Fun activities
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Google Slides Bitmoji Escape Room Tutorial. Nous Sommes Unfair Game up to UNIT 6 - Google Slides. DIY Halloween astuces par Ideas 4 Fun. Guided Meditation in the TL - Indwelling Language. Sometimes I use guided meditation to relax or to help me fall asleep.
Because I enjoy it and in order to get a bit more out of life, I usually listen in a language other than English. (My wife recently said to me that the fact that I use even sleep meditation to get more input in a target language is “the most you thing ever.”) Guided meditation has many features that make it especially suitable for language learners, both at home and in the classroom, beyond the simple fact of being extra input: 5 great things about guided meditation in the TL Most of the language tends to be concrete: body parts and basic movements and adverbs when the meditation focuses on relaxing specific parts of the body, tangible scenes for narrative types of meditation.
10 Holiday dance videos for any class - baile viernes navidad - Mis Clases Locas. Inside: Some fun baile viernes or brain break dances for your next couple of crazy weeks.
These dance videos would work with many classes and ages. Who else is feeling the pre break crazy?! Here are some fun baile viernes or brain break dances for your next couple of crazy days. These dance videos would work with many classes and ages, as most are in English. They are great for homeroom team building or indoor recess.
Brain break slides-share.pptx - Google Slides. Parlons d'amour.
Dado de Suerte: A Reading Game. Looking for another reading game?!
Looking for another way to trick them into getting loads of input?! Here’s a fun game that requires lots of reading and rereading…and a little bit lot of luck! (Which is the secret element to making any game fun!)
Foto frenzy- a Picture Talk game. This past week I was at the iFLT conference and I had the chance to learn from some of the Comprehensible Input Greats, including the Legendary Martina Bex, who taught a session on Comprehensible Content.
At one point during her lesson, she asked us to find a picture of an animal on our phones and did a quick, informal picture talk, using our cellphones. I thought, THIS IS FREAKING BRILLIANT….HOW CAN I MAKE THIS INTO A GAME! (And not just any game, of course, a game that also loads them up with reading and listening comprehensible input, because we know that input is the essential ingredient for language acquisition!)
Photo Frenzy by Senora Chase (French) - Google Slides. Wacky Chat: 75 totally random questions to ask your students. It’s January– you’re tired, they’re tired.
Routines have started feeling…routine…and the same old challenges that you’ve been dealing with since the fall are starting to feel really old. Now is a particularly great time of year to be predictable in expectations but unpredictable in planning. Instead of starting the next unit or chapter and working through the same predictable lesson plan patterns, put classroom life on hold for a day and do something crazy! You’ve heard of Weekend Chat and Special Person Interviews… now introducing… What is a Wacky Chat? From time to time, a set of questions will circulate amongst my Facebook friends: 10-30 fairly random questions that are fun to answer and create connections between friends.
Wacky Chat Questions. Slides vous permet de créer et de modifier des présentations en ligne gratuitement. Slides vous permet de créer et de modifier des présentations en ligne gratuitement. Write, Draw, Pass. This is one of my favorite party games, which Ashley VanHemert so brilliantly reminded me to use in the classroom!
She heard of the idea from Amy Wright at UAF. This is an excellent activity for Preferred Activity Time. STEP ONE: Give each student one side of this form (I put two forms/page to save paper). STEP TWO: You have several options. In Box #1, in the target language, … Have students write a creative, descriptive sentence (ex: a fat dog with big eyes runs to the store).Have students write a descriptive word image (ex: a pretty girl with long hair)Write (1) or (2) for students so that they don’t have to think of them. **Make sure students only include colors if you are planning to use crayons or colored pencils. Harry cocina arroz con pollo. STEP THREE: Each student passes the paper to his/her right. STEP FOUR: The next student draws the image or sentence from Box #1 in Box #2, as accurately as possible.
The Lucky Reading Game. I love this game because they read, and reread and reread… It’s like a triple whammy of comprehensible input!
This one is especially fun because of the element of luck…That’s the secret to a fun game. Add an element of luck and your game will instantly be 10,000 times more fun.
CI GAMES - JANUARY 2020 - Google Slides. Let’s play!
They say necessity is the mother of all invention, and it’s true for this game, at least!
A few weeks … More I get emails every now and again asking why I don’t write more about my upper level classes…One such email … More Have you ever had a class where your tricks just don’t work?
Let’s play!
Groupe public CI Liftoff. Le Carnaval dans le monde francophone - A Breakout EDU for Novice LM Learners. BreakoutEDU activity in French: Evasion avec Grand-mere. This Breakout activity is designed for French 1 students, early on in the year, that have never done a Breakout activity before!
Students will follow the story of Skyler as she goes to school, gets called out for an emergency involving her grandma, and eventually learns that she has the chance to go to Quebec. In order to complete this breakout, students will need to read clues in French that include very basic, high frequency vocabulary in French. Teachers will need five locks (4-digit lock, 3-digit lock, word lock, directional lock, key lock) and a lock box in order to use this puzzle successfully in class.
Alternatively, students could check the combinations with the teacher or the teacher could create a locked, digital breakout form. Having the physical locks is best because of the satisfaction and thrill of trying out a combination and watching the lock pop open!!
What is my C.I. Workload?
Recently somebody asked how do I reduce my marking load?
This is a crucial question. Anyone who is overloaded/tired makes poorer, short term choices (and is functionally less intelligent than) the non-overloaded.
Onboarding and Resetting.pdf. Graphic Organizers for Story Map.pdf. Daily Instructional Framework Graphic.pdf. Story Map and Story Mountain.pdf. Write Inside the Story and Parallel Texts.pdf. Four Simple Shared Reading Strategies.pdf. Q and A Game and Next Level Q and A Game Board.pdf. The Question and Answer Game.pdf. “meet” at a certain time, if using the clock, or in a certain place, if using a map. Students exchange names with others until they fill out all the boxes with their “appointments.” You give them a blank clock with boxes for names at various numbers. You could use all twelve numbers on the clock face, or just four, or any number that you want.
Cities, you give them a blank world map or a map of a country that speaks your L2, with boxes by certain countries or cities. Depending on your preference, Having more boxes, of course, means that students will work with more of their peers.
Blind drawing, a fun activity to assess students’ listening comprehension – TOWARD PROFICIENCY. In 2013, I wrote a post about drawing to keep students engaged in listening.
While I am further along in my journey with how I provide comprehensible input to my students, my students and I still enjoy a good “blind drawing” session once in a while and I have the perfect one to share with you! Quick overview of process: Teacher describes an image — teacher walks aroundStudents listen and draw the image (interpretive listening)Teacher projects the descriptionStudents read and update their image if needed (interpretive reading) — teacher walks aroundTeacher reveals the imageStudents go oooh and aaaah and I was right!
(quick brain break)Repeat with the next image. Copy of Halloween blind drawing - Google Slides. Brain break: levez-vous si - Google Slides. Brain break: levez-vous si - Google Slides. Guest post from Jen Ries - Mis Clases Locas. Inside: Guest blogger Jen Ries explains how she uses Café y Conversación to get her upper level students speaking in Spanish. Cafe y Conversación was born out of many things. I was wanting more authentic conversation to happen with my upper levels. I also was looking for a way to bring more culture into the classroom (always, right?) We all know that the Spanish culture revolves around, café y conversación! I knew students would love having somethings to drink, then we sit down, circle up, and talk in Spanish for 35-40 minutes.
Brain Break Choices - Google Slides. Classroom Management Part 7: Class Points – La Maestra Loca. One of the most popular blogs I’ve ever written is the FIRST classroom management blog on class points I posted in August of 2016.
Since that first month, several years ago, it has been viewed 7,565 times… I think it is very important, and LONG over due that I tell you how I drastically changed, reimagined and revamped this system (1.5 years ago), and for the better! When I say “drastically” changed, it really only involved erasing one word from my whiteboard, but it completely altered the system and my original intention which was “class vs. teacher” points. Now, points are still given, they are still arbitrary and frequent, the point giving is still filled with joyous praise when they’re thrown up on the board, but now, I don’t give myself points. Ever. I have noticed absolutely zero change in student investment in the system, and if anything, I may even say that they’re more invested than before. The teacher is already such a power holder in the classroom.
The Unfair Game. I can’t believe that I am posting yet another game…but I am!
This is the third game that I’ve posted within the last week, after The Event is Right game show and the Is it Possible? Game board. This time, the idea comes from Julia Ullman, who has been translating my Spanish 1 units into French. She has been playing this game for years after learning it from someone else, but she isn’t sure where the idea came from. The Unfair Game is designed to be played with two teams.
LA CLASE DEL SR. OJEDA – Profesor de ELE en El Norte. Prom Bell Ringer - TCI By The Lake. Online scavenger hunt.doc. Teach language with Yoga Stories! - The Comprehensible Classroom. One of our family’s favorite ways to get the squiggly wiggly’s out is with Cosmic Kids Yoga. In each episode, Jamie tells a story and acts it out with yoga poses and other forms of movement (ex: jumping jacks, running in place, etc.). Our kids love the stories, love Jamie’s accent, and love yoga.
10 Engaging Vocabulary Activities. Spring Break Chit Chat. Today was the first day back from Spring Break (which was awesome, thanks for asking!)
And so of course we chatted about their vacations in slow, comprehensible Spanish.
Home. Spanish Class Activities: "El Círculo Loco"
Games.pdf. GeoGuessr - Let's Explore the World! - Srta Spanish. Okay, admit it. Have you clicked down to street view in Google Maps, and then accidentally found yourself 20 minutes later strolling down the street where you once walked in a city you stopped in, trying to remember the name of that ice cream store? Or, strolling the paths you once walked on your semester abroad (ME)?
Circumlocution Game: Scaffolding "Head's Up" with Quizlet - Srta Spanish. 5 Review Games for Spanish Class - Srta Spanish. Reloj A Fun Card Game from Spain for Spanish Classes of all Levels. AS THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR APPROACHES, and my elementary Spanish students are getting a bit squirrelly, I like to incorporate authentic games in class, whether that be going outside or playing games in the classroom.
Input-Based Strategies & Activities. Input-Based Strategies & Activities. Mafia scripts for beginning classes - The Comprehensible Classroom. Diego Rivera for Kids: Make your Own Collaborative Mural!
Move: A Brain Break or CI Prep - TCI Class Diaries. 7 April Fools' Pranks for Teachers That Will Melt the Minds of Students. After enriching minds and making a difference in the lives of young people, my next favorite thing about being a teacher is tricking children. Sometimes I use trickery for good, like tricking students into thinking grammar is fun, or that reading is, in fact, not a waste of time.
"Strip" Bingo - The Comprehensible Classroom. Get your students’ attention with the name of this quick version of BINGO!
8 Easy Spanish Class Ideas for When You Are Out of Sick Days. 15 Spanish Games for Class You Need To Know About in 2019. Découvrez Google Drive : tous vos fichiers au même endroit.
Snowmen!! - CI Can Teach. Gallery Walk - The Comprehensible Classroom. Art Memory Questions. “Who is it?” Guess Who Activity for Level 1 Foreign Language Students. Art Mini-Unit - Part 1. Craft: mi casa. Craft: mi casa. Los memes de Señor Wooly. MAKE A COPY 1st! - Meme de Señor Wooly - Google Drawings. Memes for translators and interpreters. Scrambled Eggs. Spanish Valentine's Day #HyperDoc Game Board Span1. Valentine STEM ~ Cupid's Arrow Math Game.
Input-Based Strategies & Activities. Getting Texts: Companion Post to Input-Based Strategies & Activities. Conjugart: French Present Tense. Valentine's Day in Spanish class - Mis Clases Locas.
Cyber Profe - Leer Lunes S1. Scavenger Hunts for the Masses. What do you meme? for Spanish Class - Google Slides. 5 Review Games for Spanish Class - Srta Spanish. Meme Game for Spanish Class - Srta Spanish. C'est qui, Martin Luther King ?
Seriously Super Stations! – La Maestra Loca. The Deskless Classroom: Search results for paper airplane. Mademoiselle Fallowfield on Instagram: “Fun review game coming at you! ➡️➡️➡️...
GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world!
Beyond transcription: unlocking the full power of dictation – My favourite di...
Le jeu en classe de langue » Ressources pour la classe de FLE.
Activité brise-glace A2 pour la rentrée. 5 Ways to use Dance in any classroom. Inside Outside Circles activity for language classes - The Comprehensible Cla...
How to Make a Pin and Thread Eiffel Tower. Top 50 des ressources pédagogiques 2018 -Eduvoices – Eduvoices. Todo-en-español. WHAT'S THE PASSWORD? - Bryce Hedstrom - TPRS Materials & Training. Yo con todas. 20+ stations for proficiency oriented language classes - The Comprehensible Classroom.