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Lukehoban/es6features. The Dao of Immutability — JavaScript Scene. Immutability: The true constant is change.
Mutation hides change. Hidden change manifests chaos. Therefore, the wise embrace history. If you have a dollar, and I give you another dollar, it does not change the fact that a moment ago you only had one dollar, and now you have two. Mutation attempts to erase history, but history cannot be truly erased. Separation: Logic is thought. If you try to perform effects and logic at the same time, you may create hidden side effects which cause bugs in the logic. Composition: All things in nature work in harmony. Plan for composition. Conservation: Time is precious, and effort takes time. Type-specific functions can’t be reused for data of a different type. Creating Desktop Applications With AngularJS and GitHub Electron. GitHub’s Electron framework (formerly known as Atom Shell) lets you write cross platform desktop application using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
It’s a variant of io.js run-time which is focused on desktop applications instead of web servers. Electron’s rich native APIs enables us to access native things directly from our pages with JavaScript. This tutorial shows us how to build a desktop application with Angular and Electron. The steps for this tutorial are as follows: Create a simple Electron applicationUse Visual Studio Code Editor to manage our project and tasksIntegrate an Angular Customer Manager App with ElectronUse Gulp tasks to build our application and create installers Creating Your Electron Application.
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing. The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing (by @andrestaltz) This tutorial as a series of videos If you prefer to watch video tutorials with live-coding, then check out this series I recorded with the same contents as in this article: Egghead.io - Introduction to Reactive Programming.
Paul Ford: What is Code? A computer is a clock with benefits.
2014 AXS Partner Summit Keynote. The hacked Sony emails show how Silicon Valley dealmaking really works. Sony Pictures’ thousands of hacked executive emails, published yesterday on Wikileaks, have already highlighted significant drama at the studio.
But now that they are more easily searchable, typing a few simple keywords—names, companies, internet domains—reveals a fascinating trove of communication. These discussions include financial negotiations and personal (and professional) favors; the messages range from the mundane to the regrettable. Snapchat stories Snapchat, the fast-growing messaging app that is expanding into mobile video, is a frequent topic. That’s for good reason: Michael Lynton, the CEO of Sony Entertainment and Sony Pictures—whose emails these are—is on its board. In one January 2014 correspondence, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo emails Lynton, noting he has “a couple big ideas” about how Twitter can work with Snapchat and its young, impressive founder, Evan Spiegel: Analytics For Hackers: How To Think About Event Data - Michelle Wetzler of Keen IO. There’s this new and really powerful type of data: event data.
Well, it’s not really new. The Best Time of Day for Creative Thinking. 10 Películas para diseñadores. Publicado el 12 / 02 / 2013 Aceptémoslo, como diseñadores o simplemente aficionados de la cultura visual, somos mucho más exigentes a la hora de elegir una película para un ver una tarde cualquiera.
Puede ser que no tengan el mejor guión, ni la mejor actuación, pero buscamos películas que nos estimulen visualmente, que sean únicas y con propuestas visuales que se diferencien del resto. Justamente esa es la razón de este post, un pequeño top 10 de películas que a título personal, pienso que destacan por su apartado visual y que a muchos de nosotros podrían interesarnos como una buena referencia que nos ayude a desarrollar el ojo.
Tron: Legacy (2010) Director: Joseph Kosinski Probablemente una de las más conocidas, pero que sin embargo no deja de sorprender por los extraordinarios efectos especiales que posee. Animating Vectors with SVG. It is almost 2014 and fifteen years ago the W3C started to develop a web-based scalable vector graphics (SVG) format.
As web technologies go, this one is pretty old and well entrenched. Embed not working on your device? Try direct. Unlike rasterized images, SVG files will stay crisp and sharp at any resolution. Creating a Drupal 7 Theme from Scratch. Drupal is a powerful, customisable and easy to work with open source content management system (CMS).
It has a thriving community of users and developers who are constantly improving the software so it supports the latest web technologies. Bravo to those many developers and users that have worked so hard to make Drupal what it is today and what it will be in the future. Austin Smith: Customizing The Admin Area With Fieldmanager. A Dao of Web Design. What Zen was to the 70’s (most famously with motorcycle maintenance), the Tao Te Ching was to the 90’s.
From Piglet and Pooh to Physics and back, many have sought sense in applying the Tao Te Ching to something (the Tao of Physics), or something to the Tao Te Ching (the Tao of Pooh). It can be a cheap trick, but lately it has struck me that there is more than a little to be understood about web design by looking through the prism of the Tao. Article Continues Below Daoism is a philosophy, like Buddhism, a way of living, of being in the world, which stems from a text of great antiquity, the Tao Te Ching, whose 81 “chapters” enigmatically sweep across human experience, but with a strong common theme, that of harmony.