Blended Learning
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The Concurrent Classroom: Using Blended Learning Models to Teach Students In-person and Online Simultaneously. Teachers all over the country are being asked to teach “concurrent classrooms” in which some students attend class in person and others attend virtually. The teacher in a concurrent classroom attempts to meet the needs of the students in class and online simultaneously. This is the most challenging scenario I can imagine in our current situation. Several teachers have reached out asking for advice. I wish there was research I could point to or a collection of best practices that I could share. Unfortunately, there is a scarcity of information on this topic in the context of K-12 education. It is helpful to begin by identifying the benefits of an in-class experience as compared to an online experience.
As architects of learning experiences, teachers should focus on providing that human connection to students working remotely. As I wrap my mind around the complexities of the concurrent classroom, I believe blended learning models can make this challenging situation more manageable.
Create Small Learning Communities with the Station Rotation Model. Whenever I’m asked the question, “How do we fix education?” I find myself emphasizing the importance of creating smaller learning communities within the context of the larger classroom. I passionately believe the most effective learning communities are those that allow teachers to spend more time working individually or in small groups with their students to customize and personalize instruction. Smaller learning communities also provide students with more opportunities to work collaboratively and engage in a variety of activities that appeal to different learning modalities (auditory, visual, tactile and kinesthetic).
Students engage with the world in different ways, so it’s important to keep activities and tasks varied to ensure every student is able to receive and process information in a way that works for them. Station Rotation Model This model is flexible and can work with almost any age level or subject area. What is the objective of each station?
Create Small Learning Communities with the Station Rotation Model. Blend Online and In-class Discussions to Give Every Student a Voice. “When I engage in dialogue, I recognize that those I speak with are equal to me, and I work from the assumption that they hold within them wisdom, knowledge, ideas, and gifts.” That line from Jim Knight’s book Unmistakable Impact highlights the power of dialogue as a vehicle to learn from the people around us. The value of discussions can hardly be overstated. They allow students to: Articulate their ideasAsk questionsLearn from different perspectivesMake connectionsThink critically about new information and ideasReceive validation from their peers The act of telling or explaining what they know cements students’ understanding of concepts.
I wholeheartedly believe that the potential of the group far exceeds the intellect of any one individual in the classroom–myself included. There are a variety of impediments to real-time discussions that result in excluding a majority of students from participating. Most students need time to process information before responding to a question.
Education & Formation : Parutions.
Rethinking Time in the Blended and Personalized Classroom: Strategies and tools to maximize technology’s effect on teaching and learning | The Learning Accelerator. TLA periodically shares perspectives from educators and other voices from the field. The views and opinions expressed in these guest posts are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of TLA. If you are interested in writing a guest blog, please contact us! The future of blended learning is promising! Educational technology is adapting to the needs of many learners, making information more accessible to students around the world. Teachers are using technology in new ways to create a more personalized learning approach and to allow more time for face-to-face, high-yield interactions with students.
According to Visible Learning research by professor John Hattie, we know that the more face-to-face interactions teachers have with students, the greater the effect of learning becomes, as seen below. Learning Effects Face-to-Face Interactions Feedback: 0.70Response to Intervention: 1.29Classroom discussion: 0.82Small-group learning: 0.47 Technology on Its Own. The BLU’s Top 10 Stories of 2018 | Blended Learning Universe. As the year draws to a close, we want to thank the international community of educators who practice blended learning to better support each of their students on their learning paths and toward their goals. Cheers to another year of great work! As we reflect on the inspiring practices that took flight this year, let’s look back at our educator-readers’ favorite blended-learning stories of 2018: #10. Reimagining math instruction with blended learning Linda Seeberg describes how her team at Redmond School District in Washington state harnessed blended instruction to help students master more rigorous math standards. #9.
This post by BLU Research Intern Casey Lynch highlights three schools using blended models to power competency-based pathways. #8. Heather Staker, co-author of Blended and The Blended Workbook, observes three patterns emerging in what makes exceptional blended teachers. #7. .
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#2. 10 popular edtech tools for blended learning #1. 3 ways to do a Flex model. Open Schools - Foundation. Open Schools New Design Directions in Learning Environments By Michael B. Horn Disruption is coming to education in the form of new learning space designs that upend the traditional classroom as we know it.
These new blended-learning models, which mix online learning where each student has some control over the time, place, path, and pace of their learning with brick-and-mortar schools, are advancing fast. This is exciting. Egg-Crate Schools Because the disruption is emerging to a large extent within the physical architecture of existing “egg-crate” model schools, this architecture could allow the traditional classroom to harness online learning as a sustaining innovation to preserve itself and co-opt the disruption for a long time. In an aesthetic sense, one could argue that the traditional architecture of factory-type schools has coalesced around a proprietary design that — although reliable and orderly — has little to offer in terms of openness or flexibility. Khan Lab School The Future. What Separates a Good Blended Learning Program From a Bad One?
These days many schools tout blended learning programs when marketing their school to potential students. And in a way, this does make sense. Blended learning can combine the flexibility of online instruction with the benefits of in-person teaching. But much like nutritional claims, such as “all-natural” and “healthy,” the term “blended learning” can mean just about anything depending on how you define it. Before we can discern what to look for in a good blended learning system, what common misconceptions to watch out for, and what to avoid we should first clarify the term. The Good The best blended learning programs seem to have some common threads.
Another indicator of a great blended learning is a teacher who is well-trained and well-supported in applying both digital and non-digital teaching practices. Perhaps the “secret sauce” in ensuring that a blended learning program is the most effective is student engagement. The Bad The Ugly The Upshot. Apprendre avec un chatbot, ça marche ?
Les chatbots proposent de nouvelles modalités d’apprentissage intéressantes. Sans remplacer le professeur, ils peuvent jouer un rôle d'assistant de formation.
Et ce n'est que le début. Que ce soit pour la réservation d’un voyage en ligne ou simplement pour une aide à la navigation sur un site Web, vous avez probablement déjà eu affaire aux chatbots. Avec une interface minimaliste faisant la part belle au dialogue entre la personne et la machine, ils se multiplient et jouent des rôles de plus en plus importants dans des processus aussi classiques que la vente, l’accompagnement ou la récupération d’informations. Le robot conversationnel trouverait aussi sa place dans un rôle de support, d’assistanat dans l’apprentissage.
Sans remplacer le professeur, le robot peut se placer comme expert sur un sujet en particulier, toujours disponible. Ces scénarii permettent d’identifier des points cruciaux pour qu’un chatbot puisse, et surtout continue d’être efficace dans l’apprentissage.
Le guide ultime sur le Blended Learning! - e-learning Bretagne. (illustration : copie d'écran) Ce nouveau guide disponible en ligne est intitulé "Le dispositif hybride ou Blended Learning en formation continue".
Par une présentation claire et s'appuyant sur de nombreuses études, sa lecture saura convaincre les plus réfractaires à passer rapidement à un dispositif de type blended learning. Il est proposé par le service de formation continue UNIL-EPFL de l’Université de Lausanne (UNIL) et de l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Après une rapide présentation du concept et de ses atouts, les auteurs mettent l'accent sur les facteurs de succès: - Grille d'identification des temps d'apprentissage dans le dispositif : en amont/en présentiel/en aval - Recommandations pédagogiques sur les contenus, l'accompagnement et la conception du dispositif - Exemples de 3 scénarios probants : Scénario alterné , scénario parallèle et scénario autonomie (à lire en annexe)
"PLE" : forme avancée du Blended Learning. Qu’appelle-t-on un Personal Learning Environment ? Hubert van Cappel : Un PLE ou Personal Learning Environment (Environnement d'Apprentissage Personnel) est un écosystème de formation qui va aider les collaborateurs à construire et organiser eux-mêmes leur propre apprentissage. Le concept n’est pas nouveau.
Néanmoins, l’arrivée du digital facilite l’élaboration de solutions "sur-mesure" à grande échelle et en réduit les coûts. Vu par Symetrix ? Hubert van Cappel : Symetrix conçoit le PLE comme un parcours de développement de l’apprenant qui valorise autant son cheminement que les savoirs qu’il acquiert. But visé : l’autonomie du collaborateur via sa capacité d’apprendre à apprendre. Pratiquement, cela commence par un diagnostic-test individuel, qui peut être précédé d’un auto-diagnostic permettant de comparer la perception que le collaborateur a de son niveau avec son niveau évalué. Quelle est la marge de manœuvre de l’apprenant dans son PLE ? Quelle est l’actualité de SYMETRIX ?
Blended Learning Toolkit. 10 Reasons Every District Should Open a Flex School - Getting Smart by Tom Vander Ark - AdvancePath, blended learning, Connections Education, K12.
Flex is category of blended learning. Innosight Institute in their recently updated classifications of blended learning defined a flex model as “a program in which content and instruction are delivered primarily by the Internet, students move on an individually customized, fluid schedule among learning modalities, and the teacher-of-record is on-site.” While most instruction is online, “The teacher-of-record or other adults provide face-to-face support on a flexible and adaptive as-needed basis through activities such as small-group instruction, group projects, and individual tutoring.”
In schools using rotation models, student spent 20 to 50 percent of their time online. As noted in a previous post on this topic, Rocketship Education is a high-performing elementary network where students spend two hours per day in a computer lab. There are 10 existing or potential benefits of flex models: Using a flex model, every community can afford to have a great high school. For more see:
Definitions and Models. The definition of blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns: at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace;at least in part in a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home;and the modalities along each student’s learning path within a course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience. The majority of blended-learning programs resemble one of four models: Rotation, Flex, A La Carte, and Enriched Virtual.
The Rotation model includes four sub-models: Station Rotation, Lab Rotation, Flipped Classroom, and Individual Rotation. 1. A. B. C. D. 2. 3. 4. Source: Michael B.
Blended Learning. What is blended learning? Blended learning is not the same as technology-rich instruction. It goes beyond one-to-one computers and high-tech gadgets. Blended learning involves leveraging the Internet to afford each student a more personalized learning experience, including increased student control over the time, place, path, and/or pace of learning. The definition of blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns: at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace; at least in part in a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home; and the modalities along each student’s learning path within a course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience. What are the most common models of blended learning?
The majority of blended-learning programs resemble one of four models: Rotation, Flex, A La Carte, and Enriched Virtual. Blended Learning Universe Blended Learning MOOC May 2013. The Flipped Learning Process Visually Explained. April 2, 2015 After yesterday’s post on “Flipped Learning Resources” one of our readers emailed us this beautiful visual outlining the six main steps involved in the creation of a flipped classroom.
These steps include: planning, recording, sharing, changing, grouping, and regrouping. Read the graphic for more details on each of these steps. As a refresher for those who are not yet familiar with the concept of a flipped classroom. Via Daily Genius Courtesy of eLearning Infographics. The Secret Is the Blend | Higher Ed Beta. Recently, a Dean’s office asked me whether they should deliver blended classes in their college.
Specifically, they wanted some evidence that showed that students enrolled in blended courses as they do online courses. Our online courses can sometimes fill up far faster than our face-to-face (f2f) courses. Through the years, I have had a couple chapters on blended learning, one of which I just wrote a little over a year ago, so I had some literature, but I wanted to know what was happening on other campuses as of late. This request led me to ask my tweeps (peeps or friends on Twitter) what research was out there and resulted in a working blog post that listed some of these resources. Let’s remember that blended learning is not new, but it has had a resurgence in the past couple years.
At the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), our blended learning initiative started back in 2001 with the support of University of Wisconsin System funds to explore this mode of teaching and learning.
Blended Learning: What and Why?
L’hybridation dans l’enseignement supérieur : vers une nouvelle culture de l’évaluation ? | Marcel Lebrun. Tips for Creating a Community Within Blended Learning. E-Learning and Blended Learning. Have you mastered blended learning? 10 strategies for thriving in this growing field.
Is K–12 blended learning disruptive?An introduction of the theory of hybrids. Blended learning solution in practice. 7 Stories From Educators About Teaching In The Flipped Classroom. 7 Essential Tools for a Flipped Classroom - Getting Smart by Guest Author - classrooms, EdTech, flipped classroom. The Basics of Blended Learning. Un Livre blanc pour en finir avec le « blended-learning n’importe comment »
iNACOL_DefinitionsProject. iZone’s Blended Learning Programs. Hybrid Pedagogy: A Digital Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Technology | Home. Workshop: ICT for a change - How teaching in the unified classroom ...