Languages, Cultures and Societies, School of. Languages, Cultures and Societies, School of Key measures: Positive Outcomes: 93%, Graduate prospects: 70.7%, Graduate employment: 68.1% Graduate destinations: Work Full-time: 61%, Work Part-time: 10%, Work & Study: 5%, Further study: 20%, Unemployed: 5% Top industry sectors: Buying, Selling & Retail; Education; Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations; Event Management, Leisure, Hospitality & Tourism; Administration.
Downloads. What can I do with a modern languages degree? Languages degree career options. Using your language skills. Language skills: why employers want you | translating and interpreting | teaching | cultural consultancy | business services | travel and hospitality | legal and administrative | academic, information and public | specialist training Language skills are used for many different careers and job roles across the public and private sector.
Aside from the primary and direct use of a language in careers such as translating, interpreting and teaching, being able to speak different languages can also be an added bonus when combined with other skills and roles in different sectors such as business services, travel and hospitality, legal and administrative, academic, information and public. Global businesses with international operations and clients recruit employees with linguistic skills. The languages and level of proficiency required will depend on the role in question and the regions in which the business operates. What can I do with a French degree? Skills You might know your champignons from your champions, but here are some of the skills that your French degree might have helped you to develop: Attention to Detail You can spot a needle in a haystack.
Sometimes you can even spot a specific needle in a massive stack of needles. You’re just that sharp. Communication (Oral) All mouth, no trousers? Communication (Written) What can I do with an Italian degree? Sectors Having chosen to study Italian, you might believe that you’re destined to spend your life working as a tour guide for Italian tourists or translating Mario Balotelli’s tantrums for the British media.
An Italian degree, however, will actually provide you with a meraviglioso platform from which to enter a range of challenging sectors... Analytical Skills You’re better than Shearer and Hansen put together. You’re even better than Gary Neville. Attention to Detail. GOINGLOBAL. Goinglobal - International Careers. Best advice from a live Q&A on languages careers. Anne Marie Graham, CILT (National Centre for Languages) skills and qualifications adviser: Anne Marie said: What does my languages degree qualify me for?
Other than a career in translation, interpreting and teaching, the answer is take your pick. A recent CBI survey confirms European languages, in particular French and German, are highly sought after by employers, with Chinese, Spanish and Russian becoming increasingly popular. Some 74% of employers are looking for people with conversational competence because it helps their business to be able to communicate, even at a basic level, with customers and clients. Languages appeal to employers: The Confederation of British Industry's recent education and skills survey reported 36% of employers recruit employees specifically for their language skills.
It's never too late to learn. Student Work Experience Placements Abroad - IAESTE. In an increasingly competitive job market, much has been said about the need to gain relevant work experience before graduation.
IAESTE not only provides traineeship experience but also the valuable experience of working abroad. Work experience gained abroad enhances your independence and flexibility, communication and foreign language skills, and contributes to your personal and academic development. Employers know that if students have successfully overcome the challenges brought on by international work experience, they will stand out from the crowd at interview. IAESTE is open to degree level science, engineering, technology and applied arts students in the second year of study and above. The majority of traineeships take place in the summer months, although longer periods are also available. IAESTE can also provide you with the opportunity to gain valuable volunteering experience in one of our many local committees. Talk%20the%20Talk%20Download%20(1).pdf. Language Careers. Including "What can I do with a Degree in Modern Languages?
" This section has been written for all undergraduate and postgraduate students of modern languages at the University of Kent. It attempts to give a brief answer to the question: "What can I do with my degree? " and an overview of the many and varied ways in which you can use your language skills in a career. This information is also likely to be of interest to students of other subjects whose degree includes a language (such as European Studies or English and French Law) and to students who have a good knowledge of another language through their personal background even if they have never studied languages formally.
Although your main interest may be in how to make the best use of your degree subject, there are many issues which are common to all undergraduates and postgraduates planning their careers. Translating is often of technical or specialist material and is likely to require further study. Subtitling Translation services. Speaker bios July 2016. Miriam Brown July 2016 v2. Heather Bellamy July 2016. Penny Taylor July 2016. Sarah Luke July 2016. Hayley Wintermantle International Professional Development Coach and Trainer. Downloads. EU careers : The European Personnel Selection Office is the place to start! Chartered Institute of Linguists - Chartered Institute of Linguists.
Quality Language Services, Links. Top Language Jobs; Multilingual jobs & Bilingual Jobs in London & UK. Multilingual Recruitment Agency – Bilingual Jobs - Euro London. Europe Language Jobs - Multilingual job offers in Europe. Recruitment agency for French, Spanish & German jobs. Corinium Language - Language Services to Business - Gloucestershire - Home.
Language Matters - language jobs, language recruitment. Multilingual Recruitment Agency - Language Business -Bilingual Job. Language jobs, bilingual jobs, language recruitment, multilingual recruitment and multilingual jobs. British-council-2014-graduate-scheme-role-profile. Language Analysts. Join a significant team of language analysts.
The threats we face come in a variety of languages. So our language analysts use their expert skills every day. As a member of our team, you’ll use your deep knowledge of specific languages to piece together snippets of information collected from a variety of digital communication sources. In the process, you’ll give us invaluable insights into what’s happening, where and when, across the world. Typically, we recruit people who are fluent in, or native speakers or have degree-level knowledge of Arabic, Farsi, Hindi, Mandarin, Chinese, Mirpuri, Pashto, Punjabi, Russian, Urdu and West African languages.
Practice Materials For Passing Our Language Tests We have designed some tests to enable you to assess your suitability for a Language Analyst role at GCHQ. You can listen to the audio clips below and try to answer some questions on the information presented by the speaker. Russian Practice Materials Listen to the Russian audio clip 1. A. 2. A. 3. Intelligence Services languages Event1. What can I do with a linguistics degree? Linguistics graduates are well-equipped to undertake careers ranging from marketing and publishing to speech and language therapy Job options.
Home - ABL Recruitment. Downloads. What can I do with a classics degree? Studying for a classics degree demonstrates your intellectual flexibility and skills in analytical thinking Job options Jobs where your degree would be useful include: Remember that many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so don't restrict your thinking to the jobs listed here.
What can I do with a classical studies degree? Skills Your head might be crammed full of useful (and some not-so-useful) information, but your classical studies degree will also help you to develop a wealth of useful skills… Analytical Skills You’re better than Shearer and Hansen put together. Welcome to Classics Web.
The Classical Association.