as you can in 30 seconds. You’ll burn more calories than you would by repeatedly hitting the snooze button. Source :- pinterest . com Bed Exercises For Legs: Here are five best and easy bed exercise for legs are given. 1. Leg lift is one of the excellent bed exercises for legs.
How To: This is one of the best bed exercises for legs. Marching Hip Raises is an excellent exercise to tone up and build up strenght to your legs. 4. One of the best bed exercises for legs is side plank. Source :- calendarfit . com 5. Scissor kick is one of the best bed exercises for legs. Third Party Insurance For Car In India: Know In Details - Your Guide to Insurance. The Supreme Court had directed the Indian Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) to make this rule mandatory for third party insurance for car from September 1.
IRDAI has issued circular in this context to direct non-life insurance companies. So far only two-wheelers were available for more than one-year insurance cover in the market. According to the report of the committee, only 6 million of the registered 18 million vehicles in the country have third party insurance cover. NOTE:From 1st September onwards you will be required to take 3 years for a new car and a third party insurance cover of 5 years for the bike. Third party insurance for car is also known as Liability Cover. Here the first party driver and third-party car are coming in the grip. Summary:The Supreme Court has made Third Party Insurance mandatory for the financial loss of the vehicle coming into the grip of the vehicle. Source :- acko . com Source :- capitalfm . co . ke Check Related Article :- Retirement Life Insurance Plans In India: Know In Details - Your Guide to Insurance.
The retirement life insurance plans are insurance policies planned to give you monetary protection when your salaried income stops i.e. you retire.
With the earnings of your retirement life insurance plans, one can choose for monthly pension paybacks too by just buying the pension plans. These retirement life insurance plans help you to capitalize your incomes over the ages and make a deposit which one can extract the whole amount or in parts at the time of your retirement years. How To Select The Best Retirement Life Insurance Plans? Policy Surrender Custodies: Take a note of those policy submission charges; if you have to any point of time surrender your policy as these varies from company to company and it can cost you a fortune.
Vesting Age: The vesting age is basically the age when your annuity will begin. Pension Options: Just determine how much earnings will be adequate to provide to your requirements post retirement and choose your retirement life insurance plans accordingly.