Is phrenology the weirdest pseudoscience of them all? - BBC Reel. Market Leader Intermediate Student's Book Sample Unit. Persuasive Techniques in Advertising. The cheap pen that changed writing forever - BBC Future. What Is Globalization?
Written by Melina Kolb Edited by Madona Devasahayam, Helen Hillebrand, and Steven R.
Weisman Graphics by William Melancon Videos by Daniel Housch Chart data collected by Christopher G. Collins and Soyoung Han Additional research by Anjali Bhatt, Cathleen Cimino-Isaacs, and Zhiyao (Lucy) Lu Special thanks to C. Fred Bergsten, Chad P. Bown, Cullen S. This feature was first published on October 29, 2018 and last updated on February 4, 2019. © 2019 Peterson Institute for International Economics. The Peterson Institute for International Economics is an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to strengthening prosperity and human welfare in the global economy through expert analysis and practical policy solutions. For more updates from the Peterson Institute, subscribe to the newsletter. Autor, David H., David Dorn, and Gordon H.
How Newspapers Reacted To Donald Trump Testing Positive For The Coronavirus. Donald Trump's shocking announcement to the world that he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the coronavirus came at 12:54 a.m.
EST. Newspaper editors scrambled to react to the news. According to the Washington Post, Greg Mees, the design director at the Minneapolis Star Tribune, was already in bed when the news broke and "called the paper's printing facility, which was already running off thousands of copies of the next day's edition.
" Here's a collection of newspapers that featured the news on the front page: The Los Angeles Times. AP X LINE: Stop "Fake News" Campaign. Fake It To Make It. I'm so glad you asked!
There are a number of good articles on how to identify fake news, including this one from FactCheck.org: How to Spot Fake News. In addition, please: Do your research before sharing! If you see something questionable, look it up! Sometimes, just a quick Google search is enough. Consider your sources. Ask yourself if someone is benefiting by manipulating your emotions.
Teeth - short film. The Padagogy Wheel - It’s Not About The Apps, It’s About The Pedagogy -
The Padagogy Wheel – It’s Not About The Apps, It’s About The Pedagogy contributed by Allan Carrington, TeachThought PD Workshop Facilitator Visit TeachThought Professional Development if you’re interested in our workshop options on the Padagogy Wheel. The Padagogy Wheel is designed to help educators think – systematically, coherently, and with a view to long term, big-picture outcomes – about how they use mobile apps in their teaching.
Is it better to be the eldest child? - BBC Reel. SHOPPING DURING CHRISTMAS (foreign language - 1º - Educación secundaria - plot at christmas)
How to Have a British Christmas - Anglophenia Ep 20.
Scottish Poetry Library. When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells And run my stick along the public railings And make up for the sobriety of my youth. I shall go out in my slippers in the rain And pick flowers in other people’s gardens And learn to spit. You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat And eat three pounds of sausages at a go Or only bread and pickle for a week And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.
Countries by Stereotype Quiz - By cysion. !
Thanksgiving. Keamk - Create random and balanced teams. 7 Table Manners Do's & Don'ts. YouTube. YouTube. YouTube. Heineken - The Candidate. How ethical is gene editing?
The History of English in 10 Minutes - Sub ENG.
The phrases you’ve been getting wrong all your life - BBC Reel. Exploring the effect that words and language have on our lives.
The art of mangling your wordsHave you found out you've been getting a phrase wrong all your life?
Now Playing Why are Russians using this symbol?
The phrase means "it's all of us" and is being used to rally support against the Russian government.Watch now LanguageA comedian's guide to Spanish accentsWith more than 41 million speakers, the Spanish spoken in the US varies from coast to coast.Watch now CultureLatino or Hispanic?
US States Map Quiz. From anemoia to zagreb: how 'fictionaries' are liberating the word. Sondern. the realisation that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.
It is unlikely that you will find this definition in any traditional dictionary. “Sonder” certainly exists in the Oxford English Dictionary, but there it appears in reference to the slightly less existentially provocative adjective and noun “of or relating to a class of small racing yachts”. It is the other sonder that bobs up in internet listicles such as 25 Words Every Traveller Should Have in Their Vocabulary and 32 of the Most Beautiful Words in the English Language. The word is a popular choice for text-based tattoos.
Former FBI Body Language Expert Explains The Body Language Cues That Actually Mean Something. Capital - The beautiful ways different cultures sign emails. As an American living in the UK, I’m used to inadvertently offending Brits with my use of English.
But while faux pas like referring to pants rather than trousers were quickly corrected, it took much longer to realise the subtler shadings of certain words. One of these is “Regards”, a word I never use in normal speech that has become a fixture in work-related emails. For years I was happily “regards”-ing at the end of my emails, until it came up in conversation that “Regards” sounds cold in the UK.
An easy trick to make the most of your time asleep - BBC Reel. Capital - The smart guide to procrastination. Mozart was out drinking one day when his friends became uneasy.
It was 3 November, 1787 in Prague and the next day was the premiere of his latest opera, ‘Don Giovanni’. It was set to become one of the most acclaimed musical works in history, a true masterpiece that’s still doing the rounds in opera houses across the globe centuries later. There was just one problem: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart hadn’t written the introduction yet.
NewseumED. Are your students savvy searchers? Can they spot the difference between a straight news article and an opinion piece? Do they recognize bias in their sources … or in themselves? You are in one of Fact Finder: Your Foolproof Guide to Media Literacy’s 11 flexible, multimedia lesson plans to tackle these challenges.
Eight skill-building lesson plans introduce essential media literacy concepts through engaging explainer videos and colorful infographics that help students revisit, retain and apply the key concepts. The accompanying News or Noise? Adapting Fact Finder for Your Classroom. Factitious. 2010 Kayek Amazon River Record. Why 'ji32k7au4a83' Is a Remarkably Common Password. Video: Snowman's close encounter with tiger caught on camera. Grouping Techniques for 2019 – Learn to Change. 50 Hilarious Space Memes That You Don’t Have To Be An Astronomer To Laugh At.
Interesting facts about Hungarian culture. The truth about only children - BBC Reel. The crunch of an apple makes me want to run away. Margot Noel has a condition called misophonia, which literally means "hatred of sound".
It can be so disturbing that she has to wear headphones or ear plugs to protect herself. Someone takes a bite out of an apple. There's a drawn-out crunch as the teeth break through the tough skin of the fruit.
Five crazy inventions you never knew you needed - BBC Reel. Capital - Your hand gestures can help make you more charismatic. Next time you watch a TED talk or a political speech, take a moment to look closely at the speaker’s hand movements.
Is the motion slow or energetic? Is it subtle or expansive? And how are the hands mostly moving – vertically or horizontally? It is well known that non-verbal cues can have more of an influence on the way that a message is received than the actual words spoken. As BBC Capital recently explored, a deeper voice increases perceptions of authority, for instance – and this even appears to influence a CEO’s earnings and how long they stay with a company.
Fish and chips – a bitesize history - BBC Ideas. How likely are you to survive a plane crash?
Image copyright EPA/Handout News that all 103 passengers survived a plane crash in Mexico's Durango state on Tuesday may seem incredible, especially given the dramatic pictures of the smoking wreckage.
Almost all those on board were injured in the accident, but most reportedly walked away from the wreckage with only light injuries. How unusual is this? Well, surprisingly, it may not be as rare as you'd think. What are our odds of surviving an accident?
Future - What's your secret nationality?
BBC Terrific Scientific - Quirky things you may not know about famous scientists. How well do you know famous books' opening lines?
Is the European Union Worth It Or Should We End It?
Steve Reich - Different Trains (Europe - During the war)
‘I was a teacher for 17 years, but I couldn’t read or write’
Image copyright Alamy John Corcoran grew up in New Mexico in the US during the 1940s and 50s. One of six siblings, he graduated from high school, went on to university, and became a teacher in the 1960s - a job he held for 17 years. But, as he explains here, he hid an extraordinary secret.
When I was a child I was told by my parents that I was a winner, and for the first six years of my life I believed what my parents had told me. I was late in talking, but I went off to school with high hopes of learning to read like my sisters, and for the first year things were fine because there weren't many demands on us other than standing in the right line, sitting down, keeping our mouths shut and going to the bathroom on time. And then in the second grade we were supposed to learn to read.
Séta a fák felett - lombkorona tanösvény a Tátrában - Szallas.hu Blog. Capital - What the distant past told us about work in the future. When Twenty-Six Thousand Stinkbugs Invade Your Home. One October night a few years back, Pam Stone was downstairs watching television with her partner, Paul Zimmerman, when it struck her that their house was unusually cold. Stone and Zimmerman live just outside Landrum, South Carolina, in an A-frame cabin; upstairs in their bedroom, French doors lead out to a raised deck.
That week, autumn had finally descended on the Carolinas, killing off the mosquitoes and sending nighttime temperatures plummeting, and the previous evening the couple had opened those doors a crack to take advantage of the cool air. Now, sitting in front of the TV, Stone suddenly realized that she’d left them open and went up to close them.
Unconventional 1960s Baby Care. Culture - Jugaad: An untranslatable word for winging it.
Culture - Are these the most iconic fashion items ever?
“Fashion is the essence of everything that’s going on at any time,” says Paola Antonelli, a senior curator at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, MoMA.
Your underwhelming summer holiday photos. Tales from the bar - a tour of London's 'great pubs'
Capital - We need proverbs because they reflect who we are. Proverbs.
Leonard Cohen recites “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae. ClassTools.net Interactive Learning Tool. Valerie LaRiviere: Back-to-school traditions are conducted around the world. Culture - What’s inside the Queen’s handbag?
Brits vs Americans: US Elections jargon quiz - BBC News. Electing a US President in Plain English.
The 50 Most Influential Gadgets of All Time.
Jackson lottery. How William Shakespeare changed the way you talk – in pictures. NEF upper-int unit 3. Leap Year 2016: It's nearly February 29th - but why is there an extra day every four years?
What is the EU and how does it work?
Four Rooms. Christmas and the New Year. NEF Intermediate. Paul Ibbotson and Michael Tomasello. NEF Advanced. Countries by Stereotype - By cysion. This Is Why You Overshop in Ikea. NEF upper-int unit 4. Pros and Cons of Globalization. Pros and Cons of Globalization. Nef Upper-int unit 1. Conversation class lesson plans and ideas for TEFL teachers. The Catcher in the Rye. Culture - The dark side of nursery rhymes. COUNTABLE-UNCOUNTABLE. English grammar exercise. Free lesson to help you check your English language knowledge. Online. The subtle science of selling – a six-step guide.
Sweden's Easter Witches - Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About Easter.