9 Smartphone apps for seniors. With the popularity of smartphones on the rise, it's no wonder that many savvy seniors are scooping up these gadgets to stay in touch with family and friends near and far. The primary benefit of smartphones is the apps that can be downloaded to help with everything from calorie counting to playing word games to learning a new language. But which apps are most appropriate for seniors? Here is a list of nine great apps to try: Skype.
This video chat app is a great way to stay connected with friends and family around the corner or around the world. Story Before Bed. Find My Phone. Over 40 Magnifier and Flashlight. Pillboxie. VizWiz. Dragon Dictation. iDiabetes. Blood Pressure Monitor . Unique Technology Gifts & Gadgets For Seniors | firstSTREET. AAC - Assistive Technology and AAC Devices. Gaze Viewer - An asssessment tool Tobii Gaze Viewer is an assessment tool that helps you understand an individual user’s physical capabilities, cognitive understanding, and use of an eye tracker. With Tobii Gaze Viewer and a Tobii assistive technology eye tracker, you can record real eye tracking data from any application, whether from the Internet or e-books, games, movies and more. Learn more about the new Tobii Gaze Viewer Sono Key 1.5 - better than ever The new version, Tobii Sono Key 1.5, is easier to configure, more flexible, comes with new functional modules and is key guard accessible. What's new in Sono Key 1.5 Share your Pagesets!
The central idea of PageSetCentral.com is to Give and Take! Go to PageSetCentral SCI and computer access Our SCI site is dedicated to how eye controlled computer access can help individuals with spinal cord injuries to lead more independent lives. Visit our SCI page Tobii Education Select your education Support & Downloads Select your product. Listening Devices - Flipper Big Button Remote. Hearing loss is normal as we age, even if it does not warrant a hearing aid. To compensate, some people crank up the TV volume and disturb others, or late night TV watchers, even at lower volume can disturb the household..
TV Listeners let the user individually control their own TV volume. This is not only great for someone with a hearing loss to be able to adjust the TV’s volume to their preference, but also for late night TV watching when someone is sleeping, during study time, or even when the kids are noisy and you want to watch in peace. A TV Listening System consists of two main parts—a transmitter and a receiver (headset or earphones). The transmitter base connects to your television and sends audio from the TV to the receiver that is worn by the listener, so s/he can listen at any volume level while everyone else can listen at a different TV volume level, or even have the TV sound muted. We have selected a few devices for your benefit, though there are many others.
Wearable technology shipments to exceed 134m units by 2018. Date: 10th May 2013 Wearable electronics, sometimes referred to as wearable computing or wearable technology, is shaping up as the next big market after the smartphone revolution. A new report by research company MarketsandMarkets forecasts that global shipments of wearable electronic devices will grow at a compound annual rate of 30.4% between 2012 and 2018, reaching some 134.3 million units by the end of the period. At this rate of growth, wearable technology sales will generate revenues of $8.36 billion in 2018.
MarketsandMarkets says in its report that no other technology market can currently compare to wearable electronics when it comes to buzz. According to industry experts, this is the kind of excitement that made smartphones the biggest thing to hit the market in decades. Examining the wearable technology market by geography, MarketsandMarkets puts North America on top of the list, both in terms of shipments and revenues. ConnectedAgingFramework. Assistive Technology | Eye Controlled Assistive Technology by LC Technologies |
The EyeWorld Bundle is an optional program that can be customized to suit the user. Screens can be created using keys (cells) of any size, changing colors, adding pictures, linking pages and adding commands. The Grid 3 allows people with limited or unclear speech to use a computer as a voice output communication aid, using symbols or text to build sentences. You can send and receive email and SMS messages, browse the web, listen to music… and more too! For years, our Eyegaze Edge eye tracking technology has freed those who are unable to control their body movement or speak. Now we’re delivering even more freedom with the Eyegaze Edge Link®, a new device that creates a plug-and-play connection between your Eyegaze Edge and any system controlled by a USB keyboard and mouse.
The Eyegaze Edge Link® is a pair of USB devices that look like normal flash drives. Now you can use your Eyegaze on multiple devices by simply moving the Link. Patent Pending. BodyMedia to Modify Fitness Tracking Devices to Monitor Chronic Diseases. Technology For Aging in Place. Pin It Aging baby boomers have been the driving force behind a trend known as aging in place. The basic idea is simply that seniors want to be able to age safely and gracefully in their own homes, rather than nursing homes or assisted care facilities. Not only is aging in place a more financially viable option for most, it also allows seniors to maintain a sense of independence that can positively affect their overall quality of life.
Over the years, the cost of in-home mobility devices, such as walk-in tubs and stair lifts, have dropped, making aging in place a more realistic option for many people. The next wave of advances in aging in place technology is focused more on incorporating software programs and monitoring device into homes, which will help to increase well-being, provide additional safety nets, and identify any behavioral abnormalities that might indicate a problem. One potential drawback of these devices is that seniors will find them intrusive. Rule your computer with a head-mounted laser beam. Practical Assistive Technology Strategies Across The Continuum Of Care. E-textiles improving health and safety | euronews, futuris. It’s never been easier and cheaper to sew small electronic components into wearable clothing. In this issue of Futuris, we are diving into the world of smart textiles that help improve health and safety.
On a small fishing boat crossing a fjord near Trondheim in Norway the nets have to be checked for the overnight catch. Eldar has been a professional fisherman for over 40 years. It is one of the riskiest jobs, thousands of fishermen around the world lose their lives every year – mostly by falling overboard and drowning. “When the weather is bad, when there’s strong wind, it’s easy to fall overboard.
“It’s easy to fall out, and very hard to get back – your clothes get heavy when they’re wet, and the water is very cold,” he added. The fisherman has a manual remote control to stop the boat’s engine in case of an accident. He also needs some means to alert rescuers and help him stay afloat if he falls overboard. The design took a lot of research. “The 40 LEDs are mounted on a piece of material. All AliMed Product Categories. Assistive Technology: CODI: Cornucopia of Disability Information.
If you can't find what you are looking for, please check under the specific disability pages (i.e. hearing, vision, mobility) or use the search function at the top of the page to search the hundreds of full-text articles in our archives! From the CODI Archives: Get a Handle on Things with Reachers -- simple fact sheet about the usefulness of reachers. Helpful Products for Older Persons Telephones and Accessories 1994 - Phone and Accessory Products for Older Persons Bath Seats - Products to Assist with Bathing Benches & Lifts - Products to Assist with Bathing Canes & Walkers 1994 - The most common devices used for walking are canes and walkers, which provide support and balance.
This booklet describes several types of canes and walkers, and gives general instructions for their use. Books on Assistive Technology Useful Information regarding Assistive Technology Abledata -- Database of assistive devices. Activities of Daily Living Blind and Low Vision Catalogs (Online and Print) Cognitive.