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review monitoring

Imagine going into work one day only to have no customers show up. Now envision this happening day after day. It could if negative things are being shared about your company online. With the help of review monitoring, you can prevent this from happening.

The Best Review Monitoring Tools for Your Business. We all know that first impressions matter.

The Best Review Monitoring Tools for Your Business

Individuals only have a handful of seconds to make a good first impression and establish rapport with those they interact with. Like the old adage says, you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression—and that knowledge guides our choices, like choosing to don a suit and tie over sweatpants to a business meeting, for example.

On the web, your virtual reputation is just as critical, with audiences forming judgments about your online presence in even less time than an in-person encounter—a rapid 50 milliseconds, on average. These virtual verdicts constitute your online reputation, a make-it-or-break-it perception of your business that determines your success (or your failure). In the ever-changing landscape of the internet age, virtual word of mouth has a powerful impact on your online reputation.