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The green cleaner: 15 natural ways to spruce up your home – from nettles to rainwater. It was a filthy washing machine that prompted Nancy Birtwhistle to embrace the power of eco-friendly cleaning.
“I was nearly at the point where I thought I needed a new washing machine, because it was a disgrace,” she says. “And that’s the sort of culture we’ve become: ‘I’ll replace it.’” Instead, she gave it a thorough clean and switched to homemade detergent. She says her machine no longer gets gunked up from chemical overload. Birtwhistle, a no-nonsense retired GP practice manager and grandmother of nine, won the fifth series of The Great British Bake Off in 2014, but she has also become known on social media for her green cleaning tips. Bulk-buy ingredients Birtwhistle buys her most-used ingredients in bulk – an initial outlay, but money-saving in the long run. Forage for soap It sounds miraculous, but Birtwhistle swears by ivy as a laundry detergent (about 60g, cut up and put in a muslin bag, then put in the drum).
Storing Tips for Flour & Other Baking Essentials. While it’s easy to tell whether a banana or a tomato is past its prime, flour and other baking essentials can be a bit trickier.
Nearly all food products can go bad, and less-than-optimal conditions can speed up the process. Take inventory by examining and smelling whole grains and flours. Toss anything that looks bad, smells rancid, is expired, or has lost color or potency. The following infographic lists basic ingredients and storage tips to help you optimize your pantry of baking ingredients. Love This? Note: the expiration dates are estimated assuming that a pantry meets optimal conditions.
27 Beautiful Infographics that teach you how to cook. 49 Uses for Tea. By Steve Graham, Hometalk I get through the sleepless days of being a stay-at-home dad, freelance writer and DIY remodeler with copious quantities of tea.
I drink Celestial Seasonings Morning Thunder tea in a big beer stein, which I believe to be quite manly. I also hate to throw out anything I could reuse or recycle. So I scoured the Internet to find 50 uses for used tea bags and tea, other than the primary functions of keeping me hydrated and awake. With thanks to “Reader’s Digest” and “Mental Floss” magazines, the Boulder Dushanbe Tea House, and several bloggers and Web forums, here is the definitive list of other uses for tea.
(3) Facebook. Hemgjord lim-lösare tar bort de tuffaste etiketterna. Ge inte upp!
Ta bort det kletigaste limmet från glasburkar och flaskor med en hemmagjord blandning av två giftfria ingredienser. Vissa etiketter är hopplösa.
(1) Facebook. Orange Peel Vinegar Cleaner Recipe. Now you can make your own Orange Vinegar Cleaner Homemade Recipe and it’s totally natural and works a treat.
Check out the video tutorial now. Report advertisement - keep scrolling. Så rengör du din dator, surfplatta eller hörlurar. Operativsystemet, mejlprogrammet och liknande i din dator skyddas av skräppostfilter, antivirusprogram och popup-blockare.
Däremot finns det ännu inget (kommersiellt tillgängligt) skydd mot yttre skräp, smuts och damm som kan hålla dina teknikprylar kladdfria år efter år.
How to clean high-quality kitchen taps properly. Your kitchen tap and sink are often exposed to heat and cold as well as bases, grease or acids.
This is why hansgrohe manufactures high-quality taps whose function, design and sheen remain intact long-term without the need for any time-consuming maintenance. The maintenance tips mentioned here will enable you to enjoy using your sink tap for a long time to come.
Hemgjord lim-lösare tar bort de tuffaste etiketterna. Lista: 8 varor som aldrig behöver slängas. (3) Watch - Discover. Анастасия Высоцкая - Great tips for you and your family :o. (1) Knitting and Crochet - Posts.
Nifty Outdoors - 8 Fun Ways To Up Your Plant Game. Delicious. Milli Savunma Sanayi. Giftfri skurbomb – så gör du. Hemmagjorda städmedel är mer effektiva än man kan tro.
Här bjuder kemisten Therese Birath på en naturlig skurbomb för rengöring av smutsiga skurgolv. Kemisten Therese Birath tröttnade på vardagslivets gifter och bestämde sig för att kemikaliebanta hemmet. Extra viktigt när familjen växte, tyckte hon och hennes man. Här är hennes enkla recept på hur du gör en egen skurbomb, som tar bort fläckar och ingrodd smuts på golv som tål såpa.
Vid veckostädning räcker det med vanligt såpvatten, just den här blandningen lämpar sig bäst som fläckborttagare. Läs också: Gör ditt eget giftfria schampo – på bara 3 ingredienser! Så gör du egen skurbomb Du behöver:
(3) 8 Kitchen Tips And Tricks. (3) 19 Food Hacks and Tricks. (3) 19 Food Hacks and Tricks. (3) 10 BEST FOOD HACKS (recompilation)
25 Practical Uses For Baking Soda That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of. Baking soda is an extremely versatile ingredient to keep around your house.
Not only can it be used for baking and for deodorizing your fridge, it also has many other uses as well, many of which may surprise you. One of the best features of this product is that it is super economical and non-toxic. Listed below are the top 25 ways you can use it, but a quick online search will yield you many more.
Marie-Louise skyddar sig mot fästingar med strumpbyxor. (1) Watch - Discover. Studies Show Best Method For Cleaning Produce - Healthy Holistic Living. 25 Practical Uses For Baking Soda That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of. Watch - Discover. Matsvinn – så ska du göra för att inte slänga mat. ”Maten har en jättestor betydelse för miljön” Foto: Jonas Ekströmer/TT, Gunnar Bergkrantz Ingen mat får slängas, är kocken Carola Magnussons tips för en mer hållbar matlagning.
Farmers Reveals the Secret to Keeping Berries Fresh for Weeks. These Plants Are Oxygen Bombs & They Clean The Air In Your Home. The Facts:CDC director Robert Redfield said on Wednesday that wearing a mask might be "more guaranteed" to protect an individual from the coronavirus than a vaccine.Reflect On:Why is there so much conflicting information out there? Why is it so difficult to arrive at any concrete truth?
How does the politicization of science play a role? What Happened: Centers For Disease Control (CDC) Director Robert Redfield recently stated that wearing a mask may be “more guaranteed” to protect an individual from the coronavirus than a vaccine. This calls into question the efficacy of the vaccine, which is set to make its way into the public domain at the end of this year, or shortly after that. We thought we’d cover this story to bring up the efficacy of vaccines in general, and the growing vaccine hesitancy that now exists within a number of people, scientists and physicians across the world. Are Masks Effective? You can read more about that story here and find other complimenting studies.
Veronicas tips gör djuren aldrig mer får fästingar på sig. När sommaren kommer så kommer även fästingarna.
How to Get the Smell Out of Jars for Zero-Waste Reuse. When making the transition to a zero-waste lifestyle, it can be tempting to buy every Mason jar you come into contact with — despite the perfectly good tomato sauce jars filling up your recycling bin. But when it comes to reducing waste, it's always better to use what you have rather than buy new items — yes, including that pickle jar that still reeks of pickles.
10 Best Air Filtering House Plants, According to NASA (Inc. Images)
Using space station technology to ensure the safety of your home may be easier than you thought. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration conducted the NASA Clean Air Study to demonstrate the effectiveness of particular plants to purify air.
As homes become more insulated and efficient, they also make it easier to trap indoor air pollutants. Chemicals like benzene, formaldehyde, and ammonia can come from household items and pollute your home’s atmosphere without any visual warning. Neglecting the quality of the air you breathe on a daily basis could result in serious consequences. Illness, allergies, asthma and frequent headaches are just a few of many inconveniences that come from airborne particles floating around your home.
72 Uses For Simple Household Products To Save Money & Avoid Toxins. (8) Watch - Discover. Facebook Watch. What White, Western Audiences Don't Understand About Marie Kondo's 'Tidying Up'
You've been threading needles wrong your whole life.
Healthy-holistic-living. Cast Iron Restoration, Seasoning, Cleaning & Cooking. Cast Iron skillets, griddles and pots.
Flowerss - Amazing Flower Fruit. Use The Tea Bag Method To Keep Rats and Spiders Out of Your Home : Healthy Holistic Living.
Even though the summer is currently still well heated, believe it or not, it will soon be coming to its close. While that is wonderful news for us fall weather and pumpkin-everything lovers, it presents some rather unfavorable changes as well. As the weather gets cold, nasty little bugs and pesky rodents are doing their best to find a warm place to stay for winter. This means that ugly spiders and rats might just decide to invade your home as the months turn colder (1) Gross. Thankfully for us, however, there is a simple method that has been well tested over time that keeps this nasty little critters away. All you have to do to keep your home pure of rats, other rodents, and unwanted bugs this year is follow these easy steps (2): Take a single peppermint tea bag, boil some hot water, and brew a cup of peppermint tea One the bag is properly soaking into the tea, remove it and place it in a corner of your home that you fully expect these nasty little pests to inhabit.
Abbey Ryan. Hur det gick sen. Den 22 april 2011, kl 10:58 Vi tappade björksav på det här viset:1.
Hur det gick sen. Det susar i saven. The benefits of WOOD ASH in the garden #Ideas - 101 Gardening. 1. Make lye water out of ash. You can boil 2-3 spoons of ash (clean white/grey fluffy ash) with water and then filter it with a coffee filter. Lye water is a great cleaning agent and sanitizer for clothes, floors, windows, silverware, plates, and even rust in marble. You can also make lye by adding the fluffy white ash in a cheesecloth. In a bucket with holes on its base, you add the cheesecloth and ash, and hang it somewhere high.
Vilda och odlade köksväxter. Clean A Smooth Stovetop the Frugal Way - The Make Your Own Zone. 22 Genius Clothing Hacks That Are Easy And Cheap. Non-Toxic Ways To Deep Clean Your Kitchen (Infographic)
7 Natural Ways to Deter Mice From Staying In Your Household. A lot of people resort to mouse-traps to get rid of mice, but have you ever considered natural ways to deter mice? As soon the cooler weather starts to hit, chances are that every manner of living creature is trying to make their way into your warm house. Bugs, mice, and rodents of all kinds seek out warmth for survival. Many animal lovers are no longer happy with traditional mouse traps, as they are considered inhumane by some. Unfortunately, if you have a common rodent problem, an exterminator and traditional traps are all you can use. Now, residents everywhere are seeking natural ways to deter mice.
The average house mouse can fit through a 6mm gap in the wall. 1) Tabasco Sauce: Take any standard bottle of Tabasco sauce, mix it with hot water and some dish detergent then add it to a spray bottle. 3) Garlic: Not just a vampire deterrent, garlic cloves are actually a great way to deter mice from staying in your home.
7 Life Hacks That You Definitely Need To Know If You Wear Glasses. Cleaning with Thieves Vinegar. Guest post by Grit Blogger Mary Murray Something new I’m cleaning with this year is a twist on an ancient recipe for Thieves’ Vinegar. It’s said this vinegar was used to fight the Black Plague, and while there are more than a few dust bunnies that need shooing away, trust me, the old farmhouse isn’t THAT bad!
What I’ll use my recipe for is to kill germs in the kitchen, bathrooms, and anywhere else that needs some extra cleaning power … even the chicken coop will get a heavy spritz of this once spring is truly here. It’s oh-so-simple to make. I added some fresh herbs that I brought inside to overwinter (lavender, rosemary, lemon balm, and mint) to a quart-size canning jar. I placed the jar in a sunny window for 2 to 3 weeks … because the fragrance was strong enough, I strained the herbs from the vinegar using a colander.
21 Simple Remedies To Make Your Home Pest-Free Without Harmful Chemicals - Natural Cures And Home Remedies. Who does not love summer, right? This includes sunny days, pool time, camping trips, and many other interesting things. Well, it is not always that perfect since there are always the annoying bugs and insects to bother us.
Ways To Keep Mice From Getting Inside Your Home. Hydrogen Peroxide Doesn’t Just Disinfect. Here Are 5 Little-Known Uses For It. You probably have hydrogen peroxide in your medicine cabinet.
It’s a great ingredient for disinfecting and cleaning scratches and wounds. But hydrogen peroxide is far more useful than you think.
How To Wash And Whiten Yellowed Pillows. Så här får du bort dem - Cleanipedia. Vårt bästa tips. 13 brilliant kitchen hacks that most people haven’t heard of. Cooking just got easier. For some of us, being in the kitchen isn’t our favorite thing. Eating… YES! But all the cooking, the cleaning, and the storing… not the most fun. So, knowing a few tricks helps to make it more bearable.
10 Uses for Wood Ashes. Bikarbonat - 8 fantastiska rengöringstips och vardagshacks. Smarta vardagstips: Tvätta utemöbler/husvägg/trall.
Natural, Non-toxic Wasp Control, Wasp Traps, Wasp Repellents. Top 10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps. Save Money: Propagate Your Own Baby Aloe Vera Plant – 10 awesome tricks for cleaning your home without chemicals. Vilda och odlade köksväxter. 13 Superb Ways to Make Old Things Look As Good As New. Han stapper toalettpapir opp i kantene av toalettet. Noen minutter senere får han ønsket resultat! - Kreative Idéer.
NASA Reveals A List Of The Best Air-Cleaning Plants For Your Home. Non-Toxic Adhesive Removal. I Didn’t Think It Would Work, But Her Method To Killing Mold Is The Best I’ve Ever Seen : AWM. 5-Minute Crafts. 42 Seriously Useful Tips Every Clean Freak Needs To Know. You've Been Cutting These 7 Vegetables Wrong Your Whole Life. Health Care. Nifty - 7 Genius Ways To Cut Fruit □ Impress your...
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Spray this oil and you will never see mold again. Use This Trick And Your Home Will Smell Amazing! -
16 more tips for living without plastic. 15 life hacks that’ll help you stay calm. 20 clever tricks to make house cleaning quick and easy. 10 awesome tricks for cleaning your home without chemicals. 10 awesome tricks for cleaning your home without chemicals. Ten great housekeeping hacks for naturally cleaning your home. 18 utterly ingenious life hacks that will make you say ’Wow!’
5-Minute Crafts - 7 clever uses for wine corks.□□...
10 Secret Kitchen Hacks, Which Only Chefs Know. TOP TIP - Journal. 16 Ways To Deep Clean Your Bathroom (And Keep It Clean!)
Bright Side - Journal. Därför ska du alltid lägga ett mynt i frysen innan du åker hemifrån. How to differentiate between real and fake honey. This Man Walks You Through A Series Of Easy Salt-Related Life Hacks. They Said Coconut Oil Was Good For Your Skin. Here’s What They Didn’t Tell You.