Cosmetics & Care
Ringblomssalva. Här hemma blommar fortfarande ringblommorna vackert.
Pączki jabłoni - wiosenny skarb. Receptbloggen - Organic Makers. Receptbloggen - Organic Makers. Naturliga balsamkakor - så här gör du dem själv! - Organic Makers. Organic Makers - Home. Małgorzata Kaczmarczyk. Jestem pod wielkim wrażeniem maści, którą zrobiłam z silnej konieczności załagodzenia bólu stopy.
Prawdopodobnie mocno naciągnęłam ścięgno.
How to make Rose Water Toner using fresh Rose Petals. DIY KIT Ringblomssalva - Organic Makers. Oleje ziołowe - Zrób Sobie Krem. Fabric softener is the #1 cause of indoor air pollution. Make your own with this DIY recipe : Healthy Holistic Living. Fabric softener ads often portray an image of comfort, freshness and sweetness.
Yet most fabric softeners contain a grim list of known toxins which can enter your body through the skin and by inhalation, causing a wide range of health problems, particularly for young children.
How Do I Make Homemade Hot Tiger Balm?
Beauty Masks. Body Scrub. Deodorant. Dental Hygiene. Eye Makeup Remover. Oils. Perfume. Shampoo. Soap. Huiles essentielles. DIY Beauty. Insect repell. Deodorants and care. Essential oils, incense. 60 DIY Beauty Products You Should Start Making. You can save a bundle on beauty products when you make them on your own at home.
Some of these recipes show you how to use simple ingredients that are low cost, while others show you how to stretch out high-quality ingredients so they last longer, saving you money that way. 1. Coconut Oil Honey Hair Mask Coconut oil and honey combine to make a mask that your hair won’t soon forget. The richness of the coconut oil, combined with the antibacterial nature of the honey give this a consistency that feels amazing while applying it, and leaves your hair feeling amazing. 2. This scrub will keep you feeling refreshed with the scent of lemon combined with the pine-like smell of tea tree oil. 3. Stop buying expensive acne treatments and put Mother Nature to work on your breakouts. 4. Keep your skin looking great all summer long with this lotion specifically designed for the warmer months.
5 Awesome Uses for Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is one of the most famous plants in the world, and is has been used frequently in history for its medicinal properties.
Legend has it that the Aloe Vera was Cleopatra's beauty secret, is mentioned in the Bible in over a dozen passages, and now has scientific research to support its benefits. The Aloe Vera plant is easy to grow even in cold climates and many people grow it as a house plant. Aloe Vera extracts can drank as a juice, applied as a topical lotion or taken in dried extract capsules. When you are purchasing gel or juice, look at the concentration of the product to ensure its not diluted and you are buying pure Aloe Vera. What's in Aloe Vera gel:
DIY Aloe Vera Gel. This Instructable will show you how I (and I emphasize I) make homemade Aloe Vera Gel.
I personally use it as a moisturizer on my aging sun-kissed, exposed chest skin and neck, hoping that it will rejuvenate it over the long run and keep that part of my skin looking young. One of the reasons I am posting this tutorial is because I know this mixture helps heal sunburns. My husband burns easily and in a pinch, I have rubbed straight aloe vera goo from the plant on his bright red extremities.
DIY all-natural eye-emphasizing mascara. Mascara is the one cosmetic I wear on a daily basis, and the one item in my regular beauty routine that, up until now, I have still been purchasing ready-made (as opposed to making it in my kitchen).
You see, I’ve tried to make my own mascara in the past (oh, have I tried), but all of the recipes called for coconut oil. While this may work outdoors in the wintertime (burr), since coconut oil has a melting point of 76°F, it was constantly smudging all over my face! I love the ingenuity of these DIYs but they were just not working out for me. So I gave up.
Recettes Cosmétiques Maison - Huiles & Sens. Garantie de remboursement. Cosmétique maison bio : “baume du tigre” - Blog maison écologique : le green blog. J’ai commencé à avoir un petit mal de gorge qui s’empirait à vue d’œil et je me suis rappelée que quand j’étais petite ma maman me mettait du baume du tigre sur la gorge et m’emballait dans un foulard pour faire partir la douleur.
Insect-Repellent Lotion Bars. Crock-Pot Lotion BarsOne way to prevent and treat insect bites is to make bug-repellent lotion bars.
They are simple to make and can be customized to fit your needs. • 4 ounces beeswax, bars or pellets • 4 ounces shea butter or cocoa butter • 4 ounces coconut oil • Essential oils of choice, try one or a blend, 30 to 40 drops total (try peppermint, cinnamon, basil, lemon eucalyptus, rosemary or catnip) • Crock-Pot liner 1. Put the liner in your Crock-Pot. This will allow for easy cleanup. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Total Nutrition – Make your own Homemade Multivitamin and Mineral Formula. Doc Shillington not only sells his Total Nutrition Formula, which is available at Green lifestyle Market, he also tells us how to make our own.
One of the reasons we love working with Doc is that he empowers people to take their health into their own hands. And as you know, here at OLM we love DIY healthcare! Doc’s Total Nutrition Formula, a perfectly balanced blend of whole foods, is especially formulated to supply you with natural food source vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential trace elements. These are nature’s nutrients, not man made or synthetic.
Super Easy Hard Lotion Bar Recipe - Just Three Ingredients. All Natural Hair Color Recipes Using Herbs. How to Make Your Own Homemade Tiger Balm: Recipes that Work! - NaturalON. Photo credit: When you go to the gym or play a particularly hard game of ball, or even just moving into a new house, you can find yourself with aches and pains from sore muscles.
Nothing works quite as well as a soothing application of Tiger Balm. Did you know that you don’t have to run to the store to pick up some heat pads or those heating gels for relief?
DIY Recipes Collection - Dr. Axe. Homemade Body Butter » The Merrythought. During the winter months my skin can use all the moisturizing it can get! I’ve been wanting to try making my own lotion, or body butter, for a while now and since I’ve been on a homemade beauty product kick lately, now is the time! I thought I’d start really simple and easy, using only whipped coconut oil and essential oils.
How to Make & Use Castor Oil Packs. Homemade Facial Cleanser - GreenBootLiving.
50 Things You Should $top Buying & Start Making. You might be realizing that most of the products out there that aren’t made organically or naturally contain a lot of toxic chemicals. Not only that, many of these products can be harmful to our environment in a number of ways.
Björklövsvatten (hårskölj)
These Borderline Genius Tattoo DIY Are Quick And Painless. Make Your Own Hand and Body Cream (with Bonus Beeswax Hand-Saver Recipe) – Natural Health – MOTHER EARTH NEWS.
Making your own hand and body cream is not difficult. Just be sure you can work for 30 minutes or so with no interruptions — no dogs, no children, no phone. Most of the ingredients below are available from The Chemistry Store or Bulk Apothecary and even Amazon for small quantities. Quantities needed for a both a single 4-ounce jar and a large batch of nine 4-ounce jars are given below.
Uroda Archives — Zielony Zagonek. How to Use Alum for Canker Sores - Best Home Remedy!
METHOD: 1. This is alum and we get it in blocks. 2. Take a small piece of alum and powder it in a mortar and pestle to a fine powder. 3. Boil water along with little crystal salt. 4. NOTES:Use crystal salt, not the powdered salt.If you can bear the sting, then applying the powder directly on the canker sore is even more effective.
How to Make Lye: 13 Steps. Edit Article Edited by G. Kent, Krystle C., Ben Rubenstein, Ash Furrow and 39 others Lye, also known as NaOH, sodium hydroxide, or caustic soda, is used in making soap and in biodiesel fuel production. Caustic potash, or potassium hydroxide, is also called lye. Like sodium hydroxide, it can also be used in the production of biodiesel, although the recipe will have to be adjusted somewhat; unlike, NaOH, however, it can more easily be made at home. Ad Steps Lye Step 1.360p.mp4 00:00 00:08 00:08 spaceplay / pauseescstopffullscreenshift + ←→slower / faster (latest Chrome and Safari)←→seek . seek to previous 12…6 seek to 10%, 20%, …60% 1Start a rain barrel to catch soft water.
Tips. Homemade Salt Scrub recipes; be ready to feel ENERGIZED. Every body should have tried a homemade salt scrub at least once in their life. Chances are that it won’t be the last time either. Salt scrubs are known not only to exfoliate but to give you a revived, energized and rejuvenated feeling.
DIY Beauty: 15 More Face & Body Products to Make Yourself - WebEcoist. Homemade Eczema Cream/Skin Moisturizer « {DIYconfessions}
Happy Thursdayyy! I’m anxious to share the recipe for this cream!