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John Connell

Ranking scale and category definition. When a tournament is finished, the position of each team is sent to the web, into a table called "ranking_main". When saving a record into "ranking_main", the ranking points are calculated from the ranking scale data table.

John Connell. John Connell. John Connell. John Connell, Minneapolis, MN. Tumblr. John Connell (@johnconnell0) Johnconnell0. John Connell – Google Drive. John Connell - Blog. John Connell on Vimeo. John Connell on Alternion. Social Media Management Platform. Public To-Do List for John Connell. Evernote shared notebook: Johnconnell0. John Connell on Pocket. Instapaper Temporarily Unavailable for users in Europe.

John Connell - Minneapolis, Minnesota. John Connell. Johnconnell0’s Applets.