Our Planet - Inventions That Can Help Save the Planet. BBC Earth - Earth's Great Rivers: The woman who saved a corner of the Amazon. BBC One - Our Blue Planet: Accidental discovery could save coral reefs. According to Science - How to Reduce Your Impact on Earth, According to Science. El Nopal Times - Mexicana Crea Zapatos Con Botellas De... World Economic Forum - Thousands of European school kids are going on strike to protest climate change. John Thet - Must Watch Video: Greenpeace Netherland. BBC Earth - Our Blue Planet: Can we save the Great Barrier Reef? How to Save Our Planet. Climate change: Scientists test radical ways to fix Earth's climate. Image copyright Getty Images Scientists in Cambridge plan to set up a research centre to develop new ways to repair the Earth's climate.
It will investigate radical approaches such as refreezing the Earth's poles and removing CO2 from the atmosphere. The centre is being created because of fears that current approaches will not on their own stop dangerous and irreversible damage to the planet. The initiative is the first of its kind in the world and could lead to dramatic reductions in carbon emissions. The initiative is co-ordinated by the government's former chief scientific adviser, Prof Sir David King. "What we do over the next 10 years will determine the future of humanity for the next 10,000 years.
Some of the approaches described by Sir David are often known collectively as geoengineering. The Centre for Climate Repair is part of Cambridge university's Carbon Neutral Futures Initiative, led by Dr Emily Shuckburgh. "It has to be. Refreezing the poles Recycling CO2 Ocean greening. Watch our doc with Greta Thunberg and a generation of teenage activists. This is a teenage riot – kids across the world are changing the planet’s future through peaceful protest and a demand to be heard For the past nine months, teenagers across the world have skipped school every Friday.
Standard you might think, for students who want a three-day weekend instead of double Maths, except these kids are at the centre of a global revolution demanding that governments and corporations wake up to the reality of climate change and take action. The global movement has been spearheaded by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, who in August 2018 opted to skip school and stand outside parliament in Stockholm holding a sign that read "Skolstrejk för klimatet" (School Strike For The Climate). She takes her inspiration from the numerous active young people around the world who have taken stances against the systems of power that are destroying their future, such as teenage gun control activists in America. Climate change: Answers to your most asked questions. Image copyright Getty Images During the last worldwide school strikes in March, BBC News asked for your questions on climate change.
Since then, thousands of you have been talking to our climate change chatbot on Facebook Messenger. Below are some of the topics that came up many times - with some answers from science and our climate team. You can chat to our climate bot here. You asked: Can we adapt to climate change instead of fighting it? Humans are already adapting. Foro Económico Mundial - Canada esta transformando lo que solia ser la planta de carbon mas grande del mundo en una planta solar. Hashem Al-Ghaili - Artificial photosynthesis can save the planet from climate change. Humans have made 8.3bn tons of plastic since 1950. This is the illustrated story of where it's gone. Cataclismo-la-fast-fashion. Tesla Just Announced a Giant New Battery System to Store Renewable Energy.
BBC Earth - Permaculture at Glastonbury. 60 Second Docs Presents - Restoring the Rainforest. 60 Second Docs Presents - Restoring the Rainforest. UseLess - documentary on food and fashion waste. Happen Films - Is Sustainable Organic Farming the Future of Food? GoFundMe - Gracias a este invento, en África están... Off Grid Architecture - This Man Deserves A Medal □ □.... Dont scroll withot send some respect for hi. Foro Económico Mundial - Esta cafetería está hecha de botellas-recicladas, neumáticos viejos y tapas de-botellas.
BBC Earth - Saving Senegal's mangroves. World Economic Forum - A third of the the planet’s new green cover is in China and India. Foro Económico Mundial - Canada esta transformando lo que solia ser la planta de carbon mas grande del mundo en una planta solar. Nationalgeographic. Nationalgeographic. A nuestro ritmo actual de producir y desechar, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas advierte: en 2050, la cantidad de basura electrónica acumulada habrá alcanzado las 120 millones de toneladas.
La producción tecnológica aumenta a un ritmo vertiginoso mientras la economía circular aún está lejos de instalarse en nuestro imaginario social. El usar y tirar se ha arraigado tanto en nuestro modo de vida, que dar marcha atrás, hasta que las consecuencias de su impacto se instalen definitivamente en nuestras conciencias, se ha convertido en una ardua tarea que se dilatará, probablemente demasiado, en el tiempo. Tan solo el pasado año generamos 48’5 millones de toneladas de residuos de aparatos electrónicos y eléctricos (RAEE) a nivel mundial, según la ONU. Tan solo un 20% fue reciclado. Sin ir más lejos, cada año se venden 1.500 millones de teléfonos inteligentes, según los últimos datos del Foro Monetario Internacional. Reutilizar un ordenador es 20 veces más eficiente. Global Warming , Green House Effect , Ozone Layer Video for Kids. Greta Thunberg's School Strike for the Climate.
Greta Thunberg's School Strike for the Climate. Greta Thunberg: Our lives are in your hands. Góðu umhverfisfréttir ársins. Miklar áskoranir Er hægt að vera bjartsýnn þegar nýjustu fréttir af loftslagsmálum eru þær að hættan sem stafar að mannkyninu vegna loftslagsbreytinga hefur aldrei verið meiri?
Í árlegri stöðuskýrslu Sameinuðu þjóðanna um loftslagsmál í heiminum, sem er nýkomin út, kemur fram að ríki heims hafa aldrei átt jafn langt í land með að uppfylla markmið sín í loftslagsmálum. Í skýrslunni kemur fram að ríki heims þurfi að spýta hressilega í lófana og minnka kolefnislosun sína fimmfalt meira en miðað er við í núverandi áætlunum, til að hægt verði að halda hækkun meðalhitastigs á jörðinni innan við 1,5 gráður. Á Íslandi hefur losun gróðurhúsalofttegunda meira að segja aukist, þvert á fögur markmið okkar.
Útlitið er því miður kolsvart fyrir lífið á jörðinni og fyrir okkur sjálf ef við höldum áfram þessu aðgerðarleysi og blindri trú á að einhver annar reddi þessu. Tegund talin útdauð lifir Byrjum í Bandaríkjunum. Nú skulum við fara til suðaustur Asíu. Ungur umhverfisverndarsinni. School Strike for Climate: Meet 15-Year-Old Activist Greta Thunberg, Who Inspired a Global Movement. Shy but iron-willed: Swedish teen Greta Thunberg's conviction to save the planet inspires many others, Europe News. KATOWICE - What could have been a two-hour journey by plane turned into a two-day road trip for a Swedish teen and her father - all for the sake of the environment.
Instead of flying from Stockholm to Katowice, Poland, to take part in the ongoing United Nations (UN) climate change talks, 15-year-old Greta Thunberg and her actor father Svante, 49, drove the 1,600km in an electric car. Speaking to The Straits Times on the sidelines of a climate protest in the Polish city on Saturday (Dec 8), Greta said: "There is a lot you can do as an individual to take climate action. First, you can make changes in your everyday life, by not flying, going vegan, and not buying new things. Facebook. Plastic Pollution Coalition - PlasticWatch001. Zinc - Sea turtles return to nest on a beach - that just 3 years ago was a plastic wasteland.
BBC Earth - Climate Change: How 1.5°C could protect Earth. 60 Second Docs - Recycled Homes // 60 Second Docs. PlayGround News - La Isla de la Basura crece. BBC Earth - Stacey Dooley Investigates: Fashion's Dirty Secrets. Hashem Al-Ghaili - A Message to the World. NowThis Politics - Green Roofs. Hashem Al-Ghaili - The Amazon Rainforest. Cambio climático: 5 cosas que puedes hacer para evitar el calentamiento global. Mediterranean with Simon Reeve. El jardín vertical más grande del mundo está en Colombia.
NowThis - This country's waters are completely covered in... Ecorevolución - Ecorevolución la primer ciudad bosque! La... RecreoViral - Lo que para otros es basura, este joven... Más de 15.000 científicos de todo el mundo plantean 13 medidas urgentes para salvar el planeta. Greenpeace UK - In Indonesia an area of forest the size of... Una barrera contra la contaminación. - Foro Económico Mundial. Ja hem consumit tots els recursos naturals que el planeta pot generar en un any. "Al pas que anem, ens haurem de menjar el plàstic.
" Aquest anunci, evidentment exagerat, però realment efectiu, cridava l'atenció en el Dia del Medi Ambient del 2018 sobre els nostres excessos. Reproduir-lo avui és més que apropiat: l'1 d'agost és, aquest any, el Dia de l'Excés de la Terra, és a dir, el dia en què, a escala global, hem consumit tots els recursos naturals que el planeta és capaç de regenerar en un any. Dos dies abans que l'any passat A partir d'avui, doncs, ens estem menjant, literalment, el patrimoni de les futures generacions. I ens hauríem de plantejar la resposta d'una sèrie de preguntes molt importants, que resumeix Dulcinea Meijide, directora de Desenvolupament Sostenible de Suez Espanya. "Quants són els residus que nosaltres generem a casa nostra?
És, per entendre-ho en termes d'economia domèstica, com si una família esgotés el seu pressupost mensual el dia 17 de cada mes. El de la Terra, tampoc. Cada cop més aviat. When a lawyer finds his childhood beach... - The Animal Bible. BBC Earth - 'Times are changing already. We just need to... Bringing the forest back to life. - 60 Second Docs Presents. Climate Reality - We guess the lesson is, never... Africa is building a belt of trees that... - BrightVibes Africa. Amazing Facts about the Amazon Rainforest! - Hashem Al-Ghaili. ATTN: - Recycle Styrofoam. BBC Earth - Plastic is a virtually indestructible feat of...
The extinction crisis is far worse than you think. Magnet - Hay 7 razones por las que los Países Bajos molan.... Way to go! That's really an example to... - Smart is the New Sexy. Plastic Fish. Zinc - It's time to ditch the disposable plastics. Can we work together to create a future... - Plastic Pollution Coalition. Foro Económico Mundial - India está construyendo carreteras a partir de residuos de plástico. How much beach littler can you collect... - BBC Science News. El 1% del Sáhara podría dar energía a todo el planeta. Lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018 Planta solar en el desierto de Atacama, Chile.
Foto: Antonio García en Unsplash Que la energía renovable es el futuro ya nadie lo duda. Es más, o las renovables son el futuro o no existirá ese futuro. Zero Waste solutions are happening all... - Plastic Pollution Coalition. National Geographic Documentary 2016 Green Technology. What would happen if all corals on... - Hashem Al-Ghaili. What.If - Could the electric car save our climate? So much trash in the ocean! We can do... - Hashem Al-Ghaili. Otros documentales - Escuela de animales: Orangutanes. TV3 - Ja t'ho faràs - Sabó amb Mercè Castells.