Женщина собирает грязные бутылки на улице. Когда соседи узнали зачем – впали в ступор! — Смотрим с оптимизмом. Роза из срезанного цветка! Украшение для дома и сада - Страница 2 из 2. Comments. Comments. How To Regrow Fruit From Your Kitchen Scraps. Save Your Mascara Wands To Help Animals In Need. If you wear makeup, you probably go through a few tubes of mascara a year, then throw them out when you’re done: mascara wand and all.
It’s a great idea to get rid of old mascara, because mascara that’s more than three months old is usually crawling with bacteria. But before you pitch your used-up tubes, unscrew the cap and save the mascara wand. These wands can be cleaned and sterilized, and then put to an adorable new use. You see, mascara wands are a key ingredient for saving wild animals! Lots of wildlife organizations use sterile mascara wands to help nurture the tiny creatures they care for. You might not have considered it, but those little bristly brushes that work so well on eyelashes also have an incredible impact on the fur of vulnerable, little wild animals.
Thanks to the Appalachian Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina, more people than ever are learning about the surprising uses for old beauty products. Like our Page She wrote: And if you don’t have a wand to spare, no problem! Так Просто. Декор праздничного стола. Лотос из салфеток » MAKATAKA. Revista Brazil USA. He Is Cutting Tops Off Of Balloons To Create Something Everyone Can Use Daily. Winter Holiday decorations. Create The Perfect Tiny Bow Using Only A Fork. See Cuts Into A Pair Of Old Leggings To Create Something Even More Useful. She Turns A Table Upside Down To Create Something Every Dog Would Love. This Woman Creates Something Phenomenal Out Of A Family Photo And Wood. 9 Cool Things to Do With Old Books. Bibliophiles and bookworms, English majors and lovers of literature: is it possible to have too many books?
They accumulate so quickly! Every member of your family getting you the same three books you requested for Christmas. Seeing Don DeLillo marked half-off, knowing you dumped a half-caff latte on your copy of Underworld, and – even though only the first three pages are illegible – justifying its purchase. 15+ years of required reading lists stored in boxes in your basement, even though you can bet your bippy you will never willingly read the poetry of Robert Burns again.
We are up to our waists in books, some of which we hate (really Master Burns? Scottish dialect? Update: Do to the overwhelming support (HA!) 1. It brings a whole new meaning to “audio book.” Use your old books to showcase your artistic side. Good for hiding passwords and codes, the key to your safe, and family jewels. 2. Your choice of ribbon can transform this wreath so it is suitable for every holiday – or every day! How To Make A Bow Out Of Recycled Magazines. Guest post by Jennifer Young of I Art U blog.
These easy-to-make bows will be gracing a few of my presents this year. I’ve found a lot of inspiration in magazines lately. This one is from Whole Living. Scroll all the way down for the written step by step instructions and materials or learn how to make your own from the photo step by step… Making a Bow (found in Whole Living) What you’ll need: Magazine pages or any other paper material you want to use (you’ll need one page per bow); Scissors or a paper cutter; Double-sided tape; A ruler; A pencil Step by Step Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 35 Creative Ways To Recycle Wooden Pallets. From storing items, beds or coffee tables to window boxes, shoe cabinets or comfortable rockers, a wooden pallet is anything but waste timber.
Since lots of companies are dependent on fiber from wood recycling, why not to try to gain all the benefits for your home? Perfect for a lounge area in the balcony or a lovely corner in the garden, wooden pallets can be combined, remodeled and fixed up in practical desks, chairs, bookcases, tables and beds. Have a look on the gallery below and you will find many ideas of pallet furniture. If you decide to do it by yourself, our advice is to use basic tools and pallets; the standard recommendations for recycled wood pallets are 24 x 24 or 30x 30 – buy it from here.
Don’t miss: 20 Patios Perfect for Your Garden and 45 Delightful Outdoor Dining Area Design Ideas. DIY: Gift Bags Made from Recycled Envelopes. By Jessica Jones, How About Orange Find an envelope of any size.
(I embellished these by printing a label on the front of them first. You can use my design if you want; these PDFs are set up according to how my printer feeds envelopes through. If yours is different, you might need to experiment. Download the label for a small A2 envelope or a larger 6×9 envelope.) 1. 2. 3. He Built The GREATEST Toy For His Dog! Wow, What An Awesome Idea!