MSc Climate Change, Management and Finance. Minimum academic requirement A UK Honours degree at 2:1 or equivalent in a relevant discipline such as science, engineering, economics or mathematics.
International qualifications The academic requirement above is for applicants who hold or who are working towards a UK qualification. We also accept a wide variety of international qualifications. For guidance see our Country Index though please note that the standards listed here are the minimum for entry to the College. If you have any questions about admissions and the standard required for the qualification you hold or are currently studying then please contact the relevant admissions team. English language requirements All candidates must demonstrate a minimum level of English language proficiency for admission to the College. For admission to this course, you must achieve the higher College requirement in the appropriate English language qualification. MSc Environmental Technology. Minimum academic requirement 2.1 Honours degree in any subject including science, engineering or social sciences.
International Qualifications The academic requirement above is for applicants who hold or who are working towards a UK qualification. We also accept a wide variety of international qualifications. For guidance see our Country Index though please note that the standards listed here are the minimum for entry to the College.
If you have any questions about admissions and the standard required for the qualification you hold or are currently studying then please contact the relevant admissions team. English Language requirements. MSc Environmental Economics and Climate Change. Electives# Broaden and deepen your understanding of the business world through electives – a highlight of the programme.
Share a classroom with MFA, MiF, MBA and Leadership programme students and gain insights from their knowledge and experience of working with organisations around the world. Select from a diverse range of subject areas to tailor your learning objectives. Complete two electives, from a choice of 49 including two courses designed specifically for MiM students: Entrepreneurship and Corporate Finance & Capital Markets.
Entrepreneurial Management This is an exciting opportunity to make your dreams of entrepreneurship a reality. Many of our faculty are experienced entrepreneurs in their own right and bring other successful entrepreneurs to speak in class. Corporate Finance & Capital Markets Develop a strong grasp of both investments and corporate finance. School-wide electives These electives enable you to study alongside, and learn from, experienced business professionals. MSc Environment and Development - Taught programmes 2017.
Lse.ac.uk/geographyAndEnvironment Application code: F9UB (check availability) Start date: 21 September 2017 Duration: 12 months full-time, 24 months part-time.
The Institute for Government Essay Competition 2016. The Institute for Government is an independent charity which seeks to act as a catalyst for inspiring the best in government.
We spark ideas, generate debate, challenge preconceptions, bring experience to bear and make new connections to improve government for the benefit of society. The Institute's essay competition aims to find the best ideas for improving UK government from current undergraduate and master’s students. Last year, we asked students what they would do to make Government more effective.
The winner, Kristopher Cawood of the University of Cambridge, made a convincing argument for ministers from outside of Parliament. Runner up Raymond Kennedy from LSE said we needed an internal ‘Government Consultancy Company’, bringing new ideas into departments without relying on the private sector. Now, the Institute for Government Essay Competition 2016 is now open for entries. If you were made Head of the Civil Service tomorrow, what would your priorities be? Prizes (for students): Erasmus+ Joint Master's Degree. What's it all about?
A Master’s Degree is your chance to really take your education to the highest level, and thanks to Erasmus+ you can finish your studies and get to travel at the same time. Set up on 1 January 2014, Erasmus+ offers an internationally recognized Joint Master’s Degree (JMD) in over thirty countries across the European Union. EMJMD Catalogue. Below are listed all the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs) that will be offering EU-funded scholarships for courses taking place in the academic year 2018-2019.
Most consortia will require applications to be submitted between October and January, for courses starting the following academic year. Students at Master level can apply to a maximum of three different programmes. Both, students and potential scholars/guest lecturers should contact the relevant institution for more information on courses and application procedures.
We value your privacy. The links below will bring you to the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, which provides more information about the masters and is constantly updated directly by the Universities.