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Kosmofoto. Should film photography be considered cultural heritage worthy of protection?
One European PhD student thinks so, and now she is asking the film photography community if they agree. Nevena Ilic, who is studying cultural heritage via the Évora and Lisbon University in Portugal, has created a survey asking film photographers their thoughts on film’s cultural importance. The survey, which takes around nine minutes to complete, can be found here.
Nocturnes. Fujifilm TX-1 – The original XPan – jonasrask. I was in Japan at the beginning of may.
Fujifilm very successfully launched the GFX100 (read my first-look here) at their big Fujikina event. This was the second time I went to Tokyo, the first time being in October 2018. You might have seen the 5-post-series reportage on this site. If not, then you can find the first story here. Just like in October I was there primarily for meetings with the good people at Fujifilm, but again I needed to scratch that itch of shooting street-photography in one of the coolest places on earth to do just that. Back in October I did something. The Fujifilm TX-1 Back then, I already owned the Hasselblad XPan, but I’ve always wanted the Fujifilm version because of many reasons. Now I’m back home. How to travel with film - Kosmo Foto. Shooting film in the city you live in or a daytrip away is one thing.
What if you want to go further afield? What if you want to head to the other side of the world, or spend a few weeks on the road, and you want to bring your film gear along with you? Those of us who’ve been shooting with film since the classic days of Kodak Gold and Olympus Trips have had plenty of time to learn the dos and don’ts of shooting film on the road – but to those taking film into their carry-on for the first time, or packing their old Pentax for the first time in a while, there can be a lot to catch up on.
Is it better to buy film when I arrive? Can I pop my film into my hold luggage? Kosmo Foto has lugged cameras big and small and a small fortune in film from Borneo to Barcelona and Miami to Moscow, and aside from a cracked Olympus XA (still useable, however) I haven’t had any horror stories so far. Youtube. Film Camera Restoration.
Half Frame. Youtube. Youtube. Negatives. Labs. Gum Bichromate. Lumen Prints. Films. Exposure Meters. Scanning. The definitive analogue photography podcast list AKA soothe the soul and inspire the heart: UPDATE #5. Update #5: Welcome to On the Streets and Uncle Jonesy’s Cameras.
It feels like there’s been an explosion of new films and analogue photography podcasts hit the air this year. It’s hard to keep up sometimes, so a few weeks ago I decided to collect all of the active podcasts together in a podcast list and share them here.
Supplies. 620. Cyanotypes. The Analogue Photography Series: Film is Still Alive. Large Format. Darkroom. Medium Format. We Hereby Declare the Death of Film Photography - Houston Arts. It's dead.
For real this time. This week, the British Journal of Photography reported that Fujifilm -- who makes the wonderfully saturated and potent negative and slide films for 35 millimeter, medium-format and large-format cameras -- is raising the retail cost on all of its photographic film by double digits. This means that $7 to $8 for a roll of Pro 160S will now increase to at least $14 (and probably more). The increase goes into effect next month. Twice the price is not so nice -- the same applies to Kodak, who also recently announced a fee hike -- and means that film photography will become a niche art form. Instead of its own separate and beautiful thing, C-41 negatives and E-6 positives will become part of the alternative process canon that includes ambrotypes and cyanotypes.
Years ago, college campuses ditched their color darkrooms. Some will continue to power through the stupid-high cost of developing and printing to exhibit at local galleries. Analogue.
Konica C35. Minox. Batteries. Nikon. Lomo LC-A+ 35mm Camera - Microsite - Lomography. The Lomo Kompakt Automat (or the LOMO LC-A, as it’s more commonly known) is a 35mm Russian compact camera that unwittingly kickstarted an entire worldwide photographic movement.
Its unique Minitar 1 lens delivers radiant colors, knockout contrast, shadowy vignettes and unmistakable photographs that have made it a beloved snap-shooting legend across the globe. In 2005, the LOMO LC-A’s future was thrown into jeopardy when production at the LOMO factory in St. Petersburg came to a halt. Double Exposures: A DIY Project That Brings Friends Together With Photos! We love hanging out with our friends, and we’ve had a great summer full of lunches in the park, guests from around the globe, and days off at the beach.
With summer winding down, we have a lot less beach days in our future, and no out-of-town guests scheduled to sleep on our couch. …That’s a problem for us. Naturally, we tried to fix the problem with photos. Were we successful? Of course! Our solution is a fun project that you can make with anyone you choose, whether they share a dorm room with you or live halfway across the world. How To Collaborate With Friends Using Double Exposures p.s. So, why double exposures?
Brighton Photo Biennial 2014 BPB14. The Rest is Silence by John Perivolaris. 35mm Film Development Tutorial. Traveling with film - By Tobias Weisserth. How to beat the dreaded X-ray This is the first article by a contributor for Japancamerahunter and it is exactly what I was looking for.
This article is By Tobias Weisserth, who will hopefully contribute more in the future. Traveling with film – Tobias Weisserth As the photography world has gone mostly digital, there remain some veterans who continue to expose on film. Although their numbers are becoming smaller year by year, some younger generation photographers – like me – are rediscovering the old art of exposing on film as the necessary equipment has never been cheaper on Ebay and the likes.
Luckily, companies like Kodak are now offering films better than any available ever before, so shooting on film should be more fun than ever, right? Well, it’s true unless you take into account the enormous hassle that photographers have to go through when they travel with film. Film, especially after it has been exposed already, is a very sensitive medium. Security: What do you have there?
One Direction - Story of My Life. Film Not Dead Yet.