Serial Killers Should Fear This Algorithm - Bloomberg. On Aug. 18, 2010, a police lieutenant in Gary, Ind., received an e-mail, the subject line of which would be right at home in the first few scenes of a David Fincher movie: “Could there be a serial killer active in the Gary area?”
It isn’t clear what the lieutenant did with that e-mail; it would be understandable if he waved it off as a prank. But the author could not have been more serious. He’d attached source material—spreadsheets created from FBI files showing that over several years the city of Gary had recorded 14 unsolved murders of women between the ages of 20 and 50. The cause of each death was the same: strangulation. 2015-FIeld-Guide-To-Data-Science. Forget big data – it's time for big algorithms to change the world. What Does The Data Tell You; Pulsar. Pulsar wins the first DIVA (Data Insight Visualisation Award) « Signal. The winning visualization is called “How Video Spreads” and shows the diffusion patterns of four viral stories mapped using network analysis.
Twitter invited Face to explore how video content goes viral on Twitter. How riot rumours spread on Twitter. How it works. Does big data hinder creative thinking? Quick Turn Data Projects. Does (Data) Size Really Matter? How Analytics can Define the Future of Education Industry – AnalyticBridge.
Education continues to play an important role in any country’s overall growth.
The education market has become more challenging due to the rapid growth and evolution in the modes of imparting education; schools, colleges, private tuition, online education courses, distance education, test preparations, professional trainings etc. The most concerning factor for universities or educational institutions across the world is student dropout rate, especially in developed countries. Here are some facts based on a research about the student drop out patterns in large economies.
Analytics can play a vital role in the education industry by helping universities and institutes make data oriented informed decisions. What-if scenarios, plans, budgets, forecasts Analyzing academic, financial and operational data helps identify specific patterns and trends. Reports, Dashboards, Scorecards Analyzing the trend Survey Analytics for understanding student sentiment Predictive analytics. How Emergent founder Craig Silverman is using data to hunt down online hoaxes.
What we read about deep learning is just the tip of the iceberg. The artificial intelligence technique known as deep learning is white hot right now, as we have noted numerous times before.
It’s powering many of the advances in computer vision, voice recognition and text analysis at companies including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Baidu, and has been the technological foundation of many startups (some of which were acquired before even releasing a product). 5 Common Unconscious Biases That Lead To Bad Decisions. Quick decisions save time and energy, but sometimes those knee-jerk reactions lead to bad choices.
Real insights are truly hard to come by – the best most ‘heads of insight’ can produce are observations. I was sitting in a meeting the other day with an advertising agency in London and one of the agency team said they had a really good ‘insight’.
After further discussion it seemed to me it was more of an observation than a flash of inspiration. It got me thinking a bit more about that particular word because I have seen it used in job descriptions more frequently recently, both on the client and agency side so I thought it was worth a bit of investigation. Five major trends in data and analytics for 2015. Experts have been talking about big data for years, but in 2014 companies started to embrace data insights for business decisions.
For example fashion retailer Zara announced that it was using data and new technologies to track items in store to make smarter stocking decisions. Each time a garment was sold, data from its RFID chip prompted an instant order to the stockroom to send out an identical item. In 2015 we'll see companies take this approach one stage further, transforming into completely analytics-driven organisations. However, this will require a fundamental shift in thinking and approach. API. Fully featured, in 6 languages Semantria is built upon leading enterprise Text and Analytics technologies.
Our clients benefit from years of R&D, field testing and algorithmic tweaking. All features are available in six different languages: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, German and Mandarin. We also have Italian, Japanese and Korean in the works. Fast. The Semantria API is designed with performance in mind. Big Data’s Impact in the World. Welcome to the Age of Big Data.
Nielsen’s Mobile Consumer Report. Nielsen have just released their Mobile Consumer Report.
It’s got some interesting findings, so we thought we’d give you a summary. The current landscapeMobile phone ownership in both developed and high-growth countries has reached a critical mass, with no growth from the first half of 2012. Top 5 Myths About Big Data. Brian Gentile is the CEO of Jaspersoft, a commercial open source business intelligence software company. Measuring the world’s emotions using Twitter and Amazon’s cloud. There are some things that just weren’t possible before the world wide web and cloud computing, and a recently launched emotion-quantification project called “We Feel” is one of them. This Site Visualizes Your Death.