SR-22 form. The difference between sr-22 and regular insurance is that sr-22 insurance is for high-risk drivers who are convicted of major moving violations, while regular insurance is for anyone who drives a car. Simply means that a high-risk driver's insurance company has filed an sr-22 certificate, which is a state-issued form verifying that someone has the minimum amount of car insurance required by law. It can be court-ordered, or simply required, to get your license back after suspension, to reinstate driving privileges or to register your car with the department of motor vehicles. It is essentially a document submitted with the state by an auto insurance provider to certify that a person has an insurance scheme in place. U003ethe sr22 form may be required by a court or your state if you have certain driving-related violations such as duis, reckless driving, an at-fault accident in an uninsured car, or a number of other reasons.