NZ Native Plants. Māori culture launched to the world of digital gaming for the first time. Katuku Island was supposed to be written for a potential television series, but its creator decided to turn it into a video game to help build learning and resilience.
Dr Phyllis Callaghan wrote the script 10 years ago, but decided it would be better used as a survival game and a rich learning experience for indigenous cultures across the world to benefit from, at no cost. Callaghan said the elements of the game were Māori “from start to finish”, something that hadn't been achieved on this scale before. READ MORE: * Weaving links to whakapapa through traditional Māori weaving classes * Photo essay: Warriors' spiritual leader says Maori culture is important to the club * Palmerston North Boys' High School fall to Gisborne Boys' High in Super 8 opener. He Whenua Rangatira. A Māori land.
Māori Carving. Learn & Revise Māori Online. Nga Toi. Waiata. Marae, wharenui and kids build one. Treaty of Waitangi resources. Maori Apps. Video stories and myths. Taniwha. Matāriki. Mārae & Powhiri. Mātauranga. Maramataka. Kaitiakitanga. Ake ake model forever and ever. Te Whare tapa wha. Tātai arorangi. About / Te Kotahitanga - Home - Te Kotahitanga. Te Kotahitanga is a research and professional development programme that: supports teachers to improve Māori students' learning and achievement, enabling teachers to create a culturally responsive context for learning which is responsive to evidence of student performance and understandings enables school leaders, and the wider school community, to focus on changing school structures and organisations to more effectively support teachers in this endeavour.
More than 30 years ago when Russell Bishop first started teaching at Mana College in Porirua, he was struck by a single question: Why did so many Māori students start out well, but still fail as they went through school? For some, the phenomenon (over 40% of Māori leave school without formal qualifications) might seem too familiar to bear scrutiny. "But I was amazed," Russell says. "I knew their families, they had strong marae connections and were well steeped in their culture. Back to top. Te Reo Maori Digital Learning Centre - Te+Reo+Maori+by+Justine+Driver.pdf. Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori. Whakapapa Sheet b w 9016 0. Māori culture topic resources. 100 Māori words every New Zealander should know - Māori Language Week. 100 words in te reo Māori These words are grouped according to the following functions and associations: We have included individual sound files of spoken versions of all these words – just click on the word and it will be spoken!
(See also pronunciation notes and te reo for email.) New: 365 more useful Māori words and phrases Hear the late Tairongo Amoamo read the complete list: click on arrow to play or download as mp3 (493kb) The marae Hui meeting, conference, gathering Marae the area for formal discourse in front of a meeting house; or the whole marae complex, including meeting house, dining hall, forecourt, etc. Concepts People and their groups Components of place names Terms for geographical features, such as hills, rivers, cliffs, streams, mountains, the coast; and adjectives describing them, such as small, big, little and long, are found in many place names.
Greetings E noho rā Goodbye (from a person leaving)Haere rā Goodbye (from a person staying)Haere mai Welcome! The days of the week in te reo Māori - Waiata Mai.
Dictionaries and translators. Pronunciation. Whakatauki. Kapa Haka. Rakau. Tūrangawaewae. 28th Māori Batallion. Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. Tamariki teaching songs (Alphabet/pronunciation etc) Food. Curriculum. Lego Maori feelings. Meanings » Te Wahi Pounamu. Pikorua (single twist) The Maori single twist symbol consists of a closed loop with three knots.
Pikorua, as the Maori name this symbol, refers to eternal emerging paths in life. The eight-shaped single twist symbolizes the strength of the bond between two people, their loyalty and friendship. It signifies the spiritual merger of two people for eternity. Although people will take different paths in their lives they will always be connected and will return to each other. Double and triple twist Also an eternity symbol. Maori twist symbols also refer to the so called ‘three baskets of knowledge’. The Whale The whale with its great size and obvious intelligence played a important part in the culture of the maori people. Koru The spiral is a Koru, represents the fern found as it opens bringing new life and purity to the world.
Roimata / Kuru / The Drop Encourages knowledge, confidence and independence. Peka Peka. Critical Histories of Aotearoa: Homepage. WHALE RIDER. Possible Problems: None.
Parenting Points: Enjoy this movie with your children. The message is clear and requires no discussion. However, if you can relate the situation of Paikea or the grandfather to a struggle being waged by someone your child knows, it would be worthwhile to highlight the connection with a comment. Selected Awards, Cast and Director: Selected Awards: The movie won many awards at film festivals. Tapu ae - Traditional Maori Game. Tapu Ae - Taonga Tākaro (Traditional Māori Game) Game Whakapapa/Atuatanga Tapu Ae is an adaptation of Kī o Rahi and uses the same Whakapapa and Purakau of that Tākaro.
Game description Tapu Ae is one of many Kī (ball) game variations. Traditionally the Pawero area's on the field were sometimes specially constructed mounds of dirt. Papa Tākaro (playing fields) were therefore highly maintained and valued places for developing physical well being, developing and requiring a range of different skills. Kiwi Pride – Tagged "Bilingual" – Blackboard Jungle.
How Maui slowed the Sun - By Peter Gossage. People like Us - Apirana Mahuika. Innovative Educators Aotearoa - Community - Google+ The story of Tinirau and the whale - Whales Tohorā - Museum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaThe story of Tinirau and the whale. This is a dramatic tale of treachery and revenge involving the chief Tinirau, his pet whale, Tutunui, and Tinirau's sinister guest, Kae.
The story reveals the complex relationship that Maori have with whales. Many versions are known throughout the Pacific. Runs for 6 minutes Tinirau & the whale animation excerpt. Phrases for special occasions - Kōrero Māori. Hynessight: An update on making a digital mihi using Google Maps. Te reo Māori picture books - Education Portal. Students in kura kaupapa Māori and rumaki reo have created their own story books about road safety.
View these below. Students in years 1-8 worked with kaiako and publishing professionals. The tamariki wrote text, created images, and made storyboards and mock-ups of the books. At each stage, they received expert feedback. The final outcomes are picture books unique to each kura. Download resources. Promoting Māori in the classroom - Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori - Māori Language Commission. Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori - Māori Language Commission. 2_maori_full. Knowledge Basket New Zealand’s Research Archive - Databases.
Please check which databases are free and which are NOT before proceeding with your search.
Bibliography of New Zealand Bibliographies Available to site licensees only - as part of New Zealand Index. This bibliography is compiled by Tony Millett and records bibliographies published in New Zealand or about New Zealand since 1961 and includes theses, library school bibliographies, stand-alone publications and separate bibliographies. Bibliography of Published New Zealand Family Histories Available to site licensees only - as part of New Zealand Index.
Bibliography of the Greater Waikato Region. Story Books. Downloads — Kotahi Mano Kāika. Room 5 @ Melville Intermediate School: Melville Intermediate - Teaching Maori Using Skype. Rangitāne o Wairarapa – Education Resources. VIDEO: Being Māori in the 21st Century - Videos - VIDEO & GAMES - Mai FM. The 5 Wai's of Māori Engagement. GetAzureFile.aspx. Solar%20system%20maori.pdf. Māori Language Online. Kotahitanga - Improving the educational achievements of Māori in mainstream secondary schools. Maori.org.nz Main Maori Site on the Net! TAKOA, Te Aka Kumara o Aotearoa - a directory of Maori organisations and resource people. Māori Myths, Legends and Contemporary Stories / Te Reo Māori / Support materials / Home - Mātauranga Māori. Kia ora and welcome to Māori Myths, Legends and Contemporary Stories.
Here, you are able to view a collection of myths and legends alongside contemporary stories reflecting themes relevant to today's world. These stories have been either written or retold by Wiremu Grace. Wiremu would like to acknowledge Uncle Ken Arthur and Uncle Mark Metekingi for their kōrero tuku iho, or stories and knowledge handed down from the generations.
Nō reira e te tokorua, e ōku rangatira, haere, haere, hoki atu rā.