Pedagogy & Issues in Higher Education
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Civic Role of Community Colleges. Growth vs Fixed Mind-set. New study yields instructive results on how mindset affects learning. Stanford Report, February 7, 2007 When psychology Professor Carol Dweck was a sixth-grader at P.S. 153 in Brooklyn, N.Y., she experienced something that made her want to understand why some people view intelligence as a fixed trait while others embrace it as a quality that can be developed and expanded.
Dweck's teacher that year, Mrs. Wilson, seated her students around the room according to their IQ. The girls and boys who didn't have the highest IQ in the class were not allowed to carry the flag during assembly or even wash the blackboard, Dweck said.
The story of Malala Yousafzai. Neuroplasticity.
Practice. Change The Structure of Your Brain! Neuroplasticity. How the Brain Works. Look What Happens in Your Brain When You Change Your Mind. Dr. Joe Despenza. Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit (TED Talk Video)
Problem with Narrow Focus on "Grit"
Talking About ‘Grit’: Breakthrough or Just More Reform Snake Oil?
Why students need more than 'grit'
Recently, “grit” has received growing attention from educators and others as the critical ingredient to academic success.
Pedro Noguera: Are we failing our students?
Pedro's Articles - Pedro Noguera. Noam Chomsky - The Purpose of Education. Learning to Teach Inclusively v ideos in Sport Sociology. LTI Video Collection. Changing (Education) Paradigms. Why is Creativity Important in Education? Sir Ken Robinson Video Series from Adobe Education. RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms. Brain-based Learning Model (Neuroplasticity)
Mindset Quotes by Carol S. Dweck. Mindset, Strengths, and Lasting Hope: An event hosted by Academic First Year Experiences at California State University, Northridge. A Summer 2013 Workshop for U100 Faculty with Nyla Dalferes and Erin Delaney University 100 faculty members Erin Delaney and Nyla Jolly Dalferes presented this summer workshop on mindset, StrengthsQuest, and lasting hope in July 2013.
The focus was on using principles of positive psychology in University 100 classes to build student confidence and to enable students to succeed at the university. Though it's not possible to sum up the workshop adequately after the fact, you can still learn from the materials that Erin and Nyla provided; they are listed below under "Resources.
" Erin introduced the work of Carol Dweck with a compilation of materials centered on "Encouraging a Growth Mindset in the Classroom.
" This compilation included a link to the brief article "Brainology" (again, see below under "Resources"), which Erin regularly assigns in all of her undergraduate classes as required reading for the second class meeting.
Resources from the workshop (described above) More resources. Back to School. Ira talks with Paul Tough, author of the new book How Children Succeed, about the traditional ways we measure ability and intelligence in American schools.
They talk about the focus on cognitive abilities, conventional "book smarts.
" They discuss the current emphasis on these kinds of skills in American education, and the emphasis standardized testing, and then turn our attention to a growing body of research that suggests we may be on the verge of a new approach to some of the biggest challenges facing American schools today.
Bell hooks "Teaching to Transgress" (
U.S. Department of Education. National Center for Postsecondary Research (NCPR) Teachers College.
Led by researchers from MDRC, NCPR is evaluating learning communities, in which groups of students enroll together in two or more courses.
The evaluation is being conducted at six community colleges around the country, with some colleges' programs focused on developmental math, others focused on developmental English or reading, and one with a career focus. These courses are linked with student success courses, other developmental courses, or college content courses in different configurations across the sites. Transcript-level data are being used to evaluate the impact of assigning students to a learning community, using a number of outcome measures that include progress through developmental education, credit accumulation, and persistence.
Study intake began in mid-2007 and was completed in September 2009.
Center for Teaching Excellence at USC. Learning Communities and Student Success in Postsecondary Education. Bell hooks Urges "Radical Openness" in Teaching, Learning (The Council Chronicle, Sept. 04)
What is PBL?
To help teachers do PBL well, we created a comprehensive, research-based model for PBL — a "gold standard" to help teachers, schools, and organizations to measure, calibrate, and improve their practice.
In Gold Standard PBL, projects are focused on student learning goals and include Essential Project Design Elements:
AFT Local 1521. AFT - American Federation of Teachers - A Union of Professionals. UC-AFT Perspective. National Union of Teachers - NUT. Higher Education Advocate. Home - California Teachers Association. New Faculty Majority - The National Coalition for Adjunct & Contingent Equity. NFM knows that you want to find solid solutions to crises ranging from fiscal drought to remediation.
You are looking for expertise that can help you devise sound higher education policies that benefit colleges, communities, and the country as a whole. NFM helps policymakers to understand how the exploitation of contingent faculty is an unacceptable, and, ultimately unsuccessful, strategy for decreasing college costs, preparing students to join the workforce, or ensuring the integrity of American higher education. By engaging with NFM, policymakers fulfill their responsibility to respect and represent ALL of the citizens who teach and study in American institutions of higher education.
The Sad Death Of An Adjunct Professor Sparks A Labor Debate. Adjunct professors at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh are trying to unionize. The death of a longtime, part-time employee has put the debate in a larger forum. Ronald Woan/Flickr The death of a long-time, part-time professor in Pittsburgh is gathering the attention of instructors nationwide. The trend of relying on part-time faculty has been in the works for decades, and Margaret Mary Vojtko's story is seen by some as a tragic byproduct.
Education. NewEd Resources.