Breakthrough Junior Challenge. Student-led projects: What teachers need to know – Help Center. Teacher Development Grants « McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation. The McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation believes that continuous, insightful and innovative professional training and growth is crucial to the effectiveness of educators.
It is the Foundation’s goal to promote best practices through cooperative and sustained commitment to increased efficacy, improved teaching and active learning. As such, the Foundation values proposals aimed at concurrently boosting student understanding and proficiency and instilling a passion for lifelong learning. The Teacher Development Grants support small teams of teachers in the formation and implementation of groundbreaking k-12 classroom instruction. Dorothy Stout Grants.
Dorothy "Dottie" LaLonde Stout was raised in Ohio and earned both her baccalaureate and masters degrees at Bowling Green State University.
"The Flatlands of Ohio provided a great place to grow up because it created an incredible desire to 'see the world'. I graduated with degrees in geology and history. Coming west, where there were mountains, was an epiphany! Geology began to make a lot more sense since the examination of flat terrain took a lot of imagination. My subject area was paleontology. Dottie moved west and after starting a family continued her education at the Claremont Graduate School where she earned her doctoral degree. Dottie skillfully balanced her role as mother and educator as she began her career as a geoscience educator. For more than a quarter of a century Dottie shared her passion for the geosciences with her students at Cypress College. The Safeway Foundation. What We Fund. About This Site - GetEdFunding. As the sponsor of the GetEdFunding website, CDW-G’s mission is to help educators and institutions to uncover the funds they need to supplement shoestring budgets, expand innovative programs, prepare students for the increasingly complex skills they’ll need to participate in tomorrow’s workforce and help close the equity gap in educating students from all backgrounds and circumstances.
GetEdFunding is a curated collection of more than 3,400 grants and awards that will grow by the day, all selected through the prism of relevance to today’s educational institutions. Although thousands of generous corporate contributors, foundations and other organizations recognize the need to support education, not all of them are included in this resource. In an effort to save educators time and frustration, a minimum requirement of inclusion in the collection is the willingness to accept Letters of Inquiry and unsolicited applications.
GetEdFunding is current. Preview Samples. Easily Collect Funds for School Supplies. WaysToHelp.org. Grants. Submit a lesson plan to win over 50 different grants from Digital Wish!
Step 1 - Register Your Classroom at Digital Wish Locate your school on the map and register your classroom. Registration. The Global Teacher Prize » The Global Teacher Prize. Class Wallet. Melinda Gray Ardia Environmental Foundation. The Foundation seeks to contribute to the development, implementation and/or field testing of environmental curricula that meet the mission, goals and requirements below.
Grant Mission: The mission of our grant program is to support educators in developing and implementing holistic environmental curricula that: Thank a Million Teachers. Farmers wants to thank teachers all across the country.
We also want our gratitude to go beyond sentiment and have a genuinely positive impact on the lives of teachers and their students. Every educator that has been thanked on ThankAMillionTeachers.com is eligible to apply for a $2,500 grant. The winners must use the money to purchase school supplies through AdoptAClassroom.org or have the funds applied toward a professional certification through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). In order be considered for the grant a teacher must Have received a thank you post on ThankAMillionTeachers.comBe a current K through 12 teacher in the United StatesSubmit a qualified proposal on www.thankamillionteachers.comFamily members of Farmers Employees, Agents and other affiliated entities are ineligible for grants.
How will proposals be selected? Proposals will be accepted from January 2014 through the end of October 2014. What makes a good proposal? IEEE-USA: Building Careers & Shaping Public Policy. K-12 STEM Activity Fund Promoting Novel Ideas to Introduce Engineering to Precollege Students: How Teachers Can Get IEEE-USA's K-12 STEM Activity Fund IEEE-USA’s K-12 Literacy Committee’s K-12 STEM Activity Fund helps teachers to sponsor innovation and creativity in or outside of the classroom.
These funds provide small amounts of money for novel ideas that introduce engineering to students. :: Here are your science education resources and announcements for January 2014 provided by the Science Matters Network.
Please forward them on to other science educators in your school and/or school district. Table of Contents U.S. Senate Approves National Science Week Congratulations to the 2013–2014 NSTA New Science Teacher Academy Fellows New Study Finds Benefits for Children in 4-H Program Teacher Education, Professional Development, and Grant and Award Opportunities National Weather Association’s Sol Hirsch Educational Grants Living in a Material World Grants Lowe’s Toolbox for Education Grant Program Teacher Resources Connected Classrooms Energy Foundations for High School Chemistry Sparticl.org Student Competitions National KidWind Challenge NASA Exploration Design Challenge What is Science Matters? We Want to Hear from You U.S. Earlier this month, the USA Science & Engineering Festival announced that the U.S.
GRANT WRITING -science leadership 2014.
Environmental science. Agriculture/gardening. General science.